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#160104214Monday, April 13, 2015 8:15 PM GMT

Rules: • Severity. These rules, should be followed at all times seeing as these are strictly enforced. • BTools. Under no circumstances, should these ever be used. • Paintbucket. Only time you may use this, is to paint your car. • Tools. You are not allowed to give out tools or startergive, only to yourself. You are not allowed to give yourself Robux tools (Molotovs, Spraycans). • Godding. You can only god/ff yourself. While godded/ff, you are not allowed to shoot at anyone. • Teleporting. You can only teleport yourself. Unless, someone says you can teleport them to you. You cannot teleport yourself to kill someone. And you can't teleport anyone to anyone else. You may not teleport to someone to harass them. • Messages. You are only allowed to use ":h". You cannot use this to harass anyone else. • :Kill. You cannot use the ":kill/:explode" command. Only time this can be used is if, someone is exploiting(noclipping/godding/etc), or in your personal items(car,plane,boat) after being asked to leave. • Bases. You are not allowed to noclip into someone's base, unless it is to deal with an exploiter. • Gears. You are only allowed to give yourself harmless gears. If they are annoying(gui/sounds), allow body control or use explosives, you cannot have them. • Music. You are not allowed to play server music.

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