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#156163749Tuesday, February 17, 2015 3:09 AM GMT

My idea is, that you can invest in a game. Just like stocks. You either buy a share in a game. Or lets just say for example. There is someones game, not your's. You can pay them whatever amount of money you want. Well lets just say you invested/paid them 5000 robux. So that they could advertise or whatever. And once that game has reached +5000 robux in sales revenue. The player that invested gets his money back + 5 percent of what he invested so. 5000 + 5% of that = 250 robux. So he then made 250 positive ROBUX. The idea is, if you see potential in a game, you can take a risk just like in the stocks. And invest in that game, it's possible the game never gets finished, but if it does you can make a lot of money. Now problems I thought of with this. You invest in a game, the guy could just make a new game. By pass the "system". ROBLOX can set this so that any revenue that the player makes counts towards paying back what the player invested. The developer would have an option to enable or disable people investing. The developer could set a quota to reach. Ex: goal of 15000 robux. For advertising, sounds ect... Let me know what you guys think.
#156163968Tuesday, February 17, 2015 3:12 AM GMT

#156272877Wednesday, February 18, 2015 8:41 PM GMT

sounds like a good idea to me
#156272918Wednesday, February 18, 2015 8:41 PM GMT

no da developers needz moneyz TAKE THAT!
#156273588Wednesday, February 18, 2015 8:52 PM GMT

#156276690Wednesday, February 18, 2015 9:34 PM GMT

A popular game fails and people lose their money in the thousands. The economy crashes due to this.
#156276918Wednesday, February 18, 2015 9:37 PM GMT

@4321qwere Just like Base Wars 2008 now. Make this feature available to all users, not just BC.
#156277304Wednesday, February 18, 2015 9:42 PM GMT

@kramer Also, Club Christy.
#156288055Thursday, February 19, 2015 12:05 AM GMT

"A popular game fails and people lose their money in the thousands. The economy crashes due to this." People have the choice to invest or not. And the developer has the choice to enable investing or not. The players can take the risk or not it's up to them. Either way how can the economy crash? ROBUX gets sent around, it doesn't matter where it ends up. What matters is that it's not created that's how the economy will change, when people buy ROBUX and with the BC benefits. That's why the price of everything keeps going up. The only thing keeping it down slightly is the dev exchange. Even then not really. But forget that, it's just an idea. Idk if it could work properly but it's a good idea to me.
#156288392Thursday, February 19, 2015 12:09 AM GMT

not so original but no one has covered this yet (surprisingly) so support add 666 to my post count
#156353534Friday, February 20, 2015 3:33 AM GMT

I support but never forget tax.
#156354726Friday, February 20, 2015 3:49 AM GMT

Amazing Idea, simply one of the best ideas I have ever seen on S&I this is kind of like the idea of buying limited hats. SUPPORT But here is one issue, (hoping you are willing to debate on this) what if the owner decides to drop out of the game and shuts down the game taking the investments with him (This happens in real life all the time and it is illegal) would there be a bannable offense there? Your host with the most Rampage a dedicated S&I'r!
#156375666Friday, February 20, 2015 2:32 PM GMT

There is that risk, but one solution is any profits that player makes from anything including his BC income can contribute to the investor.
#156375924Friday, February 20, 2015 2:38 PM GMT

>dev makes game >people invest in it >dev purposefully ends the game and takes all their money and never plans to pay back
#156375961Friday, February 20, 2015 2:39 PM GMT

but then again, the mods can just moderate them and give back the investors refunds
#156377646Friday, February 20, 2015 3:19 PM GMT

maybe games w stocks bought can't be inactived for more than lets say 24 hours?
#156377752Friday, February 20, 2015 3:21 PM GMT

#156378100Friday, February 20, 2015 3:30 PM GMT

#156378407Friday, February 20, 2015 3:37 PM GMT

Where would the additional 5% come from? Roblox, or the developer's pocket?
#156378573Friday, February 20, 2015 3:41 PM GMT

WNTS - Just like Bidding, or Gambaling, this is like one of those so ... I think it would fit under WNTS. Anyhow, I support. President Doge of ATR
#156386707Friday, February 20, 2015 6:09 PM GMT

I support
#156387687Friday, February 20, 2015 6:26 PM GMT

This would be an interesting idea, but hard to manage. So I am not sure where I stand. local siggy = Instance.new("siggy"):Destroy() -- Twitter @umaybleed
#156388088Friday, February 20, 2015 6:32 PM GMT

Hyper, it is very sad that you didn't take 3 seconds to read the reply above you then ignorantly posted "Closes game" are you kidding me man?
#156417510Saturday, February 21, 2015 1:01 AM GMT

"Where would the additional 5% come from? Roblox, or the developer's pocket?" Dev's pocket. They get there money for advertising and start up costs. They make like 100x that once the game gets popular just like how games are now. And like I posted before, you guys asking about "Dev gets money closes game" 1) You take a risk, you have the choice to invest or not. 2) A solution is any profits the developer makes including from his BC membership go towards investors and get split up. And also the developer can turn on or off investing. But the developer would have to have Builders Club. Otherwise there would be a huge market transfer fee. Just like how there is with NBC ppl with paid access sales and gamepasses ect...Another way for ROBLOX to market Builders Club memberships. Me personally I'm more fortunate that I have quite a bit of ROBUX/Money so I don't have troubles with either advertising, or creating sounds. Or even paying for services ex: graphics, builders if I needed them. But for others that have 0 money, it's hard to get your game out there without going 1 by 1 to people. But that will take forever and even if you have a good game it's hit and miss. Some games need lots of players to be fun. Anyways, just an idea. I understand this is kind of hard to make it work right if it was implied into ROBLOX. But I think it could result in a lot more games being made. And another way for non developers to generate income. It's just like investors in the real world. They invest in an idea if they like it, and in return they get a certain +% on top of the money they paid getting back.
#156419123Saturday, February 21, 2015 1:20 AM GMT

good idea!

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