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#157803245Saturday, March 14, 2015 10:51 AM GMT

Name: Jon Tyler. Afflictions: Stanford Pines, Author, Fiddleford McGucket. Story: He worked with the Author on the Universe Portal. During this time he wore a costume to avoid recognition. Him and McGucket quit the portal project, and used the mind erasing gun to erase all memories of him from Stan and the Author, who still had faith in the project. He then used the gun on himself to forget the project and proceeded to live in his own secret bunker. His bunker is revealed to harbour many weapons, such as grenades and missile launchers and crossbows. He helped to fight in the Apocalypse. -Am I blanchin' girl we blanchin' I live up in a mansion (I'm a-blanchin') Girl we blanchin' I live up in a mansion- -OTSorcus/ LivingDinosaur- -Originally a 2009'er- -Add 11,135 posts to postcount from all of my mains-

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