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#158105764Wednesday, March 18, 2015 3:21 AM GMT

Yea, I’m a little upset with the problem because many of the times do I try “being the nice guy” but when I do that, people will get real excited and walk all over you. And why? Because “it’s the internet” to them. And that anyone who tries standing up for themselves are considered “butt hurt”, and cringe-worthy. Well, I guess I’m “butthurt” for pointing out the things people don’t wanna hear, due to their immaturity. It’s like they’re simply wanting to misbehave in a place where their parents won’t continuously tell them to eat their green foods. I’m a Christian and I proud one at that. But even I can say they’re treating the internet as a some-what religion. People will say, “but kids have the right to say/do whatever they want on the internet.” Yes, you have the right, but you certainly don’t deserve it. Me, and everyone else can get in some sort of trouble being found on the screen of a laptop, iPad, phone, etc. Whether it’s insulting someone, finding adult sites, and assume they “have the right” to be in it. Kids, just because it’s “the internet” doesn’t give you the right to do whatever you want. When insulting someone, whether it’s on-screen or not, you’re still doing it. Do what your parents are teaching you, and don’t misbehave. And if they teach you a thing they shouldn’t, like killing someone, then simply do what you feel is right, or know is right. Other than simply taking their word for things like killing people or just insulting them. Teenagers, do what you’re actually supposed to do, and grow up. As a teenager myself, it’s kinda obvious that being mature is gonna need to be found once getting a job and to show responsibility. Doing that, you actually help the planet grow other than destroying it, as you are with the stupid excuse of it being “the internet.” Adults, actually act like adults. Don’t allow these younger individuals think “it’s okay” to be doing/saying such things online just because it’s “fun,” and that, “they have the right.” If anything, they don’t have the right. I get I sorta said they do earlier, but to be honest, a big reason why kids often behave badly, is because they know they can, and that it’s easier than actually doing it in person. And what’s causing this? Because adults aren’t aware of it. That’s why. That or they simply don’t care. Another “argument” for which a lot of people use is, “freedom of speech.” Well, of course, there’s freedom of speech and freedom of privacy. But, of course, you need to earn it, as well as accessing the internet. You can’t abuse the term, “freedom of speech” just to do whatever the hell you want. I’ve said this so many times, but people simply dismiss it and insult me because they can’t come up with an actual argument. And because? They wanna continue doing whatever they like doing, without anyone telling them it’s wrong. Anyway, thanks for reading this “too long didn’t read,” statement describing our horrible nature, and how bad the internet society truly is because of the human’s mind-set. Any, thanks for reading. And as always, a fed-up internet user, JesusOne11. (Gets popcorn) I trust my fellow friend wouldn't spam, but send this message to you.
#158106242Wednesday, March 18, 2015 3:28 AM GMT

Chill man. Cool adults are laid back, not on edge. Just relax and go with the flow of reality. When have you ever met a good person on edge, yelling at people for what they can't help? It could be race or gender, they're on edge. Its best to chillax, and watch things pass by or slip into the flow. I personally watch, standing vigilant to ensure it all runs smoothly.
#158106749Wednesday, March 18, 2015 3:37 AM GMT

(A message to my post) Although, I was careful of grammar and typing, I still notice some issues of that sort. So I guess I apologize for that problem. But my point still stands. I also, apologize if I offended any of those in religion that isn't Christianity. That was uncalled for, but I still wish you wouldn't block, or report this thread. I've spent a long time on it, and I wish for it to stay. In fact, I had so many good forums of mine have been deleted for the dumbest reasons. Trolling me by reporting me because "it gives you enjoyment" will prove my point. I suggest being mature, as I cried about in my post.
#158106782Wednesday, March 18, 2015 3:38 AM GMT

#158107031Wednesday, March 18, 2015 3:42 AM GMT

(message to the first user of replying) I suppose you're right, but not when they walk all over you. I can't think straight when they think you can just do whatever you want, with no punishment. The REAL reality is them being (sorry if this offends you) mentally ill, due to enjoying the suffering of others. Who wants that? You should know what it feels like to be insulted, so why do it to others?

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