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#158161889Thursday, March 19, 2015 12:55 AM GMT

None. I had four more in training for a group of eight. It's going to be a close call, but if done right I can achieve some relief.
#158163417Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:14 AM GMT

You now have eight Tuxedo Cannon guys. "Your men try to to mount each other... +1 population" -Preares
#158163543Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:16 AM GMT

I nod, and I look to the south. I move south with my men and try to find a spot where I can assess their strength and form a battle strategy.
#158163708Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:18 AM GMT

You find a cliff overlooking the docks, pirate houses, and Captain's Quarters along with their ships. "Your men try to to mount each other... +1 population" -Preares
#158164425Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:26 AM GMT

I examine their troops, taking notes of their strengths and locations.
#158167001Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:56 AM GMT

(I'm not sure if this goes here or on the news thread, so excuse me...) Due to recent discussions with a party interested with joining the Ice God's side, I will waive aside my interest for the side of Pre- something. I am now announcing complete neutrality in the matter until an offer can be made that interests me.
#158167269Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:59 AM GMT

Lord Tikobe is struck with a lightning bolt and it makes him sneeze a cannonball. This cannonball kills five of his people. "Respect the name" Preares says in your mind. "Your men try to to mount each other... +1 population" -Preares
#158167737Thursday, March 19, 2015 2:06 AM GMT

"I'm sorry. I just now heard it." Well, since I seem to be doing more harm with this, I take me and my units (Were the 5 that died part of my 8 soldiers) back to the village, where I make an announcement. "We've been asked to participate in a war of the gods! This is a symbol, my people, that the gods respect us enough to request this of us! We must not squander this respect! However, we've been requested to join both sides, the side of Preares, and the side of the Ice God. There can only be one explanation! A third god favors our kind, who were created by wizards, not born like normal men. We must pardon our monetary issues, and begin to build a shrine to worship this God of Creations!"
#158168532Thursday, March 19, 2015 2:17 AM GMT

Preares = God of Creation & Universe. "Your men try to to mount each other... +1 population" -Preares
#158169063Thursday, March 19, 2015 2:24 AM GMT

Oh... "Excuse me, I said Creation. I meant Ingenuity! For it was Ingenuity that lead to the wizards creating us! Yes, let him be worshiped." I have a shrine built to this God of Ingenuity which I made up to inspire people to bother with my messes, and appoint myself as the King-Priest of the God of Ingenuity, and someone to be the Holy Champion of Ingenuity.
#158169213Thursday, March 19, 2015 2:27 AM GMT

Pope Tikobe. legit. Preares is okay with this. But you don't receive any monies. "Your men try to to mount each other... +1 population" -Preares
#158169976Thursday, March 19, 2015 2:38 AM GMT

I gather down my Champion, my 8 Tuxedo Cannon men, and my three teachers and make two very important requests. I ask that my Champion take the 8 Tuxedo Cannon men and offer a treaty for access to the Tuxedo Cannon military in return for dealing with the nearby pirates. Then I try to convince my teachers that they have knowledge they pass down and the capabilities to research. They are, by all definition, priests of Ingenuity and have a duty to use their intelligences to save the God's favored people. They should continue research on the fabric to create for us a resource we can earn some serious cash for.
#158212521Thursday, March 19, 2015 9:36 PM GMT

You have no champion loser. Your eight Tuxedo Cannon Men are sent to the Pirate Lounge. They are stopped and reroute to the Captain's Quarters. After ten minutes, your soldiers return to you. The say that the pirates refuse to let you have any access on their premises. They try to research the fabric's properties. Their notes are destroyed by rioters. "Your men try to to mount each other... +1 population" -Preares
#158214893Thursday, March 19, 2015 10:11 PM GMT

I facepalm. I had told them to get aid from Birmania to take care of the pirates, not negotiate with the pirates. I still have about a solid hundred and a half cannon balls. I explain to the people that burning down other's people work is not nice, especially when it's to get money to give to you. I also explain that if they do not work, there can be no money. Whether or not they want to get paid is entirely up to them, and I promise all debts to them will be repaid when our economy can afford so.
#158219561Thursday, March 19, 2015 11:14 PM GMT

Their counter argument is that you can't distribute money among workers equally. And no you didn't. "Your men try to to mount each other... +1 population" -Preares
#158233182Friday, March 20, 2015 2:16 AM GMT

I tell them that doing it proportionately is called favoritism, and asking me to do so is not right.
#158245985Friday, March 20, 2015 6:25 AM GMT

... H-how? Wtf? They use the argument against yours saying that you cannot provide income equally among all of the workers. Where do you get diving money proportionally from? "Your men try to to mount each other... +1 population" -Preares
#158298399Saturday, March 21, 2015 1:49 AM GMT

Because if I don't give it out equally, it would be portions of the money.
#158300031Saturday, March 21, 2015 2:08 AM GMT

... You need some Jesus. Why don't you look over the past three posts and see where you're horribly wrong. "Your men try to to mount each other... +1 population" -Preares

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