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#158592155Wednesday, March 25, 2015 2:44 AM GMT

TheAwsomeBloxxer(Ryder Bloxxer) was born in 1178, Masyaf. Bloxer had a hard start. His father, Zack Bloxxer was exiled from AC:EA because assassinating people he wasn't supposed to kill. Zack Bloxxer was soon killed by the target he attempted to kill, but he couldn't defend since his weapons were stripped off from AC:EA, and he sealed his fate. The mysterious target burnt Zack's house down and later took Zack's wife, Sheila Bloxxer's life, making Ryder an orphan. Ryder was then found by 2 retired assassin couple who raised him until he was old enough to live on his own on the roads of Masyaf. Ryder lived life as a criminal, a very goofy one of course. He loved stealing items, such as gold and crystals. He was very notorious and one of the top ten criminals in Masyaf. Even though he was a criminal, he had good parkour and sneaking skills, which made Mithandir, Mentore of AC:EA recruit him in his group. He recognized Bloxxer because he had the same features as his parents. Mithandir never told him about his parents, until his step-parents told him the truth. He couldn't accept it, and was outraged by this. Bloxxer wanted to seek revenge on whomever killed his parents, He trained hard in AC:EA and had good memories with his fellow brothers. He soon forgot about his parents and lived in harmony as an outcast, and an assassin. He soon went off the list of criminals but instead, get feared by the criminals. Seriously, stalking in the night to say 'boo' to people is fun. "Hey!" WAKE UP! darkeye2008:"huh?" Mysterious Scientist: We have to keep making this game! You totally forgot we're allies with Abstergo Inc., don't slack off the job! Keep patrolling and visit the core reactor. Try to get more info on this guy using this animus. darkeye2008: "Yes sir boss!" Scientist Maestro: Good, Remember, we are Innovation Inc. We never give up on our projects. dark: Ok Ok...Mark Miles Bloxxer, wherever you are...help me...

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