#156666502Tuesday, February 24, 2015 1:35 PM GMT

I wanna b a bird girl
#156666616Tuesday, February 24, 2015 1:39 PM GMT

Answer this question: Can you do ANY idea that has literally no ties to anything else? When you do Rps off games and stuff, people who might start playing the game or watching the show or book or whatever, you can spoil it easy because to you, for some reason, like to "borrow" premade stuff. Just please, make your own idea or join other roleplays, it's not that hard unless if you have something wrong with yourself.
#156686773Tuesday, February 24, 2015 9:52 PM GMT

Yes. However, almost all of those ideas are being done in books. And I did recently try to do something new, which was Gate:. However, it was immediately accused of being based off of something, which is completely false. Although it's plot is similar to SAO, it is not infact based off of SAO. If you look closely, many stories share the same type of plot. And if every single one of those stories are accused of being based off of something, then they just need to take a story in a different direction. Rock, things that are inspired with other things are not bad. Tales of Bandal and Tales of Kytania are tied with the Tales series, but none of these games have any connection with each other aside from terminology and a name. They are almost never even set in the same world. It's not being based off of something that is bad. It is literally not trying to do anything new with a story that makes something terrible. If it bothers you that I like to do things that can be connected with other things, then simply don't take an interest in them. You say that you understand that I don't write for you, but in reality, you can't understand. I don't freaking write for you, I write simply because I enjoy doing it. And I'm ok with criticism, but when it's telling me to completely stray from the original idea is just complaining. Now, with my MTG idea, we would do it in a completely new plane. This means it has different history and different legends than any other plane. I am thinking that it would have something to do with a war over ancient artifacts called Chaos Gates, which were built by the ancient dragons for the humans. (The ancient Dragons where mostly benevolent) I could use my character from Lumeris... but then I'd have to get the other person in my Lumeris RP to transfer his character, as well, and we would have to finish the Lumeris arc... grr.
#156689023Tuesday, February 24, 2015 10:26 PM GMT

Hm. I think you're lying. I think you're lying, personally. Really.
#156689478Tuesday, February 24, 2015 10:33 PM GMT

Well, keep that opinion if you want. It wont change the fact that I'm telling the truth.
#156690549Tuesday, February 24, 2015 10:48 PM GMT

Mega, 98.99 percent of your "ideas" are ripped off from shows or books. It's really not that hard to create your own world with no influence of modern society. I can dig up the evidence. All of it.
#156690757Tuesday, February 24, 2015 10:51 PM GMT

You don't need to. And MTG isn't a book. It's a cardgame. An awesome one, too. It's actually one of the first, if not the first, fantasy trading cardgame. And it uses the Multiverse... The only reason I'm using the MTG multiverse for the setting of the MTG RP is if I want to have guest appearances of certain planes walkers.
#156690934Tuesday, February 24, 2015 10:53 PM GMT

You don't seem to understand my clear point: None of your ideas are actually yours. It's really that simple. and I'll dig up those threads to prove my point.
#156691046Tuesday, February 24, 2015 10:55 PM GMT

Rock, saying someone else's ideas aren't original won't make yours any more original. Face it, just about everything's been done before, and it's pretty damn hard to think up something original.
#156691264Tuesday, February 24, 2015 10:58 PM GMT

Insurgency, THANK YOU! You actually get it. However, I'm still saying, as long as you use your own made up plane, MTG's multiverse can be used as the setting of your RP and still be considered original because every plane is completely different.
#156691275Tuesday, February 24, 2015 10:58 PM GMT

At least I don't blatantly say "guys you know I'm going to make a show rp or book rp" None of his ideas are actually his, that's the point I'm driving. They're always based on a show or book or game (he even says it)
#156691657Tuesday, February 24, 2015 11:04 PM GMT

That is what I'm trying to say. I don't mind anyone creating RPs in different genres, but when you blatantly say you're taking someone else's created universe and using it as your own with slight tweaks makes me ticked.
#156691685Tuesday, February 24, 2015 11:05 PM GMT

I almost always warn you when I base it off of something. I always at least try to give credit when I actually base it off something. That's why I say it. Because I'm trying not to be a fraudulent plagiarist. Rock, if you are annoyed, stop joining my RPs.
#156692125Tuesday, February 24, 2015 11:11 PM GMT

You still aren't getting my point. You're basically using other people's ideas that are already created, and you decide for some reason that you cant make your own, so you take someone else's idea and twist it as your own as some way. I'm not annoyed, I'm really just ticked you can not get off your chair and make your own idea. That's my point. You aren't basing them. You're basically saying "tv show rp" or "book name rp".
#156693494Tuesday, February 24, 2015 11:29 PM GMT

I am basing, or getting inspired by them. I use other universe, so I can do things that I really can't normally do. Multiverse allows me to make use of certain planeswalkers when I want, or not use them when they are not needed. What I do, is a completely legitimate thing. It's fanfiction, or it can also sometimes be a simple inspiration. Now, I'm not discussing this with you any longer. You are no longer allowed to be accepted into any of my RPs. You fight literally every decision I make, and so I am afraid you can no longer participate in any of my RPs. I had a feeling that I would have problems with you, Rock. But, it would have been extremely rude to refuse you to join before this. I'm sorry. But this is my final decision, and I hope that you will respect it. Have a good day.
#156694026Tuesday, February 24, 2015 11:36 PM GMT

I just don't have anything to say. You're having problems with me when I point out what I find wrong. You are a walking insult to those who spend day and night working on their own ideas. Then you go ahead and ban me from your rps THAT AREN'T EVEN YOURS. USING FANFICTION IS BS AS AN EXCUSE AND YOU SHOULD GO THINK ABOUT MY DAMN OPINIONS. You're really showing how damn uncreative you are. You know what, good bleeping game. I'm done with you. For real. Make a good original rp and maybe I might think about respecting you.
#156703925Wednesday, February 25, 2015 1:41 AM GMT

Seriously, Rock. A lot of RPs are based off of stuff... 99.9% of the things on here are inspired by/based off of something...
#156704333Wednesday, February 25, 2015 1:46 AM GMT

No they aren't. There's a tiny little fraction of stuff here based off stuff, but that's a fraction. What I'm mad about mega here is that he can't make his own idea.
#156709401Wednesday, February 25, 2015 2:51 AM GMT

Bro... It's an RP. Just enjoy it, man. Don't criticize before you try it out.
#156710583Wednesday, February 25, 2015 3:06 AM GMT

Don't you dare call me bro unless you personally know me. Just. Don't. Bleh, I just exploded at mega, I'm sorry.
#156711143Wednesday, February 25, 2015 3:14 AM GMT

#156711207Wednesday, February 25, 2015 3:15 AM GMT

Why the sad face, comrade? I have lightened up!
#156711268Wednesday, February 25, 2015 3:16 AM GMT

Lol. -puts on happy face-
#156712346Wednesday, February 25, 2015 3:32 AM GMT

Yes, happy faces for happy hour! Ja?
#156714128Wednesday, February 25, 2015 4:00 AM GMT

I'd personally like to see something different than what's your comfort zone. You seem to condemn the entire rpf for being close minded, yet you have nothing else to really to give except anime rip offs or very little of your own actual ideas. >mega is close minded Oh okay. It's not like he only makes military RPs with a bunch of useless guns.