#159514896Monday, April 06, 2015 4:13 AM GMT

-"Rayne"- Ryan sat next to the table, the aun glistening on his skin. It's warmth seemed to almost hug his arm and gently kiss his skin. He twitled his knife, having finished searching the area for any SAFE associates and members. He sighed and blinked longingly, remembering his family, his friends, his life. All destroyed by a comet. He shook his head and let the knife go, watching it fall on the table with a bang. He reached for his bag that he had thrown on the couch in what seemed ad the living room of a civilian house. He grabbed the strap and flung it onto his lap. Opening it up, he reached for the picture. He held the picture in front of his face, watching the sunlight dance upon the old memories. The sun seemed to gaze upon his mothers face in the picture. Ryan smiled, remembering all the times with his mother. He sighed and folded the picture carefully and placing it in a secret pocket in the bag. Footsteps seemed to get closer to his location and he stood up. "You didn't say clear." A voice rang from behind him. "Clear." Ryan said in a sarcastic tone. "Very funny." The voice said as Ryan turned around. Ryan looked at 'Fanta' with a smile. "Come on, the sweeps over. We're gonna head back to Headquarters." Fanta said, readying his assault rifle. Ryan nodded and followed Fanta into the hallway. Broken pictures hung on the walls and rested on the floor of the home. Ryan looked at them as he passed over them. Broken memories in a broken home. Everything... everyone.. is broken. Ryan let out a sigh that echoed throught the hallway and ran past Fantas ears. "You alright?" Fanta said, stepping on a picture carelessly. "Yeah, I'm fine." Ryan said, kicking the picture to the side. They walked out the front door of the house to be approached by two more Dark Co. scouts. "We got this area locked down." One said to Fanta and I. "Okay, let's load up and head back." Fanta said, leading us to the APC. "Call in the big guns to search the 'Dark Zones'." Fanta said, climbing into the APC Ryan sat in the APC, feeling the vibration of the truck woth every step. He sat down next to Fanta and fixed his boot laces. The APC roared through the area and the force of the movement pushed everyone back. "We need another scout team to go check the Dark Zones." One scout said on his reciever. "Negative! We got activity just north of your position. We're not sure if it's a SAFE squadron or if it's mutants but it sound like a lot of 'em!" A muffled voice yelled over the reciever. I looked at Fanta as he nodded to the scout. "Lock and load boys." Fanta said loading his gun.
#159525432Monday, April 06, 2015 7:45 AM GMT

Ant, now knowing the mutants had gone, decided to search the shop he was in. The shop was yet another clone in the enormous shopping area that he was in, not much of a surprise. He began scanning each ile, making sure no mutants were lurking in the shop.
#159526780Monday, April 06, 2015 8:38 AM GMT

(If I was denied, where could I improve..? Sorry, forgot to mark.)
#159534444Monday, April 06, 2015 12:41 PM GMT

(For starters, your character is underdetailed. Also, NOBODY has an RPG in the apocalypse. Not to mention noone uses a BOW AND ARROW IN THE APOCALYPSE WHERE YOU WOULD BE TERMINALLY SCREWED.)
#159539063Monday, April 06, 2015 2:18 PM GMT

((Max was harsh, but yeah. Also, to the Rayne and Fanta paragraph: A- Isn't an APC like a mother-embracing tank? B- Unless you're allied with Dark Co., they should have shot you down.)) Henry reached out his hand to "Alice". "We have a team waiting for survivors we find. Allons-y, mademoiselle." His hand wasn't that visible under the bandages, but what one could see of them was that they were nimble fingers, those of an artist. They were also tanned and rough, the complete opposite of the skin of a Frenchman. Nonetheless, it was extended and waiting for a response. ______________________________ James Donovan loaded his rifle. According to their scouts, there was a truck headed in their direction. A Dark Co. one. He was the vice-president of SAFE and had the authority to determine what position his men should take. They were around 70, yes, but all trained. He knew one DARK CO truck would be nothing against 70 men. And so they kept searching for survivors, anything, really.
#159539315Monday, April 06, 2015 2:24 PM GMT

(Marked. I'll join eventually.)
#159539335Monday, April 06, 2015 2:24 PM GMT

"Alice" shook Gerald's hand. He ensured to make his handshake feminine enough. He said in the feminine voice, "Uh-huh." Alice found a can of beans in the bag. She sighed, before closing the bag and putting it over her shoulder. She then walked outside the restaraunt.
#159543414Monday, April 06, 2015 3:34 PM GMT

[Ok. Fair point. That was the weapon of choice though, not that he had one..?)
#159544715Monday, April 06, 2015 3:54 PM GMT

(CS sent to Bowtie, the filter was annoying.)
#159556221Monday, April 06, 2015 6:36 PM GMT

Toby Toby sighed as he wadded through a shallow part of the Washington Tidal Basin, he had just sliced and diced through a group of DARK.co members. He hated killing other humans, but he did it exclusively to DARK.co, as they have killed hundreds. He one day hoped to find SAFE labs, he was extremely scientific. Toby looked up, his destination close in sight, the Jefferson Memorial. He took his two swords out of his bag, both of which he named Pain and Agony, he loved sadistic death, but that was only in extreme cases. He got out of the water and walked onto the pavement.
#159615182Tuesday, April 07, 2015 3:54 PM GMT

"If you follow my footsteps, you can find the team. I know that because my boots almost cost me my life once." He said, shaking his head. "Espèce de-" Anyway, next was Arlington National Memorial. He sighed, breathing in a gust of fresh air before putting on his mask and running into the woods, his boots leaving light traces of the toe cap. The sun wasn't shining too brightly, as there were clouds- even a chance of rain, maybe snow. But Gerard felt it was too early in the year for that. Oh well, he hadn't looked in a calendar for what? 5 years? Maybe 6? The infection spread to France in 2121. It was 2125. God, that was messed up. He missed the smell of paint. The smell of Paris.
#159615642Tuesday, April 07, 2015 4:04 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#159616155Tuesday, April 07, 2015 4:14 PM GMT

Alex, or "Alice", followed Gerald. He figured that it would be difficult to disguise as a girl since his mechanical engineering job. He wanted to call his sister Alice, but he didn't because it wasn't the best time to do it. Alice began to run. She pressed the voice command button on her visor and said, "Directions to Ford's Theater." The robotic female voice coming from the visor said, "15 minutes away by car, miss."
#159616281Tuesday, April 07, 2015 4:17 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#159616499Tuesday, April 07, 2015 4:21 PM GMT

((that weird mobile thing may have to be removed later on but whatevs)) Gerard was quick. Too quick. He hit a tree. Groaning, he shook his head in a quick movement. He looked around. ((sorry gotta do quick replies.))
#159616501Tuesday, April 07, 2015 4:21 PM GMT

(Oh yeah, what will happen if Gerald meets the real Alice or finds out that "Alice" is a fake?)
#159619256Tuesday, April 07, 2015 5:14 PM GMT

"Alice" stopped running and looked at Gerald. He said, "Are you okay?" in his twin sister's voice. Alice continued to run. She frantically looked around as she put her visor up like a hair band. She wanted to make sure that there are no mutants or bandits lurkin' around.
#159619539Tuesday, April 07, 2015 5:20 PM GMT

Toby After looking around the Memorial, Toby decided there was nothing of interest. however, he saw an old ham radio on table. "Uhhhh, hello?" He said through the mic, he decided to sit down and wait for a reply, he would give it two hours tonight, go and scrounge, and then come back for the night.
#159619731Tuesday, April 07, 2015 5:24 PM GMT

((*gERARD)) "Of course, of course- Ah, crap. I must give more attention to my surroundings- Mon Dieu." He was still shaking his head vigorously. He suddenly stopped. "..Someone's here." He said, taking out his revolver. His eyes narrowed.
#159619978Tuesday, April 07, 2015 5:28 PM GMT

Alex, or "Alice", began to whimper in his sister's voice. He slowly pulled out his Glock 40 and slowly looked around, aiming. He wanted to make sure both him and Gerard were safe. Alice sighed. She stopped running and walked instead. She was tired for now, so she might try to find some water. (Anyone want to interact with Alice?)
#159620120Tuesday, April 07, 2015 5:31 PM GMT

(Can she get a radio signal on her glasses? If so, then take my radio call bait)
#159620548Tuesday, April 07, 2015 5:40 PM GMT

(Yes, her glasses have a radio call function too.)
#159620772Tuesday, April 07, 2015 5:44 PM GMT

(I just sent a radio call. Receive it or something) Toby "Come on! There must be someone alive out there! Respond and I'll play you some music!" I offered. It would be awesome, especially if someone from SAFE labs. All he could do is hope....
#159621598Tuesday, April 07, 2015 5:58 PM GMT

Alice positioned her cyber sunglasses for them to cover her eyes. She pressed the button on her cyber glasses and said, "Activate radio." "Radio activated. Press again to reply to radio." Said the robotic voice from the glasses. She heard the radio signal and pressed the button and said, "I can hear you. I'm Alice Bateman."
#159621896Tuesday, April 07, 2015 6:03 PM GMT

Toby "Uhhhhh! Yes! Hello! My name is Toby Wells. I hope you like music, because here's some!" I respond in a hyperactive, exicted voice and I start playing S3RL-Feel the Melody. "So, are you with SAFE labs?" I ask, in the same tone as before.