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#158477171Monday, March 23, 2015 3:13 AM GMT

Hello, maybe you've actually decided to read this. Well, I joined the server and was bombarded. So I can't be blamed for kicking some certain people. Honestly, I've been informed about people threatening MUA, (Marvel Universe Assembled) under my group's name. Or rumors have been going around about us threatening MUA. I'd like to state, I even made a group post saying we're not going to harm any groups in any way. And we'll try to keep as far away from conflict as possible. Some members are brash. But they listen. I don't have grudges against MUA, some members. But I wouldn't hold it against the group. Thus, I'd like to say I wouldn't have gotten this far if it wasn't for MUA. They helped me grow, helped me mature into the being I am today. I loved that group. It was my home. And I thank all the people who helped me, and tried allowing my brother forgiveness for his sins against MUA. But My group {The Marvel Infinte Universe} isn't responsible for anything caused to MUA. Thus, I've told all of my members not to attack, harm or threaten MUA in any way. I honestly wish I had more members like them. They're an amazing group, nonetheless. Although, I cannot forget walking into that server and seeing HR's from MUA, impersonating me. And even some Lower ranks. I've done the story. Now, I'm not forgetting that. I honestly can't explain what I think of that, it was offensive and brash. I clearly state here we ARE NOT enemies, or trying to harm MUA. ~KaineParkerTASS, The Leader Of The Marvel Infinite Universe

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