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#159359368Saturday, April 04, 2015 2:22 PM GMT

''I lost Tyler. I can't lose anyone else'' 5 Months later Dan was sitting at a camp. This Dan is different. After the loss of his nephew he became more aggresive and started growing a beard. Josh was cooking some Pigeon for them two. ''Look Dan. You lost Tyler five months ago. You can't keep going on like this forever,'' explained Josh. ''Yeah You're right, I can't'' replied Dan staring at the fire. Josh walked over to him. ''Here, have some pigeon'' said Josh handing Dan some pigeon meat. Dan grabbed the meat and started eating it. As soon as they finished eating it was night. ''I'll stand guard tonight'' Mumbled Josh. Dan walked over to his tent and started sleeping. In the morning he was woke up by shouting. He grabbed his gun and ran outside. He looked at Josh and a women. ''You don't have to come if you want to!'' She demanded. ''STOP!!'' Shouted Dan. ''She's Lieing!'' Replied Josh. ''Stop! Both of you! I must know where we're supposed to go!'' Demanded Dan ''I am inviting you to go to Bigspot. A place with supplies, Friends and more. Although to be in the community you must do Jobs for our Boss. Murphy,'' the women explained. ''My name is Carly, Carly Baker,'' She continued. ''Alright Carly....The place is worth checking out. We're Going'' said Dan ''But Dan, She's Lieing!''explained Josh. ''I said we're going'' demanded Dan. ''alright...'' mumbled Josh. ''Thanks....okay...Get in the car and I'll take you two boys there''Said Carly. By evening they were at Bigspot. ''I'll take you to Murphy'' said Carly. ''So...you two boys wanna join the community?'' asked Murphy. ''yup...'' replied Dan. Then they heard shouting and a gunshot. (Sorry it had to end like this I ran out of ideas Please forgive me. I won't mind if you give me idea's)

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