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#159898133Saturday, April 11, 2015 3:30 AM GMT

Intro: The year is 3456 and new Empires and Allainces have Risen on Earth. New weapons of war were created to alleviate human costs such as drone infantry and tanks. Plot: There was still a need for man on the battlefield so the 023-A mech series was created. This mech series only had basic armoring and even a windshield with rifle and a large knife, after its many failures the same company produced the 023-B series. This newer series was extremely advanced with superior armor and even a H.U.D. Even better there were specific classes of Mechs for fighting. This is where you come in you are one of the elite "pilots" certified to use your customized Mech. The Allainces have finally decided the fate of the world will be decided in steel and blood, the Third World War has begun, are you prepared? Allainces/Factions; TLoF: The Leaque of Freedom, otherwise known as "The Leaque" comprises of most of the worlds most industrial nations and the largest advocates for Democracy. The biggest nation in the Leaque are America, Great Britain, Canada, France, and South Africa. TAoE: The Axis of Empires, aka "The Axis" main mission is to rebuild lost empires and many have already take land they used to own. Many of the are under the control of cruel dictators but the largest of them all is ruled by a crazed religious fanatic. The most powerful of the Axis are The German Empire, The New Roman Empire, The Holy Russian Rmpire, the Shahdom of Persia, the Caliphate of Egypt, and the Khanate of Mongolia. TGPU: The Greater Pacific Union, aka P.U to both the axis and league, mission is to unite the Asian states and make the independent of western influences and bring them back to their roots. The Major nations of P.U are China, the Empire of Japan, Empire of Cambodia, and the Mahmda Empire of India Special Mechs:(trusted rp'ers and admins only) The Bushi Mech: a Japanese mech created to look hums like with samurai armor and even a large sword able to slice through other mechs. The Legionary mech: the basic mech of the New Roman Empire it is armed with a bullet and small explosive resistant shield along with a short and medium range carbine. The Liberator mech: these mechs were created in American factories but there are few of them due to their tremendous costs these mechs have the best armor and the most variety of weapons in the world. These weapons range from a 70. Caliber rifle, a grenade launcher, to even a small missile system in its chest Kaiserlichen Landschlachtschiffe: Other wise known as KL's or Land Battleships. They live up to their name coming with some of the thickest armor and largest weapons in the world. It can either walk on two feet or it can crawl with all fours allowing it to use its win gun. They come armed with a 16" 123 mm turret on its back as its main gun. It also has a mini gun and grenades as well as as automatic defense weapons against aircraft and missiles. Regular mechs can be customized to your style but they just can't and won't be on the same level as specials. Rules; 1.Basic role play rules for roblox 2. You can and will die just make a new CS 3.you can have up to three characters but they all have to be at different fronts 4.I will control the NPC's as well as nation governments. 5. If your rank is of NCO and above you will have control over drones or if an officer other mechs. 6. Please no full on officers and NCO we still need enlisted so if we get to many high ranks I will deny CS's 7.me>Admin>you CS: Name: Rank and unit: Alliance and Country: Mech (if regular specify class): Mech appearance and armaments Mech Nickname: Character appearance: Origin(short if wanted but have details: Front your fighting on(I.e: French Border, Mexico-American Border, Mongol-Chinese, India-Persian):
#159898312Saturday, April 11, 2015 3:32 AM GMT

MECHS markmarkmarkmarkmark But... I'm also making my own mech RP. It's almost done. anyway, will make CS.
#159898365Saturday, April 11, 2015 3:33 AM GMT

Mark. ~The Egghead of RP that obsesses over being called CheeseOfAmerica
#159899150Saturday, April 11, 2015 3:44 AM GMT

#159899437Saturday, April 11, 2015 3:48 AM GMT

Markety mark mark.
#159899511Saturday, April 11, 2015 3:49 AM GMT

Gonna make mah CS because why not?
#159899879Saturday, April 11, 2015 3:54 AM GMT

Since I know you LNG from other role plays and you are someone who can play fair you are bestowed with the trusted roleplayer access. I should add the drone infantry are basically similar to the ones on Robo cop but customized to fit each nations uniform theme. CS: Name: Whilhelm Von Leidrichen Rank and unit: Colonel 77th Mechanisierte Abteilung (Mech Division) Alliance and Country: The Axis of Empires, The German Empire Mech (if regular specify class):Kaiserlichen Landschlachtschiffe Mech appearance and armaments: as in desc. above. The colonels mechs appearance is a bit customized. His nostalgia has made him give his mech a picklehaub, one of the spiked helmets during WWI and has his divisions numbers and symbols on his chest along with kill count, rank, and country flag. Mech Nickname: Des Kaiser's Faust Character appearance: Whilhelm is a man of 33 years old and has been piloting his Mech since its creation. He is 6'2" and muscular. His hair is black but greying at the edges and has a greying mustache. He also wears the standard wood camouflage German army uniform. Origin(short if wanted but have details: Front your fighting on(I.e: French Border, Mexico-American Border, Mongol-Chinese, India-Persian): French Border
#159967804Sunday, April 12, 2015 12:20 AM GMT

#159976675Sunday, April 12, 2015 2:07 AM GMT

I am the dark lord Sith Sauron
#160016942Sunday, April 12, 2015 4:06 PM GMT


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