#156466771Saturday, February 21, 2015 5:49 PM GMT

"@brett , life isn't crap, humans are. The human race will never ever be perfect and I know that. Life is good. Life is waking up to another day. Life can seem hard but, sometimes people have to admit that it's amazing to be alive. You can have a wonderful life if you choose to. Humans, though, are 'trained' to suck. Their trained to steal, bully, back talk, sas, etc.. But, I believe that I can get my friends together to help me stop bullying. I will stop most bullies in the world. I will. I believe I can." You're an utterly unhinged cloudcookoolander if you believe that. Lets see you and your friends convince the ayatollah of iran or the kims of north korea to stop being tyrannical despots...
#156466782Saturday, February 21, 2015 5:49 PM GMT

Doubt this girl will get a job.
#156466886Saturday, February 21, 2015 5:51 PM GMT

"@Nt , I strongly dislike sexists, too. They make me angry, thinking one gender is better than the other. Grr..." So your anti feminist?
#156466946Saturday, February 21, 2015 5:51 PM GMT

"Nt , I strongly dislike sexists, too. They make me angry, thinking one gender is better than the other. Grr..." you do realize i'm imitating curzon right aka s7i troll which basically proves s7i is incredibly gullible i'm not being serious yes, I am a girl, but just suck it up already, get used to it
#156467556Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:00 PM GMT

a thread on s&i is obviously going to stop cyber bullying. supercoolguy53 - add 1337 forum posts
#156467932Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:06 PM GMT

@brett , what? No... I dislike sexists... Where'd you get that?
#156468022Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:07 PM GMT

@TheForuming , I know it won't I'm SUGGESTING for ROBLOX to make punishment more severe.
#156468079Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:08 PM GMT

@Nt , what? So I can't dislike sexists anyway?
#156468252Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:11 PM GMT

Trolling =/= Bullying
#156468268Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:11 PM GMT

@bett , I'm not saying humans can't do amazing things. But, mankind can really suck. Nobody is perfect. Good thing too, because, if someone were, nobody would like them. They'd be jealous, they'd be ashamed. The perfect person would be ashamed and lonely. It's bad for everyone.
#156468360Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:12 PM GMT

@Nt , stop being sexist, females aren't much different than males. We are all human. So insulting females will mean you are insulting yourself too.
#156468410Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:13 PM GMT

"I will not physically interfere with a bully." No wonder you're getting "cyberbullied", it's because you're too scared to defend yourself. Don't be a wimp. Have the courage to defend yourself if a bully attacks you.
#156468451Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:13 PM GMT

who cares girls are trashy and whiny if stuff on the internet offends you, don't go on the internet if you can't handle bullying, either leave or suck it up
#156468544Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:15 PM GMT

@Thunder , I am not afraid to. I will defend and stand up for me and others. I won't physically though, I will not harm them physically, I will stand up though. I never give up are back away from a fight. I end fights.
#156468582Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:15 PM GMT

uh, you and who?
#156468618Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:16 PM GMT

@Nt , wow, you want to be reported. You are the one insulting yourself and basically everyone in the world. Congrats!
#156468657Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:16 PM GMT

@iwish , I will stand up for anyone.
#156468760Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:18 PM GMT

I think everyone likes to fight their own fights.
#156468792Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:18 PM GMT

Everyone doubts me stopping bullying but, I know I can stop most of the bullying if I try and believe I can hard enough. Sticks and stones may break my bones but, words will never hurt me. I will not listen to people who say I can't. I believe I can.
#156468800Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:18 PM GMT

False reporting and minimodding isn't permitted, sweetheart. Just a little reminder that a lot of the things you've said here are against the rules. You're the one asking to be bullied with how you dress. A while back I told ROBLOX "fashion designer" Yozoh that she will be called [inappropriate term regarding females] if she dresses like one. Dress like the stereotypical ODer, be called one. No ifs, ands, or buts. Here on the internet, there are MANY things that WILL offend a person like you. The best thing is to either learn to handle it or don't come here.
#156468842Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:19 PM GMT

"I am not afraid to. I will defend and stand up for me and others. I won't physically though, I will not harm them physically, I will stand up though. I never give up are back away from a fight. I end fights." So if some guy punches you, you'll just stand there and say, "ermahgerd stahp" instead of fighting back? No, you need to stand up to bullies. Clearly, you're scared of bullies.
#156468890Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:20 PM GMT

@iwish , idc. If I see someone getting bullied who looks like they need help, I will go over and stop the fight. I will get involved, I will end it. I will make the bully and victim friends.
#156468917Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:20 PM GMT

What makes you think you're not human?
#156469105Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:23 PM GMT

To be honest, if you can't handle trolls on ROBLOX out of anywhere on the internet, you cannot stop a fight, nor defend yourself. Boy punches you and you'll likely just call him sexist. This is the problem with girls. Sadly, after a quick look on OT Wikia, I did have to request a page about you to be deleted since it was a minor incident. But you are a troll and/or purposefully posting bait, no?
#156469242Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:25 PM GMT

@Thunder , I'm not at all scared of bullies. I practice self defense, I could probably block the punch. I could probably doge in time. I know how to stop bullies and I intend to stop them. "If you can't fly, then run, if you can't run, then walk, if you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward." Martin Luther King Jr. .