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#156447318Saturday, February 21, 2015 9:06 AM GMT

Do you want a free-ride into SEASON 3? Here's your chance! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~CHALLENGE~ Create a dead body and then send it by PM'ing the model to llEnzoll. ~RULES~ -Nobody else can help you in this challenge. -There is NO maximum brick count! -Due date is March 2, 2015. -You can submit up to 2 dead bodies. -GORE COUNTS! ~SCORING~ Your death will be scored out of 50. (25)-Creativity (25)-Story OR Gore ~REWARD~ -Become a student for Season 3 -500 Roblox Reward (OPTIONAL) When you send me the model through PM, you have the option to add a short story that goes along with the death. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please be creative on your dead body! Little tip : I'm looking for deaths that aren't just good-looking, but ones that are unusual. For example, it's really common for people to do bodies where they have a knife in their back and they're on the floor, which is too bland. I wanna see something like a head crushed into a sewer drain! The following day, March 3, 2015, I will be announcing the winner as-well as the other students for season 3. Good luck everyone! -Principal (E.A)

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