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#158561296Tuesday, March 24, 2015 7:25 PM GMT

I propose a new property for the classic Instance we scripters (and few builders) use pretty frequently. I have chosen the name GravityPoint, but obviously that could change if it's ever implemented. Up until now in order to change the gravity from pulling straight downwards, we've had to create custom characters, custom physics, custom animations, etc. Seems a bit elaborate if you just want someone to walk on a wall don't you think? That's where GravityPoint comes in handy! Think of how simpler walking on the ceiling, or creating a circular planet would be! Sure if you want to get all super developer on it and create everything from scratch (characters, physics, orientation, gravity, animations, etc.) go ahead, by all means, but for those of us who don't like all the work for such a simple task, there's a better way. The GravityPoint way. The way GravityPoint would work, is it would take a Vector3 value as a rotation, and would change the gravity to come in from that direction, all in relation to the characters Torso. So if you're torso's Rotation is Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) and you set GravityPoint to Vector3.new(0, 180, 0) gravity will flip the switch from pulling you downwards to pulling you upwards. Much simpler than recreating everything ROBLOX has done for you just to change the players orientation? Why recreate the wheel? Perhaps with this GravityPoint other properties would come with, such as "GravityForce" a value of 0-1 which represents how strong the force of gravity coming from GravityPoint is upon a player. This also sounds more plausible. Cons: I honestly can't think of any? Nothing would change but for a simpler way to change gravity. If you can think of a con please do tell. Anybody in support for GravityPoint may show it by replying below :D
#158561326Tuesday, March 24, 2015 7:26 PM GMT

and risk something being broken? Support 1/2 I have skin, potatoes have skin, therefore I'm a potato.
#158561386Tuesday, March 24, 2015 7:28 PM GMT

You dirty plagiarizer.

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