#160467008Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:05 AM GMT

Gear: "Yes, what do we do?" Blast finished filling his medkit. Everyone else was ready. Guest: "It went well. The agents were hit by some sort of green paralysis laser. Should I go investigate what the lasers are?"
#160467326Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:11 AM GMT

@marc Rei "Alright, what do you want to do when we get there?" @birm (I laughed evilly when I saw the names "Price and Walker." I am pretty hyped.) Birmingham "I don't believe any of us know about a landmass, at least in a seventy mile radius. But hey, you can use this island. It won't matter, since we barely have anything here." The Warden You appear at the bottom floor of a base, Price and Walker above you on a walkway. They appeared to be busy looking at something else. A Pokemon- a Typhlosion, to be exact- was approaching them from the same floor as you. He seemed to be... neutral, but dangerous nonetheless. He looked as if he was trying to fake not knowing your existence there. (Eric had his senses trained to be heightened. Probably can feel you there, just saying.)
#160467375Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:12 AM GMT

@Gear Ender "Scout out the base. Report any guards, cameras, anything." Guest "No, we'll send another team for that. Rest for a while, Guest."
#160467384Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:12 AM GMT

"Teleportation then, Latiar?" Evanna inquired the Pokémon with a head tilt. She stared at him with blank eyes. Kiromi got up, wiping the blood away from her mouth with her hand.
#160467391Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:13 AM GMT

REI "I... I kinda want to see probably Adam Jensen and/or probably Kimiko Ross, but I'm not sure if Kim is an android."
#160467600Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:17 AM GMT

[~BIRMINGHAM~] Birmingham gave a small smirk, then tapped his thyrsus on the ground. Vines went from the ground and started extending, grabbing trees and cutting them into small pieces. The vines worked in sync, some cutting trees, others collecting wood, others breaking through the ground and collecting the materials from underneath. The last vines begin working on a large scale building. It became clear that the building was going to be the soon to be palace. [~THE WARDEN/DARKATRAZ~] "I'VE UNCOVERED A NEW TARGET. EVANNA, EATER OF SOULS. APPREHEND HER, PRICE, AND WALKER, AND ANYONE WHO TRIES TO ASSIST THEM. DO NOT FAIL." Darkatraz spoke in his mind. The Warden growled and started climbing to the walkway, and then pouncing on Price as soon as he came into the distance, teeth ripping into the flesh of the human. [Darkatraz, while he cannot physically move, can send up to three chains to a far away destination before needing to regain magic. He can also communicate with The Warden via mind powers when they are separate due to their connection.]
#160467825Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:21 AM GMT

@doodle Evanna "I... how the hell did I not think about that? Go for it." Kiromi No one in sight. Yeah, you definitely had a break. You and the broken shards of the man, who was a statue... yeah. @birm Birmingham "Wow, you really are a highborn of a kingdom, aren't you?" Another man asks. The Warden The Typhlosion, Eric, hesitates a moment before seeming to teleport (in reality, he just took another way up really fast) before attempting to attack you. A pathetic attempt, really. @marc Rei "Hmm... how are we gonna find them?"
#160468040Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:25 AM GMT

"Indeed I am. The only issue now is that I'm probably the only one of my kind in this accursed world, or dimension, or whatever it is that differentiates it from my home. But that can be fixed, hopefully..." Vines formed in a square array, and small purple things that were obviously Grape seeds began growing on them. It was amazing how quickly they were growing, almost as if the vines were loaded with fertilizer. Warden Turning his attention to the pokemon, he jumped upwards and bit into it's neck like a vampire would, tasting it's blood as it's sharp, lengthy teeth ripped into it, and then the armored legs of the hound started slamming into him. The Warden was very obviously enjoying himself.
#160468162Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:28 AM GMT

Evanna took a hold on Latiar, closing her eyes and taking a breath. "I'm going to regret this at the same time." She mumbled before concentrating on a destination. Kiromi sighed in relief, smearing the blood on her clothes. "Now, I'm hungry.." [ i can't even type right now, my fingers feel like jelly. ]
#160468248Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:30 AM GMT

[I can put your hands in the freezer until they solidify idk how well that'll work though]
#160468257Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:30 AM GMT

REI "I... I don't know. Maybe by chance we might find them somewhere in Detroit."
#160468295Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:31 AM GMT

@birm Birmingham "Ah, I think you'd get used to it. This world does have some good spots once you get to know it." The Warden Eric pushes you off, taking his skin and fur with it. He doubles over, gasping. "Thankfully, Nelson helped me with pain tolerance training- agh..."
#160468520Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:36 AM GMT

[~BIRMINGHAM~] "It does not help the first thing I saw besides a black liquid polluting the ocean was a large wave crashing over a land mass, slaughtering many innocents and tearing apart the landscape." He said glumly, the Grapes now reaching adolescent years. "It pains me to force them to grow so quickly...but I'm afraid that for now in order to establish a safe base I'll need to do it." [~THE WARDEN~] The Warden howls with pleasure, followed by the ground shaking. There was a notable crack forming in the ground below, and a single, long metal chain began to raise from the depths and approach the Pokémon. It wrapped around the wounded Pokémon's body, and began to drag it down beneath. The Warden hoped it wouldn't try to escape; Soul Eaters were not easy things to defeat, and as such he wanted to get to the soon to be prisoner as soon as possible. He could almost taste her flesh.
#160468862Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:44 AM GMT

@doodle Evanna "Alright. Just choose a place." Kiromi The wind hits your wounds, making them feel somewhat painful. @marc Rei "Huh. I wouldn't expect that." @birm Birmingham "That tends to happen. What 'world' did you used to rule before you arrived here?" The Warden A certain orange aura envelops the Pokemon, creating a force that slightly pushes everyone. "Wh-what... I can't... access my full power..." Eric mumbles, gasping. "EVANNA! GO! NOW!"
#160469117Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:49 AM GMT

[~BIRMINGHAM~] "Oh, it was a wondrous place. Of course, we had rivalries, and fought in the occasional battle between each other, and then of course there was a large evil that nearly conquered the entire land, but it was beautiful, and quite peaceful. Full scale wars were rare sights, indeed." [~WARDEN~] There is a deep, chuckling noise that fills the ears of everyone there, and Eric is suddenly yanked downwards, pulled down through the hole the chains are coming from and being lead through the tunnels the chains made to the prison known as Darkatraz. "GET THE SOUL EATER!" The prison said, and The Warden changed his sites to Evanna, tackling her while biting into her flesh at the same time.
#160469121Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:49 AM GMT

REI "Yeah... I once wrote a Dresden Codak/Deus Ex crossover fanfic about Kimiko meeting Adam Jensen and then inevitably getting revealed as an android. In this fanfic, she then tells Adam that after her fight with two men in robots, she bled to death before the paramedics could arrive in time and she was then completely rebuilt as an android."
#160469187Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:50 AM GMT

Evanna immediately shut her eyes, thinking of a place before they ended up landing on a beach. Kiromi staggered from the wind, sticking her arms out to balance herself. [ birm, stop. you're scaring me. ]
#160469222Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:51 AM GMT

[no please im just a little boy please I don't scare people]
#160469408Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:56 AM GMT

@birm (why am i so happy about my own character getting captured by the darkatraz?) Birmingham "Do you miss it? I heard of a few people going off to find why so many... things starting to show up here." The Warden Missing Evanna, you can hear a laugh from Eric, echoing against the walls of the base. No one left but Price, Walker, and you. @marc Rei "I have to ask this again- with your lifestyle, where do you find the time to do these things?" @doodle Evanna The sound of waves fill your ears as Latiar breathes a sigh of relief. Kiromi You nearly fall, but you are able to balance yourself.
#160469538Sunday, April 19, 2015 5:58 AM GMT

REI "I usually listen to rock when I'm lonely or alone. I guess."
#160469721Sunday, April 19, 2015 6:02 AM GMT

[~BIRMINGHAM~] "Miss it? Of course. It is home. There were ups and downs, of course. Difficult training, but one can expect that when they are soon to be king. Deaths of friends. It was hard times, yes, but the beautiful flora and less than peaceful population were just so remarkable." [~THE WARDEN~] The dog growled, and turned it's head towards Price and Walker once again. It charged forward, and slammed it's head into Price. [I suppose we'll wait for Rock now] [~DARKATRAZ~] "FEEL HONORED, POKEMON. YOU ARE THE FIRST OF YOUR KIND TO BE CAPTURED BY THE MOST POWERFUL PRISON IN THE WORLD, DARKATRAZ." Darkatraz screeched in Eric's mind. [idk I suppose it just makes you feel special to be the first person to ever be captured by a sentient building] [Also, as for all my characters, would you consider any of them to be overpowered, or me to be goddmodding? It's a concern that I might be going a little overboard, and if so it's an easy fix]
#160471647Sunday, April 19, 2015 6:55 AM GMT

Evanna seemed to calm down as she listened to the waves crashing against rocks. She tried sitting up, but pain flooded her body and she gave up. Flynn was now back to rabbit form. Kiromi turned and walked back inside the airport, heading towards the vending machine from before. [ birm, please. your claims are scaring me even more. ]
#160476129Sunday, April 19, 2015 9:43 AM GMT

#160476514Sunday, April 19, 2015 9:58 AM GMT

#160476983Sunday, April 19, 2015 10:17 AM GMT

Wazzup dawg?