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#157429391Sunday, March 08, 2015 10:48 AM GMT

This is the official rulebook. SECTION 1: Gametime/Gameplay: 001: Show up atleast 15-20 minutes before game for warmups 002: Each team must have atleast 3 players enough to play 2v2 + GK, maximum gameplay is 3v3 + GK. 003: If A team does not have at least 3 players 10 minutes before the scheduled gametime, they will have to forfeit or play shorthanded 1v2 + GK. 004: Jerseys are required to be worn on the ice at all times (Pants don't matter) 005: If a player has to leave while the game is going on the team will be given a maximum of 5 minutes to find/sign another player or they will forfeit or play 1v2 + GK 006: All stats/standings are kept on the RAAAHL Website, they will be submitted as soon as all games for that day are complete. 007: Team Owners are allowed to ask to reschedule games, but must give me at least 6 hours notice before the original time 008: Each team is allowed 1 timeout a game 009: If a game is still tied at the end of regulation it will go into a 5 minute overtime period, if not settled then into an NHL Style Shootout 010: If a team does not have there own arena (Inspected and approved by me) All games will be at LordMasterMewtwo's Recreation Arena 011: Players must be in the group at least on an alt in order to play. 012: Each game consists of Three, 10 minute stop time periods. 013: Intermissions may be skipped if both owners agree to skip. SECTION 2: Signing/Trading/Releasing Players: 001: Team owners must offer all players on the wall if they want to sign with there team, that player must say they accept to be on there team. I also need owners to message me their signing so I can rank them up. 002: If a trade goes through I must get a message from both owners saying they accept the trade. 003: Team Owners must say on the wall that they release a player. It is also better if you message me as well so I'm aware of the release. SECTION 3: Penalties/Calls - Double Goalkeeping: When a player + The goaltender on the same team are sitting in the crease in the butterfly at the same time - Goaltender Interference: When a player is affecting the movement of the goaltender in order to make a save, If a goalie is out of the crease the player can make as much contact as he wants - Too Many Men: When there are more skaters on the ice than the limit (for more than 5 seconds, without any looking to go off) - Unsportsmanlike Conduct: If you are abusing admin, or not showing sportsmanship to the other team Stuff like racism/discrimination will not be tolerated (Normal trash talk is acceptable) (You will be given a warning before this penalty) - Icing: When a player on the other side of the red line ices the puck down cross the opposing goal line - Offside: When a player crosses the offensive blue line before the puck does (The Puck must cross first) -Cover "C": When the goalie has control of the puck (OR has it very close to him) inside the crease they can say "C" and stop play. They can cover the puck outside the crease if they are pressured. SECTION 4: Arenas 001: Teams can have their own arenas as long as they meet all the requirements 002: Arenas cannot be played in until approved by LordMasterMewtwo. SECTION 5: Playoffs: 001: Top 6 teams will make the playoffs, 1st and 2nd place teams will get a bye passed the first round 002: First round pairing will be 3rd vs 6th, and 4th vs 5th 003: Each series is a Best of 3, Finals is a best out of 5 004: If the game is tied at the end of regulation, it goes into continuous 10 Minute overtime periods SECTION 6: Suspensions 001: Team Jumping is an automatic 5 game suspension + The player has to return to the team they team jumped from after the 5 game suspension (I must have proof of the TJ) 002: Unsportsmanlike suspension amounts depend on the severity of the incident 003: If a team owner abandons their team completely they will be suspended for the rest of that season and won't be allowed to own a team again. 004: If a team owner pulls a team out, they will be suspended forever. 005: If you are suspended you cannot be on the bench, only can watch the game from the stands. SECTION 7: Teams/Team Owners/Players 001: The Minimum/Maximum roster capacity is 12 Minimum and 18 Maximum. 002: As a team owner it is your responsibility to make sure your team is active and prepared to show up to games. 003: You are allowed to have 1 Co-Owner. 004: If a team goes over the roster limit they will be forced to cut a player immediately (No trading allowed in this case). 005: ALL team owners must be in the group in their main account. 006: Players must be in the group as well but can be an alt. 007: Team groups are recommended but not mandatory SECTION 8: Referees 001: If your interested in Reffing contact LordMasterMewtwo, Commissioner Of the RAAAHL 002: Refs must be at a game 20 minutes early wearing a referee uniform 003: A maximum of 2 refs are allowed to ref a game (1 Ref, 1 Linesman) 004: There is only allowed to be 1 person managing the clock nobody else other then that person 005: Referees are allowed to be on a team but NOT allowed to ref their own games 006: Referees are also in charge of keeping stats, like penalties (Who got them), Goals (Who scored), Assists (Who assisted a goal), Shots on goal for both teams and must message me the final score at the end of the game. Also make sure I have each teams roster for GP, and I need to know who was in goal for each team. SECTION 9: Abbreviations - OS: Offside - IW: Icing Warning - TMM: Too Many Men - Unsp Warn: Unsportsmanlike conduct warning - TO: Timeout - FFT: Forfeit - EO#: End of Period #

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