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#158480687Monday, March 23, 2015 4:08 AM GMT

➳ Intro Hello everyone! This is my first ever RP, and I believe Forum Post! After viewing for as long as I can remember the exciting changes to the RP Thread community, I have finally decided to join in. I apologize if this is the most cliche, horrible prompt you have read yet, but it definitely is entertainment to myself! Enjoy! ➳ Information Leaves in shades of crimson, yellow, and orange littered the grounds of Hogwarts, signaling the changing of the season and the start of a new school year. Faculty rush to complete plans and add the finishing touches before the students, old and new, arrive. One would think from the cheerful mood upon of the grounds that the battle of Hogwarts, where so many great wizards and witches had died, was only a dream… or a nightmare. Professors and headmasters alike exchanged greetings, congratulations, and praise. They were all excited for the arrival of the Hogwarts Express. Meanwhile, that very train waited on platform nine-and-three-quarters at Kings Landing Station. The train roared it’s heavy engine, while witches and wizards gathered around it’s red exterior bidding their families goodbye and gathering their belongings. It would be a long journey, it would seem longer for the first years! Timid and curious things! Most of the older students had already found their friends. They gathered close to their trusted companions, while the first years seemed a bit lost in the haze and glory. Kind adults and older students nudged them in the right direction when needed. The young ones would get the hang of things soon enough, and perhaps next year they could pass the same kindness along to the next generation of students. Tradition has always been important at Hogwarts. It was closing in quickly on the time for the train to depart and the loud whistle signaled to everyone that what they were to leave this instant! The remaining people hurried onto the train and found a compartment of people to sit with. Once all aboard the train began to smoke, pulling forward steady as a sea of heads and hands stuck out the windows, waving goodbye to their loved ones. This would be a year at Hogwarts they would soon not forget. ➳ Rules 1) No OD'ing/Romantic relationships. 2) Remember that you are apart of the Wizarding World, not the Muggle World. Use terms and facts accurately! 3) The book characters do NOT exist in this RP. You may not roleplay as them. 4) Follow the basic ROBLOX rules. ➳ CS Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Biography: Personality: **You may determine your intelligence on magic DURING the roleplay, (EX. When in a class scene, etc.)
#158480825Monday, March 23, 2015 4:10 AM GMT

OH! And remember- Year One is 11 years old! If you would like to participate as a new student, which is where the main RP will be taking place, your age >> HAS << to be 11.
#158480933Monday, March 23, 2015 4:12 AM GMT

marked Tнe poѕѕιвιlιтιeѕ αre eхтreмely lιмιтed
#158481049Monday, March 23, 2015 4:14 AM GMT

m a r k e d a good HP roleplay, finally.
#158481150Monday, March 23, 2015 4:16 AM GMT

Marked, I might join.
#158481206Monday, March 23, 2015 4:17 AM GMT

mark abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
#158481427Monday, March 23, 2015 4:22 AM GMT

merk ~The Egghead of RP that obsesses over being called CheeseOfAmerica
#158481569Monday, March 23, 2015 4:24 AM GMT

#158482059Monday, March 23, 2015 4:34 AM GMT

Er, can I use my main multi-universe character? She's a fourth year currently, and already has everything setup. I haven't had this one show up on the forums yet, so it should be interesting. -You fool! Those tights were the apocalypse tights!-
#158487367Monday, March 23, 2015 7:04 AM GMT

(Might actually join this one.)
#158487525Monday, March 23, 2015 7:10 AM GMT

How would you join? I'm extremely confused if this is a group or a game, or if not either of the choices I listed...
#158489411Monday, March 23, 2015 8:37 AM GMT

(@kuro, as this is posted on the RP forum with a CS the RPing would be done here.)
#158489894Monday, March 23, 2015 9:09 AM GMT

Name: Bernard Puree Age: 11 Gender: Male Appearance: A black-haired lad with rather olive skin and drowsy 'green' pupils and flecks of moles around his toe. Barley smiling, he rarely ever looks presentable or "rich" of that sort. His thin, cracked lips gash even more of a wound into that title. Through still looking young as an 11 year-old should be, he is enough to not looks in terms "ghetto". He has quite a slender body, that is average at weight and height. His feet are tiny, through, as well as his hands. His eyebrows are thin, and has rather un-matured features. He is extremely thin-limbed through, with rather board features. Biography: He's a pure-blood, who was raised in a muggle community. He learned magic near a forest, where he was selcluded. He was always enclosed into his home, homeschooled, and never really talked into anybody. But he wasn't abused by any terms—just, lonely. Personality: Very sociably unacceptable, and learned to be a bit jeering to his peers. Due to this blockage, he stays around the shadows, and is not a people's person. Through other then that, hes okay. Not mean, not nice. Just human. sorry for ahort cs it was done quickly
#158489903Monday, March 23, 2015 9:10 AM GMT

crew it, re-doing it. also, can we be a quarter veela?
#158490846Monday, March 23, 2015 10:47 AM GMT

#158492385Monday, March 23, 2015 12:09 PM GMT

sharpies are technically MARKers
#158504123Monday, March 23, 2015 5:41 PM GMT

Marked(Someone tell me how to do this? I'm new to the RP forum)
#158510171Monday, March 23, 2015 8:03 PM GMT

Like I said earlier, the main RP should take place in Year One, but you are welcome to play as a Year 4, etc. But it might be lonely, since I suspect most people will be First Year-ers.
#158510679Monday, March 23, 2015 8:11 PM GMT

Name: Alexandria Solence Age: 11 Gender: Female Appearance: A Caucasian and "pretty" (whatever that means these days) young woman with circular glasses (like "Secret Wizard Kid Glasses" found on ROBLOX Catalog), average build and smooth face. Biography: Coming from a parentage of two wizards of whom were in the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor houses, Alexandria grew up to eventually become enrolled into the Hogwarts School for Wizardry and Witchcraft. Personality: A light, cheerful person who always looks on the bright side of things; is usually quite random, but fun to be around, and can be serious at the most necessary times.
#158518569Monday, March 23, 2015 10:08 PM GMT

Name: Alexander Ambercrown Age: 11 Gender: Male Appearance: Alexander has Amber colored hair, blue irises, and almond shaped eyes. Alexander is the average height and weight for his age. Biography: Alexander grew up with wizard parents so he is quite familiar with magic. Nothing really too interesting has happened during his life. Personality: [Smart] [Confident] [Overly-Curious] [Athletic]
#158521858Monday, March 23, 2015 10:58 PM GMT

^(Sounds like a Gary Sue if you ask me...)
#158522003Monday, March 23, 2015 11:01 PM GMT

(I think Kseeking's is a bit lazy. Although, I wouldn't say Gary Sue.) Tнe poѕѕιвιlιтιeѕ αre eхтreмely lιмιтed
#158522529Monday, March 23, 2015 11:08 PM GMT

(That's a perfect character. >Is well affiliated with magic >Charismatic >Strong Uh yeah, definitely not a Gary Sue.)
#158522672Monday, March 23, 2015 11:10 PM GMT

>Cheerful person >Fun to be around >Can be serious when necceccary) Tнe poѕѕιвιlιтιeѕ αre eхтreмely lιмιтed
#158522717Monday, March 23, 2015 11:11 PM GMT

(Ah, crap. My tablet made a spelling mistake..) Tнe poѕѕιвιlιтιeѕ αre eхтreмely lιмιтed

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