#157960651Monday, March 16, 2015 2:57 AM GMT

Make more shields on everyone. Focus on maintaining the shields and perhaps use some wind magic to knock the bird-bot from the air.
#157961360Monday, March 16, 2015 3:09 AM GMT

Your barrage knocks it off balance. You can start seeing dents in it's armour the remaining missiles explode. The bird is knocked off balance it barely missed Scrouge. "Damage at 14%" Kuro tries to slash it, however the blade seems to move on it's own and it slashes away part of the armour on it's chest revealing a blue core. "Damage at 23%" It goes back up to the sky and it opens it's mouth. "High energy reading detected!" "Ragnarok cannon activated... Charging 10% 20% 30%..."
#157961661Monday, March 16, 2015 3:14 AM GMT

Shoot one of the Wind Balls at the core, While I stealth. Tнe poѕѕιвιlιтιeѕ αre eхтreмely lιмιтed
#157961917Monday, March 16, 2015 3:18 AM GMT

Try activating what's left of the Axis! Then charge one giant crystal shot, infused with all my elements and magic!
#157963586Monday, March 16, 2015 3:46 AM GMT

I shoot a fireball down that gullet.
#157963959Monday, March 16, 2015 3:53 AM GMT

The blood can not be activated. You try to fire at it but: "Sheild drones engaged..." Four hexagonal plates detach from it. They create a barrier blocking all your shots. "Charging 50%"
#157964204Monday, March 16, 2015 3:58 AM GMT

I run behind it, attempting to jump once again and get it from behind. Tнe poѕѕιвιlιтιeѕ αre eхтreмely lιмιтed
#157965469Monday, March 16, 2015 4:21 AM GMT

I fire another fireball at the mouth, and just before it reaches the plates I quickly make a strong bubble shield to force the plates apart, then "pop" the bubble just as the fireball reaches it, so the fireball goes.
#157998800Monday, March 16, 2015 7:56 PM GMT

Fire a endless barrage of crystal shots, an when the charge goes to 80 percent,shield myself in alight and dark barrier
#158000608Monday, March 16, 2015 8:19 PM GMT

The fireball passes through and hits it in the mouth, however the other attacks are blocked. "Unable to fire ragnarok cannon... If unable to release energy it will cause system meltdown... Changing to battle mode 6..." It changes into six hands and a head with a core on it's forehead. "Firing..." From the six hands a blue laser is fired out, of each of them.
#158000726Monday, March 16, 2015 8:20 PM GMT

Quickly reinforce my shield.
#158012332Monday, March 16, 2015 10:36 PM GMT

Stealth and prowl to the right, reinforcing my shield as I ready to use wind magic to jump to the side if needed. Tнe poѕѕιвιlιтιeѕ αre eхтreмely lιмιтed
#158012827Monday, March 16, 2015 10:41 PM GMT

Bring up shields on everyone, and use wind magic to dodge the lasers headed towards me.
#158016089Monday, March 16, 2015 11:20 PM GMT

Using wind magic you are narrowly able to dodge the lasers. "Targets invaded... Using fists." Four fists fly towards you.
#158016198Monday, March 16, 2015 11:21 PM GMT

I reinforce my Soulsword with wind magic, and attempt to slice the fist in half. Tнe poѕѕιвιlιтιeѕ αre eхтreмely lιмιтed
#158016354Monday, March 16, 2015 11:24 PM GMT

Hit the fists directly by throwing clods of the earth.
#158016814Monday, March 16, 2015 11:30 PM GMT

I use wind magic to dodge out of the way and to knock the fists slightly away before they hit me.
#158018453Monday, March 16, 2015 11:49 PM GMT

k3rl you slash one of the fists and you gets flung to the side, but the fist flies at a different angle and hits the floor. totre The fists smash right though the stones, luckily your sheild was still up. It bounces off and hits the wall. LNG You deflect the fist and it flies towards Corvax.
#158018602Monday, March 16, 2015 11:51 PM GMT

Send a bolt of darkness at the head which is presumably still floating in the air.
#158019252Monday, March 16, 2015 11:59 PM GMT

Heal myself with light magic and send a sphere of wind at its central body. Tнe poѕѕιвιlιтιeѕ αre eхтreмely lιмιтed
#158022813Tuesday, March 17, 2015 12:46 AM GMT

Form my shield into a ball and send it flying at the bird.
#158023219Tuesday, March 17, 2015 12:51 AM GMT

The two near the head blocks your magic, but the hands are knocked back and the deflected fist hits it's face. "Now is your chance."
#158023354Tuesday, March 17, 2015 12:52 AM GMT

Fire magic infused crystal shots.
#158023455Tuesday, March 17, 2015 12:53 AM GMT

I will send a powerful ray of dark magic straight for the head, trying to make it powerful enough to blast through whatever tries to stop it.
#158024663Tuesday, March 17, 2015 1:07 AM GMT

Charge with my Soulsword, jumping as I go for the head of the robot. Tнe poѕѕιвιlιтιeѕ αre eхтreмely lιмιтed