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#157859482Sunday, March 15, 2015 12:33 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#157860464Sunday, March 15, 2015 12:46 AM GMT

I think its kinda umm, a waste for the newer players and they should be deleted for active people.
#157860872Sunday, March 15, 2015 12:51 AM GMT

So, here is what I gather. You are complaining because people use actual words as names so nobody else can have the name. Here's why I say this complaint is stupid: 1. Any time someone registers with a username, that username is made officially unavailable to everyone else. That would mean every single person on Roblox is a name snipe. 2. The statement that accounts were made so "obviously" no one else can have them is ludicrous. You are assuming these accounts were made so no one else can have them simply because they were logged off for a long period of time, which has a huge chance of not being the case. 3. If the username is taken, add some numbers to the end of it. Problem solved. 4. If an account is made so no one else could have the name, that would be a very sad and pathetic attempt to troll someone. Not only is there no way of finding out if there are any victims, but you get no benefit out of it. No possible relief whatsoever. This thread in itself is telling all of the name snipes out there that they have succeeded in making someone angry. You also just gave everyone a new way to troll people. Expect at least 10% of the people who view this thread to consider doing this themselves. 5. There are a lot of inactive accounts on Roblox. Are they name snipes? 6. Who cares?
#157862710Sunday, March 15, 2015 1:12 AM GMT

1. Any time someone registers with a username, that username is made officially unavailable to everyone else. That would mean every single person on Roblox is a name snipe. then explain to me how you tube can do it 3. If the username is taken, add some numbers to the end of it. Problem solved. numbers dont make the username much more creative 6. Who cares? WE DO! because pretty soon there wont bve any good names on roblox
#157864372Sunday, March 15, 2015 1:30 AM GMT

Listen. If you are obsessing over usernames, than you take too much attention into Roblox. The game is made to be enjoyed. People don't come here for the names. People come here to enjoy the gameplay. So what? Just because you think you're name is creative doesn't mean that other people will also think it is creative. Your username being good is subjective. What usernames are good to one person can be stupid for another, so it isn't too good to think in-depth about things like this. 1. Explain to me how youtube can do it. YouTube can't do it. Two people can't be named "PewDiePie" or "Markiplier" on YouTube. 3. Numbers don't make a username much more creative. Than instead of using the name that got taken, consider coming up with another creative username. This is how inventions are made. You think of an invention and if it was already made, you either come up with something else, or improve upon the invention. The television was an invention. Someone else already saw that it had been made so to improve upon it, he made the Flatscreen Television. See how that works? 6. We DO You're paying too much attention into something so insignificant. There will always be good names available, because there are an infinite combination of letters, numbers, and or phrases that can be made to do that. Why you choose to confine yourself to words that only exist in the English dictionary is beyond me. You could be original and come up with good combinations on your own. Besides. If you think a username like "Cop" is original, then you have a wrong interpretation of what the definition of original is. Original means that it came from you and no one else had the idea or acted on it prior. A username like "Cop" has been thought of multiple times I bet you. Original usernames are easily remembered and are hard to forget. Sure, a username like "Cop" is easy to remember, but at the same time easy to forget. YouTubers like Stampy, Markiplier, Pewds, and SkyMC have original usernames. If you want a list of original usernames, have these: BloxxLot BuilderHD VerseMaster OnetoDeath UnReal FlairMaster PokeBloxxer I could go on.
#157864501Sunday, March 15, 2015 1:32 AM GMT

Is motorapida a good name?? just asking
#157864544Sunday, March 15, 2015 1:33 AM GMT

@motorapida Does it matter? Enjoy your game.
#157864770Sunday, March 15, 2015 1:35 AM GMT

So, here is what I gather. You are complaining because people use actual words as names so nobody else can have the name. Here's why I say this complaint is stupid: 1. Any time someone registers with a username, that username is made officially unavailable to everyone else. That would mean every single person on Roblox is a name snipe. 2. The statement that accounts were made so "obviously" no one else can have them is ludicrous. You are assuming these accounts were made so no one else can have them simply because they were logged off for a long period of time, which has a huge chance of not being the case. 3. If the username is taken, add some numbers to the end of it. Problem solved. 4. If an account is made so no one else could have the name, that would be a very sad and pathetic attempt to troll someone. Not only is there no way of finding out if there are any victims, but you get no benefit out of it. No possible relief whatsoever. This thread in itself is telling all of the name snipes out there that they have succeeded in making someone angry. You also just gave everyone a new way to troll people. Expect at least 10% of the people who view this thread to consider doing this themselves. 5. There are a lot of inactive accounts on Roblox. Are they name snipes? 6. Who cares? [2] "Explain how youtube can do it" Because they chose to, and in roblox it would cause confusion... On youtube... not so much. You can just look at the subscribers plants > animals
#157865010Sunday, March 15, 2015 1:38 AM GMT

@godstriker4 and it does matter when you are creating a famous game???
#157866883Sunday, March 15, 2015 2:01 AM GMT

Because they chose to, and in roblox it would cause confusion..." On youtube... not so much." You can just look at the subscribers" there is still many ways to tell who is who even with the same username -join date -places visits -freinds -user IP
#157876104Sunday, March 15, 2015 4:00 AM GMT

"user ip" when you cant see someone else's IP directly? plants > animals
#157878301Sunday, March 15, 2015 4:33 AM GMT

When it comes down to it, it's just some people being greedy because they want original names. I have one name snipe, Clinking, which I rarely ever even use, but I have it, and I like that I have it. Same goes for people who have actual name snipes. Old 2006-2008 accounts that have cool names and have gone unused are usually just players who either logged in and didn't stick around, or people who just gave up on playing after a while, very few of those old names are actually name snipes of any kind.
#157879473Sunday, March 15, 2015 4:55 AM GMT

Is you serious tho? ;/
#157880134Sunday, March 15, 2015 5:07 AM GMT

Wow... CronZero... I can just imagine what he did to all these people who said "NO." They should be deleted if they have never really been used. (And I am not just saying that because of dark comet.. o-o)
#157882363Sunday, March 15, 2015 5:48 AM GMT

No I have snipes and would like to keep them
#157882452Sunday, March 15, 2015 5:49 AM GMT

#157901192Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:02 PM GMT

"I have snipes and would like to keep them" SEE!? its selfish 10 year olds like you is the reason why pepole cant have good usernames. BECAUSE YOU GUYS THINK ITS FUNNY TO WASTE USERNAMES AND NOT LET OTHER PEPOLE USE THEM. so stop acting like a scumbag. it you want to keep them, then ethier use them. or give them up.
#157902657Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:26 PM GMT

"SEE!? its selfish 10 year olds like you is the reason why pepole cant have good usernames." people can have good usernames if they take them first. I took them. Fair game. also, 10 years old? bottom of the bin insult right there, mang "then ethier use them. or give them up." why should i give them up? they're mine. [audience laffs]
#157902740Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:27 PM GMT

How would you establish what accounts are name snipped or not? I think it would be too complicated and its oversuggested
#157902911Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:30 PM GMT

Let me reword, how would you know of that account is still INACTIVE. I dont know, they may still play but theyre taking a long break. I dont think they would appreciate their name being taken.
#157903016Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:31 PM GMT

#157903361Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:36 PM GMT

'people can have good usernames if they take them first. I took them. Fair game." well when you make a account with a good username and never use it, t\ then you don't derisive a roblox account. its a waste of usernames space pretty soon there wont be any good usernames left for pepole who join in 2019 because of you SELF HOGGING USERNAMES KIDS" INFACT ABOUT ALL THE USERNAMES LEFT IN 2019 WILL HAVE NUMBER IN IT "why should i give them up?" because its selfish, and its a waste of username space this "namesnipe" crap needs to burn in heck. SOME PEPOLE MAY ACTUALLY WANT TO USE THAT USERNAME, ACTUALLY USE THE USERNAMES, INSTEAD OF NOT USING IT! 'they're mine." "mine" look out kids, we got a selfish scumbag here"
#157903727Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:41 PM GMT

"I dont know, they may still play but theyre taking a long break. I dont think they would appreciate their name being taken." if you been inactive for 4 YEARS STRAIGHT! then chances are -you probably live in your own house -you probably have a job by now -INFACT you may even have kids by now -and in fact being inactive for 4 years strait means that you have no more time for roblox
#157904325Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:48 PM GMT

So you want a huge playerbase to be removed? Did you know, most people from that early in the game made the account, played, and then left. The point is, they played. They didn't make accounts just to do it.
#157905684Sunday, March 15, 2015 4:05 PM GMT

"The point is, they played" the more important point is that "they left" yes sure those 2006 accouts played. but think about it. they moved on from roblox. whats even the point of keeping the inactive accounts anymore. its not like there going to make roblox money or anything and plus if they been inactive since 2009 then chances are. they won't give a crap about roblox anymore

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