#158554615Tuesday, March 24, 2015 4:19 PM GMT

The show itself doesn't bother me Hell, I'll be the first to admit that some parts of MLP are actually alright But it's the utter cancer of the fandom it has that bothers me "Well the first thing to do is to sell your soul to the Devil..." ~ WiFiKing42
#158583582Wednesday, March 25, 2015 12:45 AM GMT

"why is the title in quotes" People are more likelier to click on it that way. "I was laughing in real life and doing the middle finger." Your age is showing. "Bronies are alright, You aren't though - you're a steriotypical brony neckbeard fedora tipping feeeeeg." What does this have to do with anything? "Your primary is "1337 group"" That's a Madness Combat fan group. "But it's the utter cancer of the fandom it has that bothers me" Do tell.
#158583969Wednesday, March 25, 2015 12:50 AM GMT

"Your age is showing." You really cant say that when you watch a show meant for little girls
#158584272Wednesday, March 25, 2015 12:54 AM GMT

"You really cant say that when you watch a show meant for little girls" I just did. And not one of you children have put down a single good argument.
#158586007Wednesday, March 25, 2015 1:16 AM GMT

Look people, you can't go symbolizing bronies as a fat neck-bearded men or say that's in itself is abnormal. When you got to go out of your way to say that that's what it is, you're being the abnormal over the fact the only difference between them and the rest of society is over a girl's tv show. Seriously, I watch the show on Saturdays and feel great about myself. I'm not the one working myself into a frenzy trying to get the edge on people to feel better about myself, because I'm not closeted or insecure about my life.
#158586153Wednesday, March 25, 2015 1:18 AM GMT

905 of mlp fans are trolls
#158586394Wednesday, March 25, 2015 1:21 AM GMT

"905 of mlp fans are trolls" Including you?
#158586512Wednesday, March 25, 2015 1:23 AM GMT

if i became a fan thatd be a yes, but right now im just a non-mlp troll
#158586599Wednesday, March 25, 2015 1:24 AM GMT

"if i became a fan thatd be a yes, but right now im just a non-mlp troll" I obviously couldn't tell the difference.
#158593501Wednesday, March 25, 2015 3:06 AM GMT

"Do tell." Rule 34, nuff said Also Gives better examples then I ever could "Well the first thing to do is to sell your soul to the Devil..." ~ WiFiKing42
#158596207Wednesday, March 25, 2015 3:58 AM GMT

"Rule 34, nuff said" Yes, only MLP fans make rule 34. No one else ever makes R34. R34 is only reserved to bronies. Bronies don't take precedence over R34. R34 takes precedence over all things internet. If you dislike something because there's R34 of it, then I got bad news about everything else you like. "Also" Context. First off he starts off saying he doesn't hate bronies. It doesn't mean he likes them, and that his channel is based on hating things despite how he may actually feel towards each topic. That said his content is going to be biased on all matters. He wouldn't hold a video with every single comment, and he wouldn't show any with sound logical reasoning, because his viewer base wouldn't find any entertainment value. Entertainment value is given by what stupid people on Youtube post that he features only. I'm willing to guarantee you the idiot bronies he shows on that video are no different from the other non-brony people he shows off in his other videos. In essence this only shows that people on Youtube can be stupid. It does no singling out on bronies. (Also, you may want to consider that some of the people are posting for attention, just so they can be featured and would probably not post as such in any other circumstance.)
#158599463Wednesday, March 25, 2015 5:33 AM GMT

#158601895Wednesday, March 25, 2015 7:51 AM GMT

I realize that other things have rule 34 But, they're ponies F**.king ponies! Who would sit down and think "Hey, you know what this show abut cartoon ponies needs? P0.rn!"" And in regards to the video I know not all bronies are like that I know some bronies are legitimately good people But the bad in the community overshadows the good "Well the first thing to do is to sell your soul to the Devil..." ~ WiFiKing42
#158607018Wednesday, March 25, 2015 1:37 PM GMT

e621 > R34 And some artwork is clopworthy
#158658919Thursday, March 26, 2015 5:10 AM GMT

"But, they're ponies F**.king ponies! Who would sit down and think "Hey, you know what this show abut cartoon ponies needs? P0.rn!"" Again, R34. If it exists there is going to be NSFW content of it. Hello Kitty has R34, Teletubbies has R34. We can sit here and go on about how "wrong" it is, but to be frank you're trying to find fault in something the internet has more blame in than all else. "But the bad in the community overshadows the good" Okay, let's stop here. "The bad in the community" isn't here. This whole thread has yet to encounter one single rabid brony. Not one crazed brony has posted trying to defend my point. On the other hand I've had like 5 different posters in some way refer to the community as bad or myself as bad for being a brony. I have seen this on other threads, I've seen it on Reddit and Tumblr. The Brony community has nowhere near as many bad examples as there are people harping how bad bronies are. Doesn't matter if there's 500 bad bronies. If you got 5,000 people saying its bad, that's what is doing all the overshadowing. And not all these people saying its bad is over fandom. You got those disliking them for watching ponies. You got those disliking them just to be trolls. Not everyone disliking bronies comes up with a solid point, but sadly the doesn't matter when they come down in the masses which the common people listen to whom those shout loudest. Record the number of bad brony examples he used in his clip, now count the number of subscriber's the uploader has. Let's generously say he showed 50 bad bronies. I'm willing to bet 99% of his subscribers have viewed his video. He's got 34K+ subscribers, and if the majority of his viewers find bronies repulsive because of his video, then lets do the math. Do 50 bad bronies overshadow the community, or does 34,000 people disgusted in those 50 bad bronies overshadow the community? Is it fair to say for every one bad brony there should be 600 brony-dislikers to balance it, because 50 does go into 34K a little more than 600 times which I think is utterly ridiculous. Maybe if we could shave off the number of people getting upset over cartoon ponies down we'd be much better for bronies and non-bronies alike, but from what I've seen, you got more troubled people on your side than mine.
#158659215Thursday, March 26, 2015 5:18 AM GMT

Typo, "doesn't matter when they come down in masses which the common people listen to them because they shout the loudest."
#158659994Thursday, March 26, 2015 5:42 AM GMT

Well worded I suppose I've just run into more idiots in the community I have no real other points to bring up, so You win Good day sir "Well the first thing to do is to sell your soul to the Devil..." ~ WiFiKing42
#158672232Thursday, March 26, 2015 4:02 PM GMT

@TheLegoGamerDude1, Thank you for bearing through with me on this. This topic is so hard to get others to discuss on since I normally get insulted at. The problem that saddens me is how the massive disliking that hits the community. What helps the fandom is some diversity from all forms of life. If you got a large group from every community you begin to look more and more alike with the actual public, which should be how it is with the only difference as liking a tv show. Unfortunately with all the bad reputation going around it stops those that would probably get into the show from ever trying and it makes other bronies feel bad about themselves until they leave the fandom. Why we have to be the topic of repulsiveness so much I don't even know why we deserve that kind of backlash. I'm sure if we had a similar kind of backlash on something like McDonald's we could stop people from eating there and significantly reduce obesity in the U.S. but as for attacking the community it won't reduce obesity and will only increase insecurity and making both sides upset which in the end helps no one. MLP by itself as we know isn't toxic and I've seen it change people that would normally be total recluses gain social lives. It's made people more talkative, made others desire and succeed in losing weight and its encouraged people to improve on better hygiene. I don't think its a sad thing it takes a girls show to do this to these people. I think its a good thing that something out there is trying to improve society and yet, ironically society doesn't seem to like it one bit.
#158672605Thursday, March 26, 2015 4:11 PM GMT

Well worded again. I said earlier, I don't hate MLP itself It's just some of the idiotic fans I hate I've watched one, maybe two episodes of MLP They were good, but just not my cup of tea "Well the first thing to do is to sell your soul to the Devil..." ~ WiFiKing42
#158672707Thursday, March 26, 2015 4:13 PM GMT

Quit bumping this cancer thread Theres a reason why theres only one brony thread here is cause they're not accepted here Go to OT, there is a better chance you'll fit in
#158673728Thursday, March 26, 2015 4:35 PM GMT

"Quit bumping this cancer thread" Quit being a cancerous poster. "Theres a reason why theres only one brony thread here is cause they're not accepted here" I'm sorry for making your life suck. "Go to OT, there is a better chance you'll fit in" This content doesn't belong in OT, because MLP fits in tv shows right here. Off Topic is when a subject can't fit any other category.
#158673889Thursday, March 26, 2015 4:39 PM GMT

MLP = cancer OT = cancer p much hidden relative clopper lmao
#158674049Thursday, March 26, 2015 4:43 PM GMT

To quote something in the video I linked earlier "There's having a strong opinion on something." "And then there's being a bigot." "Well the first thing to do is to sell your soul to the Devil..." ~ WiFiKing42
#158674771Thursday, March 26, 2015 5:00 PM GMT

"MLP = cancer OT = cancer" Considering I'm an OT'er I found this hilarious. Sadly my kind aren't into ponies either, and the mods don't warn me here. So you're just out of luck.
#158675226Thursday, March 26, 2015 5:12 PM GMT

"Considering I'm an OT'er I found this hilarious." That explains a whole lot. "Sadly my kind aren't into ponies either" Looks like OT is smart then ", and the mods don't warn me here." If the mods are warning you, maybe thats a hint to grow a pair :) "So you're just out of luck." Or you'll just end up like every other passerby brony, just leave cause they realize how dumb they were