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#156331107Thursday, February 19, 2015 8:52 PM GMT

If you want to join the Rise of the Dominion game, simply join here! Also, you can specify your race if you want but it's not necessary. I'll determine based on the region you're in if you need! http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=156295576 The sun rises on this day, the 24th of Frostfall. The snow doesn't fall too hard in Cheydinhal, but it's cold. You are wearing but a black cloak and cowl that covers your face and leather trousers. You're a street rat with a small knife hanging at your side. You wake up in a dark alley, with Dominion soldiers patrolling the streets around you. You can slightly make out a few words that they're saying "...burn...estate...Queen..."
#156345908Friday, February 20, 2015 12:22 AM GMT

I got up and rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes. Were these soldiers planning to burn the estate of the Queen? Perhaps, or maybe I just misheard. Of course, if they were going to do something like that, it'd cause a lot of chaos. Enough chaos for me to slip in and steal a few things. I'm sure she's got quite a few nice objects ripe for the taking. I quietly snuck out of the alley and began following the soldiers, listening in on their conversation.
#156348662Friday, February 20, 2015 1:01 AM GMT

"Aha. They will, will they? Well that seems great, the bloody count of this accursed town will finally be out of the way, and we can "legally" install a new count!" A dominion soldier turns around, and he notices that you are following them. "Hey you! What are you doing? Get away from me, or I'll run you through with my blade!"
#156349294Friday, February 20, 2015 1:08 AM GMT

I put my hands up in mock innocence and nod, turning away and walking off, smirking as I do so. I doubt they'll use any subterfuge in the burning and assassination. There'll likely be a fight with the count's guards and the Dominion, allowing me time to pocket the good I'd like. Of course, I would need an entry and exit-point. I started to head off towards Castle Cheydinhal, with intent to case and scout out the place.
#156350017Friday, February 20, 2015 1:17 AM GMT

You walk towards the gate, it is now about nine in the morning. The guards are alert, as they were just placed on duty. They see you walking towards them, and they say "Halt. What's your business here? The Count is not expecting visitors". You see that there is are several open windows towards the side and back of Cheydinhal castle, and that the tower has many loose stones. You could probably climb them, if needed. Behind you, you see the two Dominion soldiers you encountered earlier coming.
#156352347Friday, February 20, 2015 3:18 AM GMT

"I have a message for the count," I lie, "I was instructed to give him the message through word-of-mouth, and he is the only one who may hear it."
#156397628Friday, February 20, 2015 9:05 PM GMT

"Eh? Alright, let's go then. I'll escort ye" The guard calls for the drawbridge to be raised, and you walk into the main hall. The guard opens the door and begins walking down a carpet towards the throne.
#156418007Saturday, February 21, 2015 1:07 AM GMT

Bother. I had hoped that the guard would leave me be and I could take a better look at the inside of the castle on my own. Of course, I could use this to the advantage. If I warn the count about the Dominion, I may get a cash reward for it, in addition to everything I already plan on stealing. I follow the guard down the carpet to the throne.
#156418146Saturday, February 21, 2015 1:09 AM GMT

The guard approaches the Count of Cheydinhaal. "M'lord. A messenger has arrived for you. I'll leave you be, m'lord." The guard hurriedly walks away, back towards the entrance of the door. The Count looks at you and he says "Who are you? I am Count Eristle, the Count of Cheydinhal. I was not expecting any messages to be delivered. From whom does this message come?"
#156418992Saturday, February 21, 2015 1:18 AM GMT

(Just wondering, can I be inflicted with vampirism in this?) "The message comes from Fa'kir-Ri," I say, shortly before pointing to myself, "I have reason, good reason mind you, to believe that some Dominion soldiers are about to torch this place. If you value your life, and I'm sure you do, you should give yourself a little vacation."
#156421278Saturday, February 21, 2015 1:47 AM GMT

(Yes, you can if you encounter an angry vampire) The Count responds "Yes yes, I see. The Dominion plan to burn my castle. Of course they do. It is treason to denounce our rulers, Fa'kor-ro. Guards! Take this fool to the Cheydinhal dungeon!" The Guards arrive, spears and swords drawn. They surround you, and beckon for you to follow.
#156421645Saturday, February 21, 2015 1:51 AM GMT

I instinctively go for my knife, but stop as I decide that fighting several guards would be a bad idea. "I'll enjoy watching your body burn," I say, spitting at the count and following the guards.
#156423379Saturday, February 21, 2015 2:10 AM GMT

The guards lead you into a door, then down a winding staircase. On the way down, you notice an Aldermi Dominion banner with some loose stones behind it. Almost like it was covering something. The guards continue to march you down until you reach your cell. They strip you of all clothing besides for your pants, and they lock the prison door. The prison cell is pretty basic. You have a small desk, two barrels in the corner full of fish, a front door, and a small pile of hay. You could, of course, sleep in the hay. It's somewhat early for sleep, though. OOC NOTE - You can either attempt to escape, serve your sentence (automatic timeskip), or serve your sentence (RP'd for 9-10 turns)
#156428647Saturday, February 21, 2015 3:11 AM GMT

No way I'm wasting my time in here. I'll probably burn to death along with the Count. I take in the surroundings of the cell and check inside the desk for anything useful.
#156448672Saturday, February 21, 2015 10:09 AM GMT

In the desk, you find some paper, an ink, and a few lockpicks. You notice that some stones in the back of the cell are somewhat loose, as well.
#156476946Saturday, February 21, 2015 8:03 PM GMT

I grab the lockpicks, along with one of the larger stones in the back of the cell. I have no interest in crawling out of here, but I could use this stone as a weapon until I find where my belongings are. I peek out of the cell to make sure there are no guards nearby, then attempt to pick the door open.
#156477110Saturday, February 21, 2015 8:06 PM GMT

You attempt to pick the door open, only to find that the guard left the door unlocked! The guard is asleep in the corner of the room, and your belongings are in a chest beside him. However, you hear some voices coming down the stairwell.
#156477496Saturday, February 21, 2015 8:11 PM GMT

I keep the door closed and move to the back of my cell, sitting down and clutching the stone I took tightly. I kept my head down and waited for the people to come down the stairs, then hopefully depart.
#156477936Saturday, February 21, 2015 8:17 PM GMT

The guards begin to laugh at a jest that the other guard made. Then they notice the sleeping man slumped against the wall. "'ey you! Get up! You know the punishment for sleeping on duty. Come with me!" "What? No, you'll never take me alive!" The renegade guard draws his sword, and slices through the other guard's armor. The not-dead guard is caught unaware, but he draws his spear and impales the renegade. However, the renegade managed to land a blow on the other guard. The only guard left alive begins to limp away slowly up the stairs. The remaining guards are dead. Perhaps the renegade had the key to that chest.
#156478340Saturday, February 21, 2015 8:22 PM GMT

Once the guard has gone away up the stairs, I quietly open the door and check the renegade's body for the key, and anything else that might be useful for me to have.
#156478612Saturday, February 21, 2015 8:26 PM GMT

The Renegade had a map of the city with every entrance and exit to the city. He also had the key. You take your stuff, and you observe the map. Apparently, there's a hidden exit in the stairwell which leads out of the city into the woods behind the castle! There's also the two main gates, and apparently there's a hidden entrance in the Tavern which leads out.
#156480758Saturday, February 21, 2015 8:56 PM GMT

I roll up the map and put it away. What was he doing with a map like that anyway? Maybe all the guards have something similar to it. No matter, I have more escape routes out of the city than I really need. I can't leave now though, there's still goodies to take. I carefully creep up the stairwell and look around the room I end up in, examining my surroundings.
#156481503Saturday, February 21, 2015 9:07 PM GMT

You arrive in a treasury of sorts. You're on the top floor. You can hear Thalmor arguing with the Count in the lower levels. You notice there's an odd artifact, a dragon made of jade. It's a miniature dragon, but it's probably valuable. It's skin is Jade, and it's eyes are Emeralds.
#156482459Saturday, February 21, 2015 9:21 PM GMT

Jade and emeralds? Got to be a market for that somewhere. It'd probably fetch a nice price too. Before taking anything, I decide to press my ear against the floor to try to listen to the argument between the Count and Thalmor.
#156486632Saturday, February 21, 2015 10:15 PM GMT

You hear the count yell "And that's final! Get out of my city, I'll have no idle threats here!" The Aldmeri respond "Fine then. We'll return tomorrow at dawn, and there will be no threatening."

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