#158512104Monday, March 23, 2015 8:35 PM GMT

1. How would you go about bringing a revolution to a website where you hold no control over the development of it? 2. True communism as a form of government for a large society is impossible. 3. If you lived in a communist country like how you say you'd want to, would it really be that great? Ask yourself that question.
#158512406Monday, March 23, 2015 8:40 PM GMT

OP was obviously joking. y u got 2 be so srs?
#158512540Monday, March 23, 2015 8:42 PM GMT

#158512678Monday, March 23, 2015 8:44 PM GMT

National Socialism is the light.
#158513008Monday, March 23, 2015 8:49 PM GMT

"OP is a hypocrite. He despises Capitalism yet he doesn't appreciate the things Capitalism has given to him, why? Well, it's just that he's that low and unappreciative. What's so bad about a sweatshop? I mean, I disagree with child labor. The rule of the people is bad. That leads to tyranny. Rule of the people creates big government, which is also bad." Who do you recommend, you fool? Rich people who will exploit the poor? I bet you're an uninformed Democrat voter who is for socialism yet praises capitalism. "National Socialism is the light." Key word: socialism
#158513143Monday, March 23, 2015 8:51 PM GMT

"OP also judges books by covers." Please enlighten me, you fool "1. How would you go about bringing a revolution to a website where you hold no control over the development of it?" How can you have a revolution in a country where you have no control of it? "2. True communism as a form of government for a large society is impossible." Break down the society then into groups. You don't have a central government that rules vasts amount of land, that's how empires fall. "3. If you lived in a communist country like how you say you'd want to, would it really be that great? Ask yourself that question." If you actually read my threads, you'd see I said they are not capitalist.
#158513192Monday, March 23, 2015 8:52 PM GMT

"Steve Jobs was a greedy pig who gave us these products that we voluntarily give him billions of dollars for." there's a number of people who will agree with this but thats a different story
#158513549Monday, March 23, 2015 8:56 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#158513652Monday, March 23, 2015 8:58 PM GMT

*they are not TRULEY COMMUNIST
#158514139Monday, March 23, 2015 9:03 PM GMT

Support! Communism FTW!
#158515166Monday, March 23, 2015 9:17 PM GMT

pass the sALT
#158527328Tuesday, March 24, 2015 12:29 AM GMT

You judge people by their voices thinking that they could be older. I'm not even a Democrat, lol. Explain how the rich exploit the poor. In no way this is possible, the poor exploit themselves.
#158528474Tuesday, March 24, 2015 12:47 AM GMT

roblox is neither a communist nor an anti-communist. it is a game. *facebang*
#158535985Tuesday, March 24, 2015 2:38 AM GMT

??? how is roblox communist??? communism applies to governments, not privately-run corporations you might've as well called mcdonalds communist and it would've made as much sense
#158560452Tuesday, March 24, 2015 7:06 PM GMT

"You judge people by their voices thinking that they could be older." So? It's not like I'm judging their character, I'm thinking they are of the older age group. I don't think someone of the uounger age group would have deep voices like so. "I'm not even a Democrat, lol." Republican? Not much better "Explain how the rich exploit the poor." ARE YOU SERIOUS? The rich exploit the poor by making cheap crap that was produced in foreign sweatshops, like you said earlier. The rich also exploit the poor in politics, where the rich politicians say the poor are nothing, and give them barely any money, while getting their votes. Something tells me you think George Bush was a good president. "In no way this is possible, the poor exploit themselves." You are extremely ignorant.
#158560496Tuesday, March 24, 2015 7:07 PM GMT

"??? how is roblox communist??? communism applies to governments, not privately-run corporations you might've as well called mcdonalds communist and it would've made as much sense " Communism applies to corporations as well, as the government ends up owning them, and most collapse, as through communism, socialism occurs, where no individual can make lots of money.
#158560798Tuesday, March 24, 2015 7:13 PM GMT

Down with the bougouise, down with the 100k+ Rap Traders Down with the System! For a bright future my comarads! Together we will change the future of Roblox!
#158564515Tuesday, March 24, 2015 8:29 PM GMT

communism: everyone is equal but the leader is a bit more equal
#158565659Tuesday, March 24, 2015 8:47 PM GMT

^^ XD
#158567937Tuesday, March 24, 2015 9:18 PM GMT

Communism is a legit form of government though Accept Stalin Rasputin Putin screwed it up and ruined the reputation of it.
#158569877Tuesday, March 24, 2015 9:46 PM GMT

> The rich exploit the poor by making cheap crap that was produced in foreign sweatshops, like you said earlier. But the people in the sweatshops agree to the low wages, otherwise they wouldn't work there. It's not really "exploiting", it's just that low skill jobs that anyone can do aren't going to be well-paid because there's tons of people competing who need the money just as much as any of the others. If you are a store owner, why should you pay someone $5/hr for some work if there's someone else who is willing to do it for $4? Both of them have families to feed, but only one of them gets the job. Thus, the problem isn't that the poor are being "exploited". The problem is that there are too many unskilled workers competing for the same job. If they obtain some skill that people are willing to pay for, then they won't get paid terribly low wages.
#158571794Tuesday, March 24, 2015 10:10 PM GMT

"But the people in the sweatshops agree to the low wages, otherwise they wouldn't work there. It's not really "exploiting", it's just that low skill jobs that anyone can do aren't going to be well-paid because there's tons of people competing who need the money just as much as any of the others. If you are a store owner, why should you pay someone $5/hr for some work if there's someone else who is willing to do it for $4? Both of them have families to feed, but only one of them gets the job." Since when is working in a sweatshop for less than 10 cents a day all day than not having a job? They exploit the poor people in third world countries by making them believe that they need a job that will make them more miserable. "Thus, the problem isn't that the poor are being "exploited". The problem is that there are too many unskilled workers competing for the same job. If they obtain some skill that people are willing to pay for, then they won't get paid terribly low wages." The American system doesn't apply to countries where people are literally living on the streets, Mr. Capitalist.
#158572907Tuesday, March 24, 2015 10:25 PM GMT

"Communism hasn't and nor will it ever be implemented in the right way." "We should have a communist revolution" Legit man, legit.
#158577426Tuesday, March 24, 2015 11:26 PM GMT

ok i just sent a pm to a mod about this thread i hope it gets taken down
#158577853Tuesday, March 24, 2015 11:33 PM GMT

> Since when is working in a sweatshop for less than 10 cents a day all day than not having a job? They exploit the poor people in third world countries by making them believe that they need a job that will make them more miserable. Again, it's because there's competition for the job. There's tons of people wanting the job, so it goes to the person who is willing to accept the lowest. Then both parties end up better off. Even a dollar a day is better than no money at all. And I'm not saying it's moral. I'm saying it's bound to happen, and forcing more money isn't the solution. A high minimum wage for low skill workers in America is the reason many of America's low skill jobs are now in China.