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#159153002Thursday, April 02, 2015 1:20 AM GMT

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#159153373Thursday, April 02, 2015 1:25 AM GMT

@LozSantos, bruh for once actually take a bad review and stop acting like he's being a pr!ck to you. Every ro rapper has that one person that hates their lyrics.
#159155246Thursday, April 02, 2015 1:45 AM GMT

^ preach
#159156167Thursday, April 02, 2015 1:55 AM GMT

almost everyone hated my lyrics but i'm a legend so lozsantos confirmed next ro rap legend
#159169603Thursday, April 02, 2015 6:24 AM GMT

Hell nah kid, what I want you to do is quit tryin so hard to come up with bad raps. Take 10 minutes, actually work a couple lyrics through. Take another 10 minutes and read over em, revise em, make them better if you can. Once you're satisfied with a line move on to the next one. Ain't nobody impressed with all you wannabe ro-rappers going around and dissin one another, tryna talk a big game but can't deliver. You want people to recognize you, you gotta start acting like someone worth recognizing. Put some effort into your work instead of this generic crap and maybe you can have something goin for you. That's my own two cents anyways, take it as you will.
#159176540Thursday, April 02, 2015 12:05 PM GMT

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#159184378Thursday, April 02, 2015 3:12 PM GMT

@Rainbow Don't try to reason with them. White suburban kids high on Little Wayne makes a autistic combination
#159218026Thursday, April 02, 2015 10:53 PM GMT

@Loz, he's actually giving you advice bruh. Why don't you take your hard headed self and stop acting like your raps are always perfect. Ask anyone here, I promise you they won't say they're always perfect.
#159218980Thursday, April 02, 2015 11:03 PM GMT

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#159220914Thursday, April 02, 2015 11:24 PM GMT

@Loz, it's called a wake up call as in do something to get better.
#159241497Friday, April 03, 2015 3:30 AM GMT

Kid, I wasn't even showing any hate. I came, I read, I rated. If the people who didn't like it just left without leaving a comment, you'd never know what was off about it and what could be done better. I'm trying to give you some advice here so you can improve yourself. If you wanna keep on making half assed "raps" and pretend like you hard then by all means, go right ahead. When you want to start improving yourself and maybe having a chance at a future in rap, I suggest listening to the criticism and asking people for advice.

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