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#157734140Friday, March 13, 2015 10:00 AM GMT

The train of time, C-Liner. Where will it's next station be? The past or the future? -STORY- Blonde spiky hair, blue eyes, green handkerchief, white long sleeved buttoned shirt, black vest, belt, shorts, and boots. A man opens his eyes to see bluish-greenish sky. As he gets up, he looks at his surroundings to find out out that he is in the middle of some sort of desert due to the sand being pure orange. He looked down to see that he is stand in some train tracks. As he walks away from the tracks, he shouted "Where am I?! Who am I?! Is this the afterlife already?!" Indeed, he has no memory of what happened to him, how he died and everything else. But then, he heard something of that of a steam engine. As he turns his back around, he saw a bullet train coming along and eventually, it stopped in front of him. The man went up to the train and the door slides open automatically. "Hi!" A girl greeted with a smile. Green twin-tail hair, blue eyes, and maid outfit. "You must be the C-Liner's first passenger right?" The girl asked. "C-Liner?" The man thought "Can you at least tell me where am I and who am I?" The girl chuckled and answered "How about we get inside?" Without a second thought, the man on boards the C-Liner and the train starts moving. "ONEE-CHAN!" The girl called "Our first passenger is here!" Somewhere in the dining car is another girl, taking a sip of her coffee. Blonde curly twin-tails, blue eyes, and pink school uniform. As the girl turns around, she notices the two and she went to them, her eyes pointing to the man. "So you must be our first passenger huh?" The girl asked "Well congratulations, and since you are our first passenger, I want you to have this." Out from her pocket, she gave the man a weird belt and a card holder containing a deck of cards. "We'll explain to you the details later, for now, we must find other passengers to on board." The girl said. -SETTING- Your character is someone from a different timeline. You are currently on board the C-Liner, riding across the world called the Path Dimension, which is the gateway to different timelines. The first character has no memory upon his wake, while for you, you still have your memories, even the way on how you died. So this is the situation on what is going on right now: In a distant future, shadowy beings known as the Akumujin arrived on Earth. Their objective is to alter the balance of time and history by means of time travelling by granting one person's wish in exchange for his/her most precious treasure. Your task is to fight the Akumujin and prevent them from altering time. This is where the climax starts! -INFO- *Akumujin* The Akumujin are a race of monsters that lost their physical appearance due to a certain event that erased their timeline, making them dependent on others' memories to survive. The Akumujin forgot their pasts, but they retain their personalities by result. The Akumujin has the ability to possess humans upon forging a contract, fashioning a physical form through their host's imagination. The hosts, recognized by the sands of time spilling from their bodies, are offered a single wish from the Akumujin. In exchange, the Akumujin is able to dive into the most treasured moment of the person's past, however, the host must remember making the contract for the Akumujin to successfully travel into the past. In addition, if the host forgets or dies before the contract is completed, the Akumujin bound to him/her will fade out of existence. Often times, the wishes are 'fulfilled' in violent and haphazard ways with innocents getting hurt in the process. Opening the human like a door, a portal is revealed that leads to the appropriate time, severing their ties to the human in the process. From there, an Akumujin takes over a host's body or simply manifests itself in its physical form and begins causing massive chaos. In turn, due to the laws of time, everything and everyone destroyed in the past no longer exists in the present. However, all of the damages can be restored by just remembering. Also, if an alteration to the past prevents the contract from ever being made in the first place, the damage will be negated completely due to it never having happened. Like what I've said, the Akumujin has the ability to possess human, their contract holders, if said contract holder is put in certain amount of danger, before, during or after the contract is forged, they have this ability. While this occurs, person's consciousnesses is sent into the area of the mind. *Daikyofujin* Upon defeating an Akumujin, it can revive back into a large creature called Daikyofujin. There are three types of Daikyofujin: Tsubasajin -Aerial Daikyofujin resembling a hybrid of a bird, bat and wasp. Erajin -Aquatic Daikyofujin resembling an eel with elements of various sea creatures and is able to fly. Sujijin -Terrestrial Daikyofujin resembling a hybrid of a gorilla, bull and rhinoceros. It possesses great speed and thick hide. The only way to defeat them is by the means of C-Liner. *C-Liner* The C-Liner is a bullet train that can travel through time by the use of entering the Path Dimension. If a person died and ends up in the Path Dimension, they are considered 'VIPs' of the C-Liner. The train is composed of four cars, all of them are the mechanisms used to defeat a Daikyofujin. When attacking, the train turns sideways and each of the four compartments open up, each revealing a weapon. Baku Cannon -The first car is the Baku Cannon, which is good for frontal assaults. It fires a single but powerful missile called Bakusile. Goro Launcher -The second car is the Goro Launcher, which can fire four rockets called Gorockets. Budo Gatling -The third car is the Budo Gatling, which can rapidly fire grape-shaped bullets called Budolets. Kokuki Jet -The fourth car contains the Kokuki Jet, which is good for solo aerial attacks. It can fire two rockets and has bladed wings. Aside from these, it also has a dining car (which is the group's base of operations), bath car, and the sleeping car. To control the C-Liner is from the C-Crosser, the motorcycle which serves as the train's control mechanism, as long as it is docked. The C-Crosser can be launched by the C-Liner as a means of transportation. Without the C-Crosser, the C-Liner will stop unless there is a substitute motorcycle. This is how it looks like: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/f/f9/Machine_Massigler.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111025000346 *Important Characters* Eigo Ikumo/Eon Restorer Jikan -The first passenger, and the only one who wakes up with no memory. He is a shy and timid person, since he has no memory, but he is willing to protect others after he receives the Jikan Driver and the C-Cards, of which he uses to become the Time Restorer Jikan. His name is Japanese for 'eon' and 'restorer', which makes up his superhero name with another Japanese word which means 'time'. As Jikan, his armor is mostly black and white, with the white parts being the armor plates, as well as the color of his spade-themed helmet. He is armed with the Mirai Stick which can change from sword mode to gun mode. The Jikan Driver is the belt that he uses to transform into Jikan by means of swiping down the C-Card for transformation. There are two categories for the C-Cards, mainly the Henshin-Type cards used for transformation and form change and Skill-Type cards used to enhance his fighting capabilities. The belt has three gauges; the right Strength Gauge measures how stronger his attacks are, the left Speed Gauge measures how fast are his actions and the center Power Gauge measures the attack power of a combo of Skill-Type cards, which can make up an attack. That goes the same with the Mirai Stick. Also, the Skill-Type C-Cards can be reused. Amy Smithers -The owner of the C-Liner, though she said to herself that she is not the conductor of the train. She came from a distant future which was now destroyed by the Akumujin. Her father was the one who built the C-Liner was told to find history's most powerful warriors to fight against the Akumujin in different timelines. She has a strong hatred for the Akumujin, hence her serious 'tsundere' personality, but she does have a soft side. Erika Tangley -The waitress of the C-Liner's dining car and Amy's best friend, which she refers to her as 'onee-chan'. She once lived in the same distant future as Amy before the Akumujin arrived. She was told by Amy's father to be her guardian and caretaker. Unlike Amy, she has a very optimistic and hyperactive personality, but in the inside is purely dark, making her a 'yandere', but she has no intentions on killing someone. She has a love for cooking and will always make coffee for Amy every time she hears her friend's yawn. Reaper -A man in black clothing, holding the scythe that stares the human soul, add him to the list of people who will die today. The mysterious Reaper is the leader of the Akumujin, and the one responsible for the destruction of Amy's and Erika's timeline. Nobody knows who is this Reaper, except he can be rarely seen in reflective surfaces. If a person sees him, he will add the person to his 'killing list', which he will assign an Akumujin to make a contract with that person. -RULES- 1.Whatever I say, goes. 2.Don't be OP. 3.No Gary/Mary Sues. 4.No god modding, power playing, or meta gaming. 5.Break one of these rules, and you will receive a penalty of suspension. Eventually, I will bring you back in by PM. 6.Just be creative when making your character. 7.Avoid the trolls and spammers. 8.Only I will determine who gets to be admin. Of course like all role plays, if you are admin, you can create an event or such. 9.Romance and swearing are to be kept in a minimum. 10.If you came this far, put on the other section 'Climax'. -CS- Name: Age: Gender: Timeline*: Appearance(include clothing): Inventory: Weapon: Personality: Bio: Cause of death: Other: *-Add the year and country.
#157734925Friday, March 13, 2015 10:53 AM GMT

#157737915Friday, March 13, 2015 1:20 PM GMT

I'm not too sure on the whole anime angle thing, but I do like the traveling-through-time-on-a-time-traveling-train part, so mark.
#157790604Saturday, March 14, 2015 4:06 AM GMT

#157859750Sunday, March 15, 2015 12:37 AM GMT

#157879729Sunday, March 15, 2015 5:00 AM GMT

#157885074Sunday, March 15, 2015 6:42 AM GMT

eww anime oh boy time-travelling trains i love time-travelling trains. i also like ponies and puppies. im not sure where im going with this

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