#157754156Friday, March 13, 2015 8:13 PM GMT

if hunting is so violent, why is it in looney toons? save the trees
#157754570Friday, March 13, 2015 8:18 PM GMT

omfg your stupidity just killed millions of my brain cells please just gtfo ∆ The Illuminati needs cookies. ∆
#157776658Saturday, March 14, 2015 1:06 AM GMT

My stupidity? Yet you choose to ignore the fact that the teeth, saliva, intestines, stomach acid, and instincts in your body are 100% herbivorous. I'm not going to continue arguing on this thread. I spent about an hour earlier this week roasting every comment--if you have something dumb to say about my opinion I suggest you read all of the posts on this thread since at some point another dimwitted individual probably had the same intriguingly idiotic thought as you, and decided to spew their garbage all over the place, to which I replied with a contradicting statement.
#157776962Saturday, March 14, 2015 1:09 AM GMT

Hopefully you recognise that when barely any technology even existed, they HAD to hunt. "They" are the indieans.
#157777679Saturday, March 14, 2015 1:17 AM GMT

Like it or not, when it comes to animals (and ourselves, for a lot of things) we're just not as smart as Mother Nature. What's ethical about the meat industry? What's ethical about breeding animals simply for meat when you claim we're omnivores which means meat isn't required? The meat industry is by far the biggest consumer of plant foods (and in feedlots fish) which could feed people, responsible for 51% of the global warming affect, and 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, takes 41 times the kilojoules to produce that plant food does, and involves the deaths of animals, and the dairy and egg industry involve the torture of animals on mass scales, and for all that the chooks, cows, goats and sheep (and most probably buffalo) tend to end up as meat, as well as having the males slaughtered at incredibly young ages due to being unnecessary. From a biological standpoint, it's insane that educated people regard humans as omnivorous. Indeed, our culture is one of eating meat, but are our bodies equipped for it? No. Hence the prevalence of chronic illness giving rise for more and more animals being used for animal testing to combat these diseases when alternative lifestyle interventions involving putting people on vegan diets are proving highly effective! We don't have any adaptations or traits synonymous with eating meat or eggs or dairy which omnivores have, be it our intestinal tract, stomach and bile acidity, liver and urea, synthesis of vitamins and proteins and what's needed from diet and what our body produces, the gestation period and size of our newborns - the list goes on. The latest in human evolution shows that despite all the meat we've been consuming and gluttoning ourselves on over the last 200 years our brains are shrinking. They don't know the effects of this, but it's happening. Our brain is fuelled by glucose, the nerves require omega 3 oils for insulation, vitamins essential for eyesight and brain development are found in fruits and vegetables, and the essential proteins are all found in plants - while animal product proteins tend to harm our bodies. From a health standpoint, eating meat certainly IS wrong. And this stems from the fact that meat is not the right food for us biologically. Just because other people do it and have done it in the past doesn't make it right. And on that note, the amount of meat consumed has generally been FAR overstated.
#157779285Saturday, March 14, 2015 1:37 AM GMT

If our bodies were meant to be 100% herbivore, our digestive tract would've over the course of evolution, become longer to be able to digest cellulose and get the energy from it. All we do when we eat vegetables or salads is block the tube that connects the stomach to the intestinal tract, making our bodies think we're more full than we truly are. Going into the ethics of hunting, specifically for sport. I'm a hunter, and I agree, hunting for sport is wrong if they don't eat or give away the meat of the animal they killed. Hunting for food is something I fully support because the animal being killed is being used. Now, I would say in no way do hunting games or hunting itself promotes cruelty, to animals or otherwise.
#157779742Saturday, March 14, 2015 1:42 AM GMT

No,no,no. This isn't disagreeing with this statement,I'm just bringing up two things. 1.This is slowly becoming even more off-topic then the purpose of the first post. You wanted to stop hunting games,not give a lecture of meats v. plants where plants are obviously going to run supreme. It's not rocket science. If you're a vegetarian,good for you. If you eat only meat,good for you. This leads to my next statement. 2.Opinions are a thing. Not only that,but we all have different tastes. Not all of us will be obliged to eat vegetables,and the same goes for meat-eaters. You can't just go ahead and try to just force vegetables down someone's throat. You're not PETA,that's their job. We started out as hunters and gatherers. We began by eating meats AND vegetables. I prefer being an omnivore rather than just being a herbivore or carnivore. Just leave us be to what we do when it comes to food.
#157782334Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:15 AM GMT

Our bodies are NOT 100% herbivorous. If this were the case, we would get sick or die when we ate meat. But this does not happen. Further more, our teeth are not herbivorous. Herbivores have flat teeth. Carnivores have sharp teeth. Humans have both flat and sharp teeth. Therefore we can infer that humans are OMNIVORES and not HERBIVORES. Did you say you like trains? No, you don't. I like them. Choo Choo! Train -> -ooI ---THINKER OF LBC---
#157782383Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:16 AM GMT

"If our bodies were meant to be 100% herbivore, our digestive tract would've over the course of evolution, become longer to be able to digest cellulose and get the energy from it. All we do when we eat vegetables or salads is block the tube that connects the stomach to the intestinal tract, making our bodies think we're more full than we truly are." If our bodies were meant to be 100% omnivore, our digestive track would've over the course of evolution, become able to consume raw meat without causing us to get sick. All we do when we eat meat or drink milk is drain calcium from our bones, putting us at a higher risk for osteoporosis and other diseases.
#157782738Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:20 AM GMT

gtfo, we are not animals unless you believe in evolution.
#157782863Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:22 AM GMT

"If this were the case, we would get sick or die when we ate meat. But this does not happen. Further more, our teeth are not herbivorous. Herbivores have flat teeth. Carnivores have sharp teeth. Humans have both flat and sharp teeth. Therefore we can infer that humans are OMNIVORES and not HERBIVORES." "There is no more denying it. Meat contains highly toxic substances that are responsible for many deaths and diseases. Heavy meat consumption increases your risk of dying from all causes, including heart disease and cancer, according to a federal study conducted by the National Cancer Institute and featured in Archives of Internal Medicine on Monday." Look at every tooth in your mouth. Our teeth are flat and broad shaped. All herbivores have canines, incisors and molars otherwise it would be impossible for us to chew hard fruits such as apples.
#157782900Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:22 AM GMT

Also if our bodies were 100% made for just plants, then don't we end up in ICU when we eat a tiny amount of meat? No, we were made omnivores. The main reason (well second reason) God made animals was for a nice tasty snack.
#157782971Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:23 AM GMT

#157783024Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:24 AM GMT

"If our bodies were meant to be 100% omnivore, our digestive track would've over the course of evolution, become able to consume raw meat without causing us to get sick. All we do when we eat meat or drink milk is drain calcium from our bones, putting us at a higher risk for osteoporosis and other diseases. First of all, where did you get the information that Milk drains calcium from your bones? It is a source of calcium, which puts you at a lower risk of osteoporosis.
#157783093Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:25 AM GMT

Yes, I do realize meat and anything from animals does cause a threat, though however that is in moderation. "To much of a good thing can be a bad thing".
#157783170Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:26 AM GMT

Meat is basically like a treat that God supplied us with. It's like candy, meat is vital to our human consumption. If animals aren't men't to be touched by us, then why do they exist?
#157783213Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:26 AM GMT

"gtfo, we are not animals unless you believe in evolution." Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Suborder: Haplorhini Family: Hominidae Tribe: Hominini Genus: Hom¤ Species: H. sapiens Binomial name H¤mo sapiens
#157783253Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:27 AM GMT
#157783321Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:28 AM GMT

"You're not PETA,that's their job. We started out as hunters and gatherers. We began by eating meats AND vegetables. I prefer being an omnivore rather than just being a herbivore or carnivore. Just leave us be to what we do when it comes to food." When it comes to the pain and suffering of other living beings, it is not your decision and I will speak my mind of the injustice that is happening.
#157783339Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:28 AM GMT

So.. Our species classification has to do with?
#157783408Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:29 AM GMT

This is not injustice, it is human instinct! We need meat to leave a perfect healthy life (Stay lean though, processed meat and to much of it can be a bad thing).
#157783474Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:30 AM GMT

Then why don't the animals just go to the president and say "Screw you humans"?
#157783495Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:30 AM GMT

Actually, the "Fact" that we cannot eat raw meat is FALSE. Take a search and you will find: "The second assumption is that we, humans, cannot eat raw meat. This is also untrue. A blue rare steak is functionally raw everywhere but the edges, and steak tartare is literally nothing but raw, spiced beef.- Geek Answers" And right there, heavy meat consumption. HEAVY meat consumption, not meat consumption. Herbivores would get sick from meat consumption, humans die from HEAVY meat consumption, not meat consumption. There's bound to be some deadly ingredients in food, but because we can eat normal amounts of meat and raw meat, we are indeed OMNIVORES. Another search turns up: "All the meat-eaters, including ferrets, killer whales, and humans, reached that point of brain development earlier than herbivores or omnivores, the researchers found. (They classified humans as carnivores based on the percentage of meat in the typical human diet.)" Therefore, we are NOT AT ALL HERBIVORES, WE ARE CLOSER TO CARNIVORES. And if you feel your adult teeth, you will find that quite a few are sharp, not flat. Herbivores have mostly flat teeth, and they can eat harder fruits without sharp teeth. This concludes that the statement that humans are herbivorous is completely false. Did you say you like trains? No, you don't. I like them. Choo Choo! Train -> -ooI ---THINKER OF LBC---
#157783598Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:32 AM GMT

#157783624Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:33 AM GMT

Also it's illegal to kill an animal and not turn into into meat. Killing animals for fun and not for food will get you in jail and will be a fine. WE MUST, AS HUNTERS PUT THEM OUT OF THEIR MISERY! WE CANNOT LET THEM DAY AND WITHSTAND PAIN WHICH IS WHY WE MUST TRY OUT BEST TO FIRE IN LETHAL SPOTS!