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#156043578Sunday, February 15, 2015 7:46 PM GMT

"The world looks as good as usual. Profitable war in Arabia, Russian threads to Ukraine, N. Korea tensions heating up, and you figure something could go horribly wrong in Cuba. Today is a good world to be in as an underground merc, being hired to do whatever job whatever country wants. You love the work, as everyone does, but you love the money more. The more missions... the better you can kill, the more contracts you can fulfill... possibly even start a mercenary company yourself and grow richer. It doesn't matter if you have enough money to be set for life, you want more. You want to blow it on whatever appeases your fantasy. It could be said that it's your fatal flaw. Or... maybe you're not in it for the money? A bit if a rash judgement. You simply like the job and the chaos. Then you can create all the chaos you want. Start to bring the world down around your feet. Maybe you want to rule the world. I'll be right by your side. I know you're out of work, but I've got a few contracts lined up." The man says, finishing it up finally. "But first, companies. There's plenty of them out there and I've picked four that look to be the best fit for you." Archaic Corporations Archaic Corporations was founded in 1934, right during the Great Depression. They worked well with Adolf, removing threats left and right. They worked with the Allies too, removing Adolf. Patton fell. They played both sides without the other knowing. It worked well for them and that's why they're still in the speed dial of most of the nations. +Archaic Corporations is one of the bigger companies, and many nations choose this company for jobs. +1 Contract for you to choose from each contract round. +Archaic Corporations has a very wide reach and will be able to provide you with the most resources and equipment in every job. -Archaic Corporations will never try and save you to keep the other side feeling like that they're on their side. You get caught, you get screwed. Hawk's Guilde Formed in 1974, they were important figures in working with most Communist regimes and the United States. They were on the cutting edge of tech and were the best equipped agency around. They had ended up being one of the few groups that had a serious recruitment failure and would break any agents they had ASAP if possible. +Hawk's Guilde is on the cutting edge of tech. You will get the best gear before anyone else does. +Hawk's Guilde will be very likely to break you out if you get captured. -Hawk's Guilde will not support you in any of your missions due to their lack of field agents. Chimark Formed with the rise of Communist China, they worked exclusively with communist countries, toppling and overthrowing everyone else. They had suffered a serious loss of business when they stopped being needed and began playing the underdog most of the time, and it worked well for them. ISIS is the latest example of this. They broke free of China after Vietnam fell with their lack of business. +Chimark is extremely well funded and will suppy new equipment and better equipment from resources and equipment when they give you them. +Chimark has an intense training regime and will give you the best rolls possible in the early game, most of the time. -Chimark Agents will only receive underdog missions. Rangers The Rangers were a rather pathetic group at the start, belonging only to keep order in their towns. They suffered serious losses and a lot of face in the beginning, but grew with what they had. Rangers are remarkable Agents, knowing the territory well and having brilliant skills. Their only problem is the lack of recognition, which should change soon... if you put your mind too it. +Rangers know the territory well and will receive bonuses to their shooting skills. +Rangers are very good at pickpocketing, lockpicking, and hacking. -Rangers will receive -1 contract every contract round due to their lack of recognition. Will go away when they are more known. -Rangers will only receive contracts from the 'good' nations, i.e. Europe, Americas, Australia. "Have you decided? Excellent. Just write your name down and application and I'm sure they'd love to take you." Name - Physical Description- Chosen Group - Primary Skills (two, one should be some sort of killing skill (ie guns, knives, explosives, etc), and one should be some sort of peaceful skill (ie lockpicking, pickpocketing, speech, etc). your final skill will come from chosen group, or final two skills if you pick Chimark.)- Would you like to work with someone else- Y/N If you chose to work with someone else, would you like to be paired up with a specific person or anyone? Anyone/(insert username)
#156056923Sunday, February 15, 2015 10:29 PM GMT

#156060175Sunday, February 15, 2015 11:12 PM GMT

Name - James Moore Physical Description - James is from Hispanic heritage, and his skin is rather tan from his early years of the outside. He's tall, standing at about 6'7, and with very short brown hair, however a bit above the average length for those in present day American military. His eyes are brown and his hair is a dark brown, on the border of turning black. While the rest of his body is unfavorable to a spouse, his face is considered by man to be full of charm, and quite charismatic. Chosen Group - Hawk's Guide Primary Skills - His combat skill revolves around long range weaponry such as guns, though he's also efficient with weapons like arrows. His out of combat skill is the ability to charm others, with looks and an ability to mask his personality. Would you like to work with someone else- No.
#156060710Sunday, February 15, 2015 11:20 PM GMT

#156105973Monday, February 16, 2015 3:48 PM GMT

I'll have your thread up today, birm. I almost had it done yesterday but then my computer crashed.
#156106179Monday, February 16, 2015 3:51 PM GMT

#156106183Monday, February 16, 2015 3:51 PM GMT

Name - Nathan Paly Chosen Group - Hawk's Guilde Primary Skills (two, one should be some sort of killing skill (ie guns, knives, explosives, etc), and one should be some sort of peaceful skill (ie lockpicking, pickpocketing, speech, etc). your final skill will come from chosen group, or final two skills if you pick Chimark.)- Marksmanship, and Hacking. Would you like to work with someone else- Y If you chose to work with someone else, would you like to be paired up with a specific person or anyone? Anyone/It depends who joins, really. (I'm going to finish physical later, I don't have time now.)

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