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#16002737Thursday, October 29, 2009 3:21 PM GMT

cotume looks like : hero name : secret identidy : powers : (not too many please) are they used for evil? : how you got them (bio) : do this..once three people join i will create a mission... please dont all be evil or good...we need a bad guy
#16002817Thursday, October 29, 2009 3:25 PM GMT

Story? Rules? Place?
#16029168Friday, October 30, 2009 2:58 AM GMT

#16030807Friday, October 30, 2009 8:36 AM GMT

cotume looks like : scarlet and black costume with a red dragon in center, black mask hero name : Dragon Girl secret identidy : Lauren Nightscale powers : Flight and fire powers are they used for evil? : no how you got them (bio) : I was at a field trip in a nuclear power plant when the toxic waste exploded in a mushroom cloud, woke up covered in toxic waste with dragon wings
#16297434Thursday, November 05, 2009 6:09 AM GMT

cotume looks like : Is in a simple white mask that covers all of the head so u cant see hair or face or anything, wears a black shirt with a "skull with wings" picture on it, pants are black and they all in belts so u can keep weapons there, shirt with pants are covered with a long black trench coat. hero name : Brutalslash (2 words in the name :P "Brutal Slash") secret identidy : Jase Mack powers : Dark powers and feel pain only after 10 mins are they used for evil? : If gets paid enough. how you got them (bio) : After family died in car accident, also was paralised for life, was in hospital but then some scientists dragged him into their secret lab and experimented on him, the experiments had an effect on paralised state making him feel pain only after 10 mins, when broke out killed all scientists and went insane, now is never serious always tells jokes even when about to die, also experiments gave him some weird dark powers. Now works only for those who can pay more.
#16297732Thursday, November 05, 2009 6:41 AM GMT

cotume looks like : Black mask, Shirt, Pants, Gloves, Boots, and a red X on top of mask. hero name : Anti secret identidy : Peter D. Antidle powers : Turning into robloxians, Darkness blasts, Some other fighting powers, Teleport. are they used for evil? : All the time. Muahahaha. how you got them (bio) : Once as a cop was captured by evil villains. They trapped me into a small cage for a very very long time. When in the cage for 1 year, the cage zapped him. He wanted revenge.. So he decided to use his powers for good.. That is... before they stole his job as a cop for money. Then he was evil.
#16298430Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:02 AM GMT

(Mandarg is angry XD)
#16298464Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:16 AM GMT

#16304910Thursday, November 05, 2009 6:35 PM GMT

Atleast 1 hero and villain are in now.
#16305071Thursday, November 05, 2009 6:43 PM GMT

hero name : NightClaw secret identidy : Darren Phoenix powers : (not too many please) super strength and great reflexes (I'm making him a batman style hero with a suit that does practicly everything) are they used for evil? : no how you got them (bio) : he funded alot of money into a syrum which gives people a power. but bad guys wanted the syrum and killed all the scientists working on the project. the bad guys would have killed him but he injected himself with the syrum and kicked their ... bums job:Pro Boxer. hero suit: its a dark blue sleaveless costume with a white NC on the middle and also with a hood. he also wears dark blue shades that have night vision, heat vision, camera and they can see really far. He has a utility belt which he uses to store the odd items. weapons: 2 side handle police batons which also have a grapling hook
#16305101Thursday, November 05, 2009 6:46 PM GMT

Anti: *Bangs at door waiting to get in story* Ergh...... Just come on! Anti:I've been waiting too long! Anti: *Rams into door* ... Why?!
#16305182Thursday, November 05, 2009 6:50 PM GMT

Darren:*Has hosted a party in his mansion after winning a fight after 1 minute* guest:i still don't know how you do it. you win every time. Darren: well with my training and ruthless aggression i'm unstopable. (my character came from a rich family and also earns a high salary)
#16305228Thursday, November 05, 2009 6:53 PM GMT

Anti: Duh. I have teleport. *Teleports past door* Yayz! ..... Uh oh. *Next to a bunch of goodguys inside a cage* See ya! *Teleports away*
#16373653Saturday, November 07, 2009 6:34 AM GMT

Mission 1.... selected heroes :anti,brutalslash,nightclaw story :anti roams the roof tops looking down on his prey...nightclaw Nightclaw:"when will anti's thugs stop"...*walks over to another victim* "eghhh this guy smells of rot.he must have been here for days" Anti:"not so fast...your going to pay for letting them lock me in that cage all those years ago" Goldrunner:"I COULDNT DO ANYTHING...THERE WERE TOO MANY! and you know that i tried....i whupped them good at my laberatory..INFACT SOO GOOD I THOUGHT THEY WERE GONE..but i was wrong...remember the good days when you were my sidekic- Anti:"IT DOENT MATTER NOW..the skull gang still roams...and i blame you BRUTALSLASH...come out here BrutalSlash:yes sir? Anti:put all that money I gave you to good use..DESTROY HIM! BrutalSlash:thisll cost you extra *jumps down to the streets* Goldrunner:dont do this Brutalslash:its my job... BTSVHHVCFGBSNGNBDF *five mins later* Goldrunner:whered he go*said him as he saw brutalslash dissapear in front of his face.. hee realized that Anti must have use his teleport on him and BRutalslash* Missions: GoldRunner:use what you have on your utility belt to find brutalslash and anti's hiding place *you look at your traacker and find out that their hiding place has to be within 5 miles...here are the usuall hinding spots for criminals in this area #bulldog bar #dock 17 #dock 19 #dock 21 #underground sewers #abandoned power house utility belt invintory: poison, hand grenade, grapple gun , gps (this is how you go to a certain areas by saying tele to one of the # ) rules: evil doers ...every 3 posts of yours........you have to say a hint..NEVER GIVE IT AWAY NOW FIND EM GOLDRUNNER!!!!!!
#16373738Saturday, November 07, 2009 6:37 AM GMT

( what about the heros ? )
#16374425Saturday, November 07, 2009 7:09 AM GMT

Anti: *Hears owner* ..What am i, the riddler?
#16375839Saturday, November 07, 2009 9:23 AM GMT

BrutalSlash Truns to Anti and asks "so what we do now?"
#16375907Saturday, November 07, 2009 9:33 AM GMT

Hmm.. *Thinks* ..... Let us open.. The vortex!!! Muaha-- Oh wait i dont have time my pancakes are ready in half an hour.
#16376341Saturday, November 07, 2009 10:41 AM GMT

Slaps hand across mask "i cant believe im working for you -_-""
#16376584Saturday, November 07, 2009 11:07 AM GMT

cotume looks like : Black cape and spiked armour hero name : Dararath secret identidy : John Smith powers : Turns into a black dragon that shoots fire, Laser beams from hands are they used for evil? : Yes how you got them (bio) : ahh the old toxic radiation combined with his love of dragons ploy

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