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#156101403Monday, February 16, 2015 2:22 PM GMT

The salty sea air slammed against your face, the boat rocking back and forth, making you slightly sea sick. Nothing, however, could spoil your god mood, for you and your small band of guard have at last spotted land, and are preparing to dock at a makeshift wooden platform made for docking ships. Of course, your transport could hardly be considered a ship, more a fishing boat, but what could a poor soul such as yourself do, when tasked with living in poverty or rolling the dice and trying at fortune and riches? Looking at the line that you could recognize at land, you began to remember everything from your early life up to your present.... Your name is ___, and you were born in the far away land of Ungar, your father working as a ___ and your mother a ___. Fill in the blanks.
#156101617Monday, February 16, 2015 2:27 PM GMT

Macie Greendale Farmer Farmer's wife.
#156101885Monday, February 16, 2015 2:33 PM GMT

Your father and mother found their love in the farm, spending the days tilling the farm land and trying to collect enough food to sell and last 'till the next season. Ever since you could first walk and talk, your parents had taught you the basics of farming and how to survive out there, but no matter how hard they tried they simply could not afford you a proper education. Then, around the age of twelve, life changed, as it nearly always does, and you took an apprenticeship as...
#156103388Monday, February 16, 2015 3:05 PM GMT

a doctor's apprentice. Macie was very ambitious, but also kind-hearted. She wanted to do something that would benefit herself more than farming, but something that would also benefit others.
#156103656Monday, February 16, 2015 3:10 PM GMT

You took an apprenticeship as a doctor, and after years and years of training you finally reached adulthood. You had become skilled enough in healing and treating wounds to make the less wise think you were a sorcerer. Then, as an adult, you worked as...
#156103837Monday, February 16, 2015 3:13 PM GMT

A doctor. She wasn't going to even think of doing anything else, considering the years she had spent training in the art of medicine.
#156103953Monday, February 16, 2015 3:14 PM GMT

The reason you had traveled to Ungar was a fog cloud of mystery, known only to you, me, and others you wished to disperse the information to. You traveled because...
#156104101Monday, February 16, 2015 3:17 PM GMT

why not? Her life as a doctor had been fun, but had never really gotten her out anywhere to see new places. She figured that this journey would satisfy her sense of adventure, and perhaps she could help other travelers with the minor wounds that would inevitably come every now and then.
#156104275Monday, February 16, 2015 3:20 PM GMT

You simply came to Ungar to help others and satisfy your sense of adventure. Your race... Human Jack of all trades, other than bartering with anyone in the other races, do to hate among other races. Easiest race. Elf Efficient in spells and ranged combat, debuff to melee. Dwarves Skilled in melee combat, however this is punished by low skills in magic/ranged. Goblins Skilled with engineering magic, and the only ones able to construct airships. Also good at bartering, however lack of combat skills. Easily the most difficult race to play as.
#156104562Monday, February 16, 2015 3:24 PM GMT

human, though she doesn't exactly despise other races.
#156105025Monday, February 16, 2015 3:33 PM GMT

Your destiny is sealed. Skills are a bit complicated. You start out with five base points, ten skill points, and ten combat points. Base points decide things like intelligence, charisma, strength, agility, etc, while skill points are much more specific, like prisoner management and power throw. How many points you can put into them are decided by your base skills. Meanwhile, combat skills are skills such as polearms, single hand weapons, etc. So far, according to your backstory, your stats are as such... BASE SKILLS Strength: 6 Intelligence: 11 Charisma: 9 Agility:7 NORMAL SKILLS Power Strike:0 Power Throw:0 Power Draw:0 Horseback Riding:0 Horse Riding:0 Path Finding:0 Spotting:0 Prisoner Management:0 Wound Treatment:2 Speed:0 Bartering:0 Magic:0 Negotiations:0 Leadership:0 COMBAT SKILLS Single Hand Weapons:51 Both Hand Weapons:23 Pole Arms:22 Archery:31 Crossbows:32 Wand Work: NO MAGIC Staff Work: NO MAGIC

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