#23548979Saturday, April 03, 2010 3:11 PM GMT

*falls unconscious*
#23550391Saturday, April 03, 2010 3:20 PM GMT

Rima waits for that guy to come back with Ian.
#23616744Sunday, April 04, 2010 1:27 PM GMT

(guys i think i might leave forums idk if i do this is what arthur does he goes back to camelot and becomes king of camelot and england
#23696770Monday, April 05, 2010 12:52 PM GMT

John I pushed him over then prepared to finish him off. I flexed my hand and the blade shot out. I walked over to him, I heard a foot step behind me. I spun round and got a hard punch in the face. I was out cold.....Again.
#23697233Monday, April 05, 2010 1:03 PM GMT

It seemed like hours waiting for Ian and the other one. "Gah whats the point of waiting." RIma looked over her schoulder and saw nothing, she ran in the directon where John and Colin were.
#23698142Monday, April 05, 2010 1:21 PM GMT

John I woke up with a blade to my throat. I looked next to me and saw beat-up Colin. The Ravens voice boomed out again "I thought you could defeat yourselves......Seems not!" He then laughed. "How can you lead an assasins creed when you laugh all the time?" Colin asked. The Raven simply replied "Because I can!" then he laughed again "But now before you can ask any more questions, your demise!" He laughed again then our clones strapped us down to two tables. Then two of those joke shop knashing teeth things were put on rods and a time system at its base. But as I looked cloely the teeth had been replaced by knife blades. They started chattering then The Raven said "Every minute they get 2 centimetres closer" He laughed then said "Cheery Bye!" and he was gone. And our clones left. "Looks like this is it..." I say to Colin, he nods grimly and looks up to our doom slowly getting closer.
#23847713Wednesday, April 07, 2010 2:34 PM GMT

*yells out and limps over to the ravens and slaughters them mercilessly*
#23859797Wednesday, April 07, 2010 7:21 PM GMT

(back. I'll pretend Ian killed the assassin and had ran down the tunnel) I was past the point where I had met Rima, and was nearly all the way down it. I thought I could see her. "Hey! Wait up!" I yelled. Sky DJ: *plays the best suspenseful music he can play*
#23960004Friday, April 09, 2010 11:18 AM GMT

John As I watched the teeth chattering I noticed that sometimes a single spark would fly out. If there was some way I could make it land on the rope it would burn through the rope and set me free. But the cave somehow stopped all magic appart from the Ravens magic. Then I remembered that Rima had my sword....
#23992743Friday, April 09, 2010 11:35 PM GMT

"Ian, other dude? Where are you?" Rima slowly walked down the cave gripping onto John's sword.
#24005888Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:31 AM GMT

(i was inac-tive so i make new char.) Nam-e: Ma-ximus Jo-nes Ag-e: 34 Ap-perance: lin-k but h-uman with as-sasins cre-ed clothes on Ro-yal or T-owns pers-on:(if yo-u cho-ose r-oyal s-ay Royal/th-en the th-ing you ar-e) as-sasin- Occupation: assas-in "I'm m-ercy for the g-old.." I whisper in the citi-zen's ear as I slowly s-lit his thr-oat.."More fun."- Hours later "I go-t a new t-arget for you..nam-e's Jo-hn.." My b-oss said, ha-nding me a pict-ure of a res-pectable looki-ng m-an.."I'll get him.." I say, smirking and leaving the hideout..
#24020648Saturday, April 10, 2010 11:21 AM GMT

(If people start posting again thia'll becool)
#24024022Saturday, April 10, 2010 1:17 PM GMT

"DO you know him?! Where does he live? Who are his relatives?!" I asked the dying man.. "Listen, all I know is, he's got a crush on the King's daughtter, and they may be married soon." "Thanks, bud.." I say, letting go of him. He walk five feet toward the door, and falls dead. I laugh as I walk out of the room and sheath my dagger..
#24033347Saturday, April 10, 2010 4:16 PM GMT

*follows rimas voice* ian:rima?where are u?
#24050036Saturday, April 10, 2010 8:43 PM GMT

John I concentrated hard, and pictured Rima holding my sword. Suddenly grey gas came pouring out of my sword. It started to form a man which features formed to make John. I stood there looking at Rima "Rima!"
#24051494Saturday, April 10, 2010 9:05 PM GMT

(I'm gunna play a peasant so I can interact with Maximus) Calvin I walked into the Cat & Mouse pub. I sat in the corner with my mates. I drunk my last mug of ale. "Ay Calvin got any more money?" Jack, one of my friends who had bad luck with money. "Sorry Jack my boss hasnt been paying me much" I saw Jack sigh. Then gulped down one of my other friends ale while he wasnt looking.
#24061174Saturday, April 10, 2010 11:46 PM GMT

I busted down the door of the pub, and look around. There was my man. I pointed a finger slowly to Calvin.."Come with me, peasant!" I say to him, also pushing aside my robes to reveal a dagger..
#24064176Sunday, April 11, 2010 12:33 AM GMT

"J-John? Where are you?" Rima said out loud as she walked a bit forward checking the corner.
#24085361Sunday, April 11, 2010 8:05 AM GMT

John My ghost self walks out of the shadows infront of Rima. "Rima I'm here" I say looking at her. Calvin I see the man pointing a dagger at me "Ok, I dont want any trouble. I'll come" I got up and followe the man out of the pub.
#24088725Sunday, April 11, 2010 11:49 AM GMT

"John, I'm sorry for leaving you." Tears came down ehr face. "And now your dead and I don't know how I'll move on!"
#24090353Sunday, April 11, 2010 12:39 PM GMT

As we walked down the street, I began, "ALright, first off, you run, I kill you, you retaliate, you don't give me answers, I kill you, got it? Good. Now, I'm looking for this guy," I said, holding out a picture of John.."You know him?"
#24110722Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:36 PM GMT

Calvin "Yeah I know him" I walk on a bit "We lived in the same village as boys, it was called Iridian" I say "We were mates, but since his father died he moved here, to Melvina, trying to get away from the Ravens Creed" I say then walk down a path and gesture for the guy to come. John "Rima, dont cry. I'm not dead" I say walking towards her then hugging her. "Remember in Falador when I appeared as an image and could change form? Well this is just like it" I say smiling. "Anyway you've got to save me and Colin. Follow me" I say morphing into an assasin "I'll pretend your a prisoner" I say walking along side her.
#24136007Monday, April 12, 2010 12:54 AM GMT

arthur: its been like a year since ive been to camelot *takes of shirt* still got the six pack *goes to sleep
#24136177Monday, April 12, 2010 12:56 AM GMT

I follow him.."You got any idea where he is now?" I ask, pulling my hood over my head to hide my face, for some guards walked past us..
#24148700Monday, April 12, 2010 8:26 AM GMT

Calvin "No, but when he comes back I'll get him for you if you want." I say then take some bread of a table and eat it. "What do you want with him?"