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#158263519Friday, March 20, 2015 5:45 PM GMT

These forms should only be sent to Kasertie and only sent in Periods of time we are hiring. (Group Shout) Copy and Paste this into a PM to Kasertie and fill it out. Under the "Extra Info" box, writing alot gives you more of a chance of being hired. I also look for Grammar and Maturity. *THE HEAD REFEREE MUST RUN WEEKEND COURSES OFTEN FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BE A REFEREE* *Coaches & Referees are both expected to be very active.* _______________________________ Head Referee | [Name] Answer. [Date Joined] Answer. [Any Recent Experience] Answer. [Why Do You Want This Job?] Answer. [Why Should I Hire You?] Answer. [Prove You've Read the Rulebook] Answer. [How Active Are You?] Answer & Explain. [Extra Info] Your Choice. Coach | [Team Applying For] Answer. [Name] Answer. [Date Joined] Answer. [Any Recent Experience] Answer. [Why Do You Want This Job?] Answer. [Why Should I Hire You?] Answer. [Prove You've Read the Rulebook] Answer. [How Active Are You?] Answer & Explain. [Extra Info] Your Choice.
#158306400Saturday, March 21, 2015 3:33 AM GMT

[Name] Glowblade3. [Date Joined] 3/4/2012. [Any Recent Experience] im a eb on other leauge. [Why Do You Want This Job?] i want this job because i wanna do something other than playing football. [Why Should I Hire You?] im loyal and good. [Prove You've Read the Rulebook] The only way to become a Coach is to take part in application periods. [How Active Are You?] im active cause i online almost every day. [Extra Info] age 15.
#158307312Saturday, March 21, 2015 3:47 AM GMT

Alaska huskies Slenderbrian unknown yes i have coached before i want this job because i love to coach and i don't get mad about calls you should hire me because i have good sportsmanship and id love to coach quote: no field goals unless at forty yd line on 4th down I'm very active because i play with friends on roblox a lot and i have a lot of free time
#158307412Saturday, March 21, 2015 3:48 AM GMT

no point in competing with the OFL lol
#158324508Saturday, March 21, 2015 12:32 PM GMT

Head coach [Team Applying For] Virginia [Name] Windersimon [Date Joined] 3/20/15 [Any Recent Experience] Yes. I have coached for 3 seasons in RPFL [Why Do You Want This Job?] I want this job because I'm used to being hc and I like to develop players. [Why Should I Hire You?] Because I will make my team active and make games interesting [Prove You've Read the Rulebook] I just copied and pasted it on this letter. [How Active Are You?] A lot [Extra Info] Really nothing
#158324586Saturday, March 21, 2015 12:34 PM GMT

Sorry forgot I had to copy and paste the part of the rulebook ALL teams MUST have a roster of 40 or more at all times. This is because we can't have teams forfeiting. Falling below this could result in a Coach being fired or possibly even the Team being removed til next season if it's bad enough.
#158324992Saturday, March 21, 2015 12:44 PM GMT

[Name] iiSvpremeBallxr. [Date Joined] 5/19/11. [Any Recent Experience] Yes. [Why Do You Want This Job?] Because i love being ref for some reason, and I've been doing it a lot. [Why Should I Hire You?] I'm the fairest ref and most loyal refs. [Prove You've Read the Rulebook] All i can really say is I read it like 5v5 Football QB and a Center. [How Active Are You?] 9/10 I'm 9/10 On Games [ORFA] games and 7/10 Online. [Extra Info] I Love Your Ad ;3. iisvpremeballxr
#158329858Saturday, March 21, 2015 2:37 PM GMT

Coach | [Team Applying For] LA Aces [Name] shockingVIP1 [Date Joined] 23 Jan 2010 [Any Recent Experience] MFL LA Panthers current season NRFL LA Panthers, (other sports) EBL S3 Portland Trailblazers, EBL NCAA SDSU 2014. [Why Do You Want This Job?] I want to coach an LA team and I love coaching [Why Should I Hire You?] I'll be more active and better at coaching then any other person trying to coach this franchise. [Prove You've Read the Rulebook] "The only way to become a Coach is to take part in application periods." [How Active Are You?] 1-10 I'd be a 9.5 only nonactive if on a trip or school or family. [Extra Info] I can make uniforms easily, a stadium I can make really professionally, I make plays, I do a lot for the teams I coach. I can even make the emblem.
#158333683Saturday, March 21, 2015 3:38 PM GMT

Guys... You send this to Kasertie....
#158345155Saturday, March 21, 2015 6:25 PM GMT

Head Referee | [Name] SpartanCrafter [Date Joined] March 21st 2015 [Any Recent Experience] My dad is a ref and he gave me the play book and I referred a minor game. [Why Do You Want This Job?] I am committed to anything I apply for and I want to commit this full heart. [Why Should I Hire You?] I am very active and I know the play book off by heart and I am committed. [Prove You've Read the Rulebook] There is a penalty called leaping and its when the opponent jumps on the player in a way chest first and your feet are the first thing to hit the ground. [How Active Are You?] I am very active. I am on mostly everyday in between on tuesday and thursday 8:00 to 10:00 P.M. EST. and mondday, Wednesday, saturday, I am on for mostly the whole day after 5:00. I will notify you if I am busy on a day. And sunday I will be on in the morning. [Extra Info] I am very smart and play football in real life so I know a lot of the rules from that too.
#158347186Saturday, March 21, 2015 6:53 PM GMT

Head Referee | [Name] Raadx2500. [Date Joined] 3/21/15. [Any Recent Experience] Played football for seven years i know all the penalty calls. [Why Do You Want This Job?] because of my experiance i feel that i could be a verys strong leader on the field to the other refs. [Why Should I Hire You?] Because like i said i have played football for seven years i know all the penalties And i wont be joking around ill focus on my job. [Prove You've Read the Rulebook] I have gotten a ref rule book and read it over enough times to the point where i can say the rule book by heart. [How Active Are You?] Always active With my other groups i am very active im gonna be on most of the time like there will be a 5% chance i wont be on. [Extra Info] I believe i fit this job because of my experiance playing the sport and when the football season starts up again in Canada i will be inactive for tuesday thursday Saturday and im pretty sure games on Sunday if i do get the job i will follow up on what days i have games
#158350113Saturday, March 21, 2015 7:31 PM GMT

[Team Applying For] Detroit Chargers. [Name] Cooljewell03. [Date Joined] 5/13/12. [Any Recent Yes Coached RNFL. [Why Do You Want This Job?] TO help improve kids experience. [Why Should I Hire You?] because i can get proffesional training from people in RNFL for practice and can get a sponser of under armour. [Prove You've Read the Rulebook] all the teams have to have 40 players. [How Active Are You?] im active all week after 3:05 from Mon-sat. [Extra Info] Your Choice.
#158352305Saturday, March 21, 2015 8:04 PM GMT

Virginia Steelcats OfficerJamesMouser1 6/6/13 I used be a coach in OFL but they started to get stupid so I quit. I want this job to teach Robloxians Football and to teach them to have fun. Because I have been a coach before I am active. I am active everyday.Because after school and before school I get on on weeknds i get n also. I have read because If a player wants off the team he has to wait intill offseanson.
#158356344Saturday, March 21, 2015 8:58 PM GMT

Virginia Steelcats OfficerJamesMouser1 3/20/15 I used be a coach in OFL but they started to get stupid so I quit. I want this job to teach Robloxians Football and to teach them to have fun. Because I have been a coach before I am active. I am active everyday.Because after school and before school I get on on weeknds i get n also. I have read because If a player wants off the team he has to wait intill offseanson.
#158362902Saturday, March 21, 2015 10:23 PM GMT

[Name] Diego Delgado [Date Joined] I'm not 100% sure but I think 11/21/14 this is my 3rd account because my internet lost them [Any Recent Experience] Worked in starbucks I know how to work [Why Do You Want This Job?] I love football and love ROBLOX [Why Should I Hire You?] I'm a great ref I like football and I like being like a judge [Prove You've Read the Rulebook]i read and know about the referee academy (it DOSNT let me join idk why) [How Active Are You?] Every time of the day unless I get grounded [Extra Info] Age:15
#158365099Saturday, March 21, 2015 10:54 PM GMT

[Team Applying For] Los Angelas Aces. [Name] Caroline Gonzo [Date Joined] 3/20/15 [Any Recent Experience] Sort of, I Was the AC Of the IFL's Mississippi Gators, And I have gained experience from the HC. [Why Do You Want This Job?] I want this Job so I Can, 1: Create A Team's Foundation, 2: To Increase my Experience in Football, 3: So I Can Have A Great time, because, Shouldn't ALL Coaches have a Great time? [Why Should I Hire You?] Because, I Am HIGHLY Experienced in Basketball, and I Am A Tough Coach To Impress, FYI, I Want to Have a Job that can Let me Have some fun. [Prove You've Read the Rulebook] I Have Read the Rulebook, It's very Simple to Learn and to Grow from. I Honestly Have not Seen Rules This easy to Learn in a LONG Time. [How Active Are You?] I Am VERY Active, I Am Active Every day, Each Day, Each Week, Each Month, Got me? [Extra Info] I Am Looking foward to make a NEW Part of my Story, My Life has been up to coaching Basketball And Football on Roblox.

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