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#157915753Sunday, March 15, 2015 6:17 PM GMT

Veterans make the core of roblox. They are the ones who have stayed and been unswayed by updates, new people, new ideas, bad internet(meh), and have been vital to getting roblox more members. Veterans also tend to make the core of incredibly good builders through years of experience. It is not obvious but we make roblox run through the back ground. Making the games that cause new people to join, leading the groups that new people join, and building the models that new people use to get started in building. We mentor and teach the new members in building, scripting, and fighting. Someone had to have mastered it first, and we did it. Now we pass it along, leaving behind our legacy in the new users. ROBLOX could have failed a long time ago before this point, but it didn't. Because we stayed, we spread the word, and we built this game's player attracting places that cause people to come in and enjoy the game. Your favorite game was probably made by a veteran. Your first played game was probably made by a veteran. Who taught you the ways of roblox, was probably a veteran, leaving his legacy behind when he finally passes. For all that, we may not get anything from roblox in return, but at the very least they appreciate us and our hard work to KEEP THIS GAME ALIVE. Playing almost every day on our end, for our enjoyment, but also bringing in the new members. Roblox would not have gotten far without us, remember that, and know who made this game available to you for these days. Or if you've seen the anime Ergo Proxy, then you could say that the veterans are Proxies.
#157916674Sunday, March 15, 2015 6:27 PM GMT

So...what's the point of this? What do veterans get? Do we just get an appreciation day? Do we get something special? What are you talking about?
#157916812Sunday, March 15, 2015 6:29 PM GMT

I don't know about Ergo Proxy, but I do feel ya. Especially since I have two accounts. One made in 2008 (godstriker5) and one made in 2011 (godstriker4). I don't know about all veterans making the core of Roblox since me being one myself I believe I have in no way, shape, or form contributed to the community of Roblox, but I can say that the majority of veterans out there on Roblox do make up the core of Roblox. Veterans made the worlds in the past that ended up on the front page and make the worlds today that end up on the front page. We have seen Roblox at its best and its worst. We know the true potential of Roblox and what it is capable of. Most of us would like to teach the new people on Roblox a thing or two about how to get started or about how to start building. I mean, I would, but I can't speak for everyone. I don't know how to Lua that well to tell you the truth. So even if I wanted to help new people, I can't. If someone could lay down a few ways the veterans can help new people, I would be grateful.
#157916990Sunday, March 15, 2015 6:30 PM GMT

People were missing the point on the Roblox Veteran Support suggestion thread.
#157917312Sunday, March 15, 2015 6:34 PM GMT

Ergo Proxy was an anime about a post apocalyptic wasteland world were the humans ran off to space and made 300 immortal super humans that were tasked with rebuilding the human population and the environment called Proxies. Well over the 5k years most went mad and started killing each other as a form of mercy, since only another Proxy could really kill a Proxy.
#157917551Sunday, March 15, 2015 6:37 PM GMT

#157918075Sunday, March 15, 2015 6:43 PM GMT

Ah, the classic troll who says every suggestion is scriptable. Every. Last. One. lol
#157920390Sunday, March 15, 2015 7:09 PM GMT

"Scriptable" It isn't. It's sellable through eBay. Sellable.
#157920567Sunday, March 15, 2015 7:11 PM GMT

congratulations you've wasted space on roblox's database for years! want a reward? dont think so

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