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#158235232Friday, March 20, 2015 2:44 AM GMT

"So what are going to do about it? We can't just very well leave it in the hands of the Zalkarye. If they were to find it, then the whole of the Community could very well be in danger." "But we can't deport soldiers there either. It could start a war between the Empire and the Community, which would eventually drag a little over a whole half of the galaxy. As of now, it's best to remain silent, and wait until the Zalkarye are willing to sell that portion of space." "And when will that be? The Empire is already hostile enough to the Community, that would..." "Enough!" The whole conversation stopped to a halt as the Chairman of the Community rosed up and paced. This was a solemn affair, and normally most would not be allowed to walk in the meeting hall, but the Chairman was not only one of the last Dgys, he was at his best pacing, and so most pardoned it. It was a minute or two before he finally spoke up. "It's obvious in this matter the governments cannot handle it appropriately. We need a way to go onto the territory of the Zalkarye Empire almost immediately, and not drag us into war. The only solution is by the help of civilians, who have the rights to not only go and claim unused land, but to enter the Empire. Now, in my years, I have discovered that many are willing to make millions hunting down caches. I propose we use that to obtain our goal. The Zalkarye are too prideful to claim the land as civilized if we were to put out a notice for it, and thousands would go to find it. It prevents war and gives us the cache with no problem. I say let there be fun and legality in it. Let there be fairness. Let there be a game." In the year 2039, Humanity discovered a piece of alien technology submerged under the oceans. This was a data cache that took our technology and advanced it hundreds of years into the future. We discovered space travel, and alien lifeforms, who taught us that there were more caches out there. Many, seeing the caches as a means of monetary gain, traveled the Milky Way, claiming uncivilized parts of the galaxy where data caches were and sold them to the governments. And soon, this will start a game for the biggest prize of them all. A prize that many would kill for. Unfortunately, you're all the way on another planet, claiming a different cache, with no knowledge at all. Talk about a late start, eh? --- Caches Caches are prized objects that are hunted down by many and sold for a load of money. Each one found advances galactic civilization in a measurement of years, some only by one, and others by ten. Usually, a discovery of these caches is how a race becomes spacefaring. The only races who are exceptions to this are the Dgys and the Chrails. --- Races Dgys - Dgys are tall beings, with long heads, approximately a foot and a half long, that stretch forwards and backwards. They have a turquoise skin color, and have easily seen white veins all over their body, giving the impression of white cracks on their skin. They're an energetic people, as by some phenomenom they naturally generate energy. However, they're a dying breed, with only a couple hundred left in existance. As a bare minimum of three hundred are needed to group together in one spot to form a stable population, many predict the death of the whole race to be by at least a century. Humans - Humans are, well, humans. They don't have much respect from the Ugatogh. They're often the ones trying the hardest to buy caches with money they don't have. Chrails - The Chrails are also referred to as human prarie dogs and are much loved by many strange and absurd humans. Despite their small size, adorable faces, and similarity to an Earth animal, they're quite a formidable race. Chrails are infamous for their intellegences that got them into space, without the use of a cache. The best spaceships are made by their design, and they constantly produce top of the line gear. They are truly an adorable species not to be messed with. Ugathog - The Ugathog are known as the warriors of the galaxy. They're also known as the instigators of every war they've ever fought in. They're bulky, with a feline-like face, and a barbed rats tail. Their legs are malformed for faster running, higher jumping, and softer landing. They bring about a topic of interest, as they're the only mammalian sentients to be carnivores, the rest being omnivores. They're also the subject of much controversy, as their race is oftened associated with the Rakshasa group, an originally Ugathog based organization which swapped from being bent on the slaughter of every last human, even using the name of a human legend to scare them, to a group that deals in anything to get them wealth and weapons. And the slaughtering of humans, of course. Vrumps - The Vrumps are neither animal, nor plant. They're fungi! Living, breathing, walking fungi. They stand tall like humans, however they're hunched over a bit. Their body is pale, and very squishy and weak. They had to form suits of armor that gave them protection from being squished, and give them the strength and thinkness needed to lift heavy materials up. However, after a first contact war with the Ugathog centuries ago, they discovered a necessity to form a sort of martial art dependent on the suit. This art, called Rundun, has had attempts to be adapted for other races and gun play, as well as the armor necessary, only humans, who's bodily structures are the most similar to the Vrumps than any other race, have been successful at it by far, which causes most of the tension between the Ugathog and the Humans. It seems like something pathetic to get worked up over, but the Ugathog do prize war. Zalkarye - The Zalkarye stand tall, just a few inches higher than a Dgys. They have golden scales, and while they're so thin it would usually be hard to keep balanced like a Dgys, they're body is also flexible like a snake, because they are, in all essentialty, like snakes. They only have two fangs, each with poison, and they have jaws that open all the way to their ears. Their head, unlike the Dgys, are like a standard human's beyond the long jaw. Even with long limbs, however, they do have a tail to help them balanced. Erus - The Erus are literally bird men. They have arms and legs all covered by feathers, a body covered in feathers, a head covered in feathers, and large wings. Instead of a long beak though, they have a flat one that is almost like actual lips. Along the beak's edge are teeth. However, despite the wing, they can't fly. They've sadly lost their hallow bones and gained too much weight to be airborn. --- Governments There are two main governments in existence right now: The Zalkarye Empire and the Community of Collided and Mutual Interests (CCMI). The Community - The Community is more of a round table than anything. Made up of several races, these agree to support one another and to advance civilization for the good of their races. The big players here are the Humans, a part of the Vrumps, the Chrails, and the Ugathog. While the Chairman (or leader) of the Community is a Dgy, the Dgys themselves are not a participating member of the Community. Instead, they stay inside a resevoir on a planet that just happens to conviently located inside Vrump space. The Empire - The Empire is well, an empire. Mainly focusing around the Zalkarye, thirty one other races are a member of it, including the other big players, the Vrumps who are not in the Community and the Erus. --- Combat Combat will be handled similarly to the combat I used in Crestfall. You do an action, I do a roll, and well, there's an unsaid dealing of damage and losing of health, and then an enemy reaction. Of course, to make things fun, each class is getting it's own gadgets. These are items that give you an edge. Some are special magazines, which will need to be refilled with ammo. Some are equipped items. Some are activated for fun effects. Of course, a word of caution, your enemies may use gadgets as well, so you'll need to watch out for tricks up their sleeves. --- Classes Outlaw: Outlaws are those sleazy guys you see who run at you with with a pistol in each hand. They don't care about accuracy or much, they only care about plugging you full of bullet holes. This class excells in the damage of a gun, but lacks defense and accuracy. They have one gadget: Hallowing Magazines: Magazines that shoot all of their bullets in a matter of second, resulting in multiple damage rolls. Can only be used once per combat. You may only carry 4 pairs of magazines, and must use a pair to use them. Hunter: Where outlaws are crazy trigger happy, hunters are reserved men with their rifles. They take time to line up their shots from the shadows, and go crazy sniper on them. They also have gadgets that help to increase the lethality of their hits, and their accuracy. Good at hiding and aiming a gun, but low defense and not as high damage as an outlaw. They have two gadgets: Self Targeting Scope: A scope with a built in computer designed to simplify targeting, you'll rearly ever miss with this. Heart Piercing Scope: A scope with a built in computer that points out the vital spots of your target, assisting you on getting some powerful shots. Both Heart Piercing and Self Targeting can be attached to your rifle at anytime for as long as you want, but only one can be equipped at a time, so you need to think which one is going to help you more. Brute: A brute is well, brutal. They use armor and a gadget to shield themselves from gunfire, getting in close to devastate an enemy with a shotgun. They are not enemies to pick a fight with. Good with defense, but deals poor damage at long ranges. They have one gadget: Shield Barrier - A gauntlet summons a barrier that briefly shields you from bullets. It turns off after sustaining a lot of damage or after a short time. You'll need to slowly travel from cover to cover to get to your enemy. Activate this whenever it's your turn for a move or reaction. Trickster: With tricksters, it's all about those gadgets, no bullets. They carry a small pistol, but what's dangerous about them are the tricks they have up their sleeves. They can summon smoke screens, drones to assist them, and electrical shocks to scare off nearby enemies. Good amount of gadgets, but poor aim and damage with a gun, and bad defense. They have five gadgets: Smokescreen - An orb in your gauntlet releases a cloud of smoke, letting you get away from enemies Jolt - You release a small electrical discharge, temporarily stunning nearby enemies Combat Drone: Summons a small air-born combat drone. This guy fires slowly for low damage and is easily destroyed. Activate these three gadgets (Smoke, Jolt, and Drone) whenever it's your turn. You may only carry two drones. They may be repaired. Acid Pellet: A pellet the sprays acid everywhere on impact. This acid is effective for weakening armor. You can only do this twice per turn. You may only carry 8. You can create more at a chemistry lab. Battery Magazines: These magazines don't use bullets. Each shot fire a cone of electricity that hit multiple enemies. These don't use bullets, but battery life. Each shot takes 10% life. A magazine has 100%. You may only use one of these per combat. They have to be recharged. Nomad: Nomads are class available exclusively to humans and vrumps for lore reasons. Nomads use a pistol and a rifle, but are truly deadly in CQC. With the additional power of vrump armor and the Rundun style, Nomads can blast enemies with bullets at a multitude of ranges, and if they're out of those, they can charge at an opponent and punch the heck out them, making them an incredibly resourceful class. They're average with both gun aim and damage, however in CQC they hit twice, have a slightly higher chance to critically wound an enemy, and a hit forces an enemy to drop their gun. That is if they can reach their targets. They have no gadgets. --- You start out hunting down a cache on a small planet. Here is your C.S. Name: Age: Gender: Class: Bio: Inventory: Space Ship (Name and Description):
#158235423Friday, March 20, 2015 2:47 AM GMT

Marked because mutual feeling
#158239233Friday, March 20, 2015 3:49 AM GMT

Name: Funera et luctus (Latin for "Death And Sorrow") Age: 32 Gender: Female Race: Human Class: Outlaw Bio: Lets see. A normal life from a normal family. Wanted something more... To be rich. Ran away from home when 16. Went across the planet making money in a bunch of different ways. Eventually found a spaceship crashed spaceship. Scrounged the parts and eventually made a spaceship at age 29. Now is a bandit getting money every way possible because she really wants to be rich. Inventory: Duel pistols... What kind of pistols are there in this? Space Ship (Name and Description): fracta (Latin for "Broken"... MUST USE LATIN), The ship is Like a big silver sphere with a window at the front and a door at the back. It's weapons and shields aren't too good but it's speed totally make up for that. It can dodge them bullets as easy as cake (I HATE PIE). (Horrile C.S. YAYAYAYAYAY)
#158243293Friday, March 20, 2015 5:06 AM GMT

Err... I'm pretty sure that a person who ran away from home without a proper education can't build a spaceship by the age of 29. Or at all, for that matter. And while isn't a problem you're being declined for, I would just like to point out that while it is the name of the class, you don't have to be a criminal to an outlaw. That's just a fancy name. As to the pistols, let your imagination run wild. End result, just fix the building a spaceship part and you're ok.
#158243376Friday, March 20, 2015 5:08 AM GMT

How about we just say she bought the ship
#158244870Friday, March 20, 2015 5:45 AM GMT

(May I ask about the economy of the galaxy? For instance, can people purchase entire planets? Or does purchasing a meteor cost billions of dollars? And what about weaponry? What kinds of things are common? Are there chemical and biological weapons that only target living creatures, or is it just lasers and missiles?)
#158244916Friday, March 20, 2015 5:47 AM GMT

"Name: Funera et luctus (Latin for "Death And Sorrow")" Why the hell would anyone name their kid "Death And Sorrow"? Are the parents mentally ill? Because if so, why didn't she run away when she was like 3 so that she could avoid the threat of death?
#158247744Friday, March 20, 2015 7:50 AM GMT

Name: Patrick Sulos Age: 28 Gender: Male Class: Outlaw Bio: Before Pat became the man you see today, he used to work in law enforcement as an officer. Before he got into the game of bounty hunting and cache collecting, he patrolled his home sector, bringing down law breakers wherever there is crime to be had. That was all before he learned of the copious amounts of silence money that his superiors were accepting from the local crime bosses. He was soon found out before he could even report the corruption within his department. So, forced to pick between accepting their bribes and being placed under the mafia's thumb for the rest of his life, to getting a bullet tucked into his brain, he hijacked a confiscated ship and jumped the heck outta there. Although Patrick has now left his old life behind, his co-workers still haven't forgotten about him, and neither did their paymasters. Inventory: Pat still carries around his old police badge, both for nostalgia's sake, and to fool cops into giving him access to restricted items and areas. Space Ship (Name and Description): The Eton "Lightyear" Cruiser. The very same ship Patrick "borrowed" when he made his getaway, only with heavy modifications, paint jobs and a licence re-registration to avoid suspicion from the police. It is fitted with light armor plating, high-speed thrusters, two front-facing blaster cannons and a man-operated under turret, and a sweet flame pattern paint job.
#158252765Friday, March 20, 2015 12:47 PM GMT

Stilts - Accepted, but can you toss me your race? That seems to be missing. Sassy - Now accepted, I guess. Tim, the economical stature is dependent one which part of Community space or if you're in Empire space. Some races in the community are actually quite wealthy, like the Chrail. Some races are not, like the humans. The Empire is currently very wealthy right now. While some parts of Community space do sell entire planets, it's for an astronomical amount. It's better just to buy a small, brief portion you're going to use. Claiming works differently, however. When you claim, you use a Flag you've purchased for quite a bit of money to purchase a small circle of land for the sole purpose of resources. This claimed land is now yours and not the government. This is how people collect data caches.
#158252886Friday, March 20, 2015 12:51 PM GMT

(Crap, I had a list of future weaponry and I forgot where I put it.)
#158257097Friday, March 20, 2015 3:02 PM GMT

Yeah, sorry about that. My character will be a human.
#158300115Saturday, March 21, 2015 2:09 AM GMT

(Sunuva gun. in about january we had a sci fi collab and I had a big giant list of future guns. I want to use one of em'.)
#158301541Saturday, March 21, 2015 2:28 AM GMT

#158334861Saturday, March 21, 2015 3:55 PM GMT

As I can't seem to be able to work today, I'm gonna bump this, and then head off to Trove. I'm 13 away from 20. So close to the god dang mount...
#158352553Saturday, March 21, 2015 8:08 PM GMT

#158391945Sunday, March 22, 2015 4:43 AM GMT

Name: Carly "Carl" Lazarus Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Human Class: Outlaw Bio: Carly was born with a rare birth defect, causing her to inherit male vocal cords instead of the usual female folds, thus resulting in her voice sounding that of a male human's. She had a below-par life. She was a C- student in most of her schools, She was bullied frequently in high school and had only one friend at that time, who was assassinated a day after befriending her. She was given the nickname of "Carl" or "Carl Lazarus, implying that most of the students and her school bullies suspected that she was actually a man trying not hard enough to disguise as a girl. During her college graduation, one of her bullies got up, pulled out a hacksaw, rushed to the stage, which she was on, and sliced her right arm off. She was then quickly rushed to the hospital and given a prosthetic arm. After the incident, she was issued a college degree and proceeded to get a job as a electronic engineer. Her high pay allowed for her set of her visor with a similar look of the classic 1980's retro-futuristic visors, but with ultra-smartphone features built in, and a permit for her Glock 21. She also got her recon scout spaceship for her 26th birthday. Inventory: 7th generation Glock 21 complete with 7 ATOMIC Ammunition Bonded Match Hollow Point .45 ACP bullet magazines. Space Ship (Name and Description): Caranar (Tamil for Scout). The recon scout ship itself is shaped as a half-circle with the back half having thrusters and the engine and the front half having a glass surface that can be opened, which reveals a cockpit, and supplies inside. It has 2 front landing thrusters and one back landing thruster. It has 1 gatling gun, each on the left and right sides. Oh yeah, and she basically looks like this: http://fc07.devi antart.net/fs71/ f/2014/103/2/2/n ode_dudette_2_by _hazzard65-d7e2h 1t.jpg
#158393413Sunday, March 22, 2015 5:04 AM GMT

Accepted Your thread will be here shortly.
#158393721Sunday, March 22, 2015 5:09 AM GMT

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