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#158685870Thursday, March 26, 2015 8:50 PM GMT

This is made by the CDF. The standard 9mm bullet's structure and contents have been modified. It is filled with a liquid we'll just name Psonkrete (with relation to concrete). The liquid is extremely compact within each bullet, and has had it's amount of gunpowder reduced. To compensate for it's low gunpowder, it has had small fins around the bullet for aerodynamics. With the new structure, my character has ALSO created a special barrel for it. Science time. The "Psonkrete" was originally concrete, but has been deprived of oxygen during experimentation. Because concrete is made of 60-70% oxygen, it turned into a gaseous state. He then froze it, and melted it again. When the Psonkrete comes in contact with oxygen afterwards, it turns back to it's solid form almost instantly. It's main purpose is to provide quick protection for an individual from explosions, so one would have to be shot with it so it hardens around ones body. Instead of smashing it off of ones body, he has also made a new formula to turn it back to it's liquid state. If possible, it can be recycled, deprived of oxygen, and used again. This is the first release of the idea, and it will be improved upon during further testing. It can also be lethal in some situations. One in hand-to-hand combat could shoot his/her own hand to solidify it to gain an advantage (Most-likely not on strangers, as they would complain about it being OP). Future accessories would be: -Timed solidification time -Usage in other guns and grenades -A lot sturdier
#158692699Thursday, March 26, 2015 10:57 PM GMT

wait, what do you mean, concrete is 60-70% oxygen? It's made of rocks, cement, and water while pure water is about 1/3 oxygen, the other two ingredients don't nearly contain enough for an average of 60-70% besides, depriving the oxygen would make it hydrogen, rocks, and cement
#158692907Thursday, March 26, 2015 10:59 PM GMT

while i do realize this is fiction, it still shouldn't blatantly lie about known facts, such as what concrete is made of
#158694503Thursday, March 26, 2015 11:20 PM GMT

not to mention this weighs the bullet down, making firing it utterly impossible and the fact that it would fall straight out of the barrel have you even seen 9x19 casings
#158697562Friday, March 27, 2015 12:02 AM GMT

And shooting your hand to cover it in a hard solid is very innefective
#158709542Friday, March 27, 2015 2:52 AM GMT

Well, there is some sort of building material made of 60% oxygen, but I forgot to mention that I'm not entirely sure on what it was. It was similar to concrete. In school, we did something where we name things that would happen if there was no oxygen on earth for 5 seconds, and one of the things my teacher said is that all buildings made of (whatever she said) would turn to dust because of it being made of mostly oxygen. Apologies for the poor information.
#158709799Friday, March 27, 2015 2:56 AM GMT

Well, there is some sort of building material made of 60% oxygen, but I forgot to mention that I'm not entirely sure on what it was. It was similar to concrete. In school, we did something where we name things that would happen if there was no oxygen on earth for 5 seconds, and one of the things my teacher said is that all buildings made of (whatever she said) would turn to dust because of it being made of mostly oxygen. Apologies for the poor information. And also, it's a video game... Realism is what these types of games are trying to reach, but not every scientific statement has to be correct in games such as ATF.

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