#160303556Friday, April 17, 2015 12:02 AM GMT

Nora is sleeping in her tent, having strange dreams about freddy with a tutu on doing the chacha with Bonnie when she woke up. (Lol, figured I might as well throw seriousness out the window at that point) She was wondering why in the world she had that dream when she heard commotion outside. Nora threw on her hoodie and jeans, put on shoes and went outside. Her mouth dropped open.
#160304057Friday, April 17, 2015 12:10 AM GMT

Epik: The message says, "YoU R NXT" in very sloppy handwriting, you hear a shout, and turn to see a man holding a knife, he charges you. Suprisingly, the man is still zonked out, you turn to see a girl (Nora) staring with her mouth open, should you fight the man? Or try to get the girl's attention? (Note: It IS possible to do both, starting with getting the girl.) (This is an example of "Nerd" combat. both of you have stats, including the crazy guy, combat is taken in turns, in which one of you makes a move, then the man, then the other person, until wither, you both drop, dead or unconsious, (sry, spelt that wrong) or he drops dead/unconsious, you could also put him in a state of interrogation, the man seems fit to talk.) Roblox: You stare at the scene, you are frozen in fear, you need Epik to get your attention in order for you to fight with the man.
#160305321Friday, April 17, 2015 12:26 AM GMT

~~CS SHEET~~ Name: Zach Eruanm Age: 21 Height: 5,1 Weight: I dunno. Apperance: A white plaid shirt, kind of outgrown jeans, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a very pale skin tone. Traits: Dishonest, insane, although incredibly intelligent; a genius like Einstein (like he could outsmart a mine if he saw it) Bio: You are reading Zach's log. Day 9: Zach was born in San Antonio, Texas. Growing up in wealth, he went to Pennstate and graduated as a math teacher. He one day went to Freddy Fazber's horror attraction and seemed amused by it, but eventually he was never seen again. Items: Flashlight, pocket knife. Jab my knife into your nose. Other: A deck of cards. "You're living in anarchy, you'll never live."
#160305475Friday, April 17, 2015 12:28 AM GMT

ADDING ON TO APPEARENCE A long stitch across his jaw when he hit it on a chair when he was 2. Unusually long, deep claw marks from what seems other than your everyday dog or bear.
#160305574Friday, April 17, 2015 12:29 AM GMT

Accepted. Weight is just to add to the CS. Lets say you start at the brawl that ATFS just left? Going to make stats for you in a min. so you can fight in Nerd Combat :)
#160305907Friday, April 17, 2015 12:33 AM GMT

Your stats are finished, you can now participate in combat!
#160306108Friday, April 17, 2015 12:35 AM GMT

From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten a And that's why i'm afraid of ferrets.
#160306315Friday, April 17, 2015 12:38 AM GMT

From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten q And that's why i'm afraid of ferrets.
#160306394Friday, April 17, 2015 12:39 AM GMT

From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten qq And that's why i'm afraid of ferrets.
#160306446Friday, April 17, 2015 12:40 AM GMT

From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten From my point of view, this post was an absolute waste of time, space, energy, effort, brainpower, and strength. I think in my attempt to read your enormous word wall, I may have blacked out. I still am trying to read the first few lines, and every time I do, I repeat fainting because of how boring, dull, and unorganized you have sorted these words in which you have typed upon your computer. You have wasted so much time of your life typing that giant mass of words, you could've went outside and played with a ball, so that you could maybe get some actual physical exercise, but instead you decided to mindlessly type up a word wall with no clear point to it. You could've at least made a paragraph indentation for each couple thousand lines, so that we could take a break from reading it and get back to our lives, only to read the same, boring, massive storm of words that you shoved down our throats, and stuffed into our brains. Maybe if you had considered this before, you would have never poisoned the thousands of brains of readers, and you would've never caused so much trauma. I have never seen such a stupid wall of words in my entire life, because maybe instead of committing this horrible crime you would've done something valuable with your life. Because of you, many people are sick, lying in bed with a terrible headache because of all of these words floating on the page in one, gigantic bubble of boring. Maybe others think different, but i do not, and i am not very happy with the way that this thread turned out, since i honestly thought it was going to be a great thread, that made sense, but i just see a gigantic word wall, in-front of me, and as i do not like reading long paragraphs, i have just wrote this message so you do not have to ever write a long message again, even though i probably copied and pasted this, originally made by FPSBannana. ( T ) Anyway, i believe that this thread might be a little immature as a post itself, cause i originally thought that you were a good poster, but you post this big word wall, either as a joke, or for real, if it is a real thread, and you have read this far into this paragraph realizing that it is not copied and pasted over and over again, hooray for you! Either that fact, you are still reading, as you reading until you read this next part: you have not noticed u have wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this completely wasteful post, as you have posted, but only a few read. Its utterly amazing someone would take the time and write a big passage as the way you have, and i cant beileve you took the time and effort to do so, but it was a big waste since probably nobody will even read it unless you are famous or something. If you are famous, hooray for you! If you are not, you have officially wasted 5 minutes of you time creating a gigantic paragraph nobody will probably even read, if you do waste your time, you have now figured out that you wasted 5 minutes or EVEN MORE, of your life you could have spent doing something productive, such as homework or studying, but noo your gonna keep going on and on just to get a point across, your probably typing about: how roblox changed so much OR SOMETHING on that matter, if you are, not hooray for you. But congrats anyway i guess. Also, you probably have noticed that i took up my time and effort to make this awesome thread so you can copy and paste it and use it as an official world wall funny post to make fun of, on the forums. your welcome btw. ALSO, the owner of this post continuously keeps typing stuff, that i don't honestly want to read, but sometimes people say: tl;dr yes that is true, if they took the time to type 5 keys, they probably did not read your post. LOL TO BAD 4 U. Anyway, i find your post not entreating at all, hopefully you learn from this post and eventually figure out to shorten your paragraphs and write a big overall picture of what is in your paragraph, possibly you might add a good hook so your readers can read, but not like this. nobody will read anything you make if you keep writing gigantic paragraphs like this. It is not funny, and people probably don't wanna read it. I almost fainted of how many words i saw, it was utterly amazing! You thought of it as possibly a joke, or even a serious thread, but you keep going ON and ON about this big conversation, where not even everybody is intrigued about! Only like 2 people read a long thread, and get the point, unless its a creepy Italian food or whatever, but yea, seriously, i still don't know the honest point of using your own time, just to write this out, you think you will get your thought out by using a gigantic word wall, but nobody really reads it, i mean be honest. So yea, shorten your paragraphs, possibly to 1-3 sentences, cause i seriously almost fainted by how many words you used to write this gigantic word wall of mass proportions. And yet again you still demise the fact that you have officially wasted precious time for anybody possibly even willing to read the first few sentences, yet again, reading the first few sentences made me faint, you didn't even take the time to use smaller words that can be read more easily for the reader to connect there minds to what you have read, have you no sense of decency to any reader that possibly might be interested in ur topic alone even your opinion? But no, you do not care, all you do is write a gigantic sloppy big word filled word wall that nobody even cares to read, but you don't really mind you wrote this gigantic mass proportioned word wall that nobody even is gonna read, you might even full accomplishing that you even wrote that much just to make your point across, or even make a hilarious joke, but why would a joke be that long? i mean seriously, its not like a joke needs to be anymore then like 4 sentences, its a joke, shorten it and some people might actually get it!!! I mean are you just gonna write a 20 minute joke to make somebody laugh? GET TO THE JOKE, don't make some gigantic story to back it up, i mean, seriously. Even if i tried to make a measly attempt to read your post full of nonsense words, it couldn't make sense, we go to school to read gigantic paragraphs that make no sense and we pay no attention to what so ever, and your gonna brake the fun of NOT being at school, and write this gigantic essay about some topic probably about a game you played, or some problem that you do not like, but all you had to do was write 2 sentences about it, possibly your point may have gotten wasd And that's why i'm afraid of ferrets.
#160306451Friday, April 17, 2015 12:40 AM GMT

(Thanks for the massive bump! :P)
#160306505Friday, April 17, 2015 12:41 AM GMT

No problem b0ss :^))) And that's why i'm afraid of ferrets.
#160306760Friday, April 17, 2015 12:44 AM GMT

Is it bad i read all of that?...
#160306887Friday, April 17, 2015 12:46 AM GMT

Also,its it to late to make a character? And that's why i'm afraid of ferrets.
#160308734Friday, April 17, 2015 1:06 AM GMT

(Nope, you can still make one, although the sign-ups will close soon, once the story progresses)
#160311920Friday, April 17, 2015 1:41 AM GMT

Bobby went back to his camp, staying away from any human contact. He looked through the assorsment of clothes, finally finding the flashlight and batteries. He fixed his cap. And headed back outside.
#160312518Friday, April 17, 2015 1:50 AM GMT

ATFS: You see one of the lunatics charging another person with a knife. A girl stands by the side, frozen in terror. You could slip away, and stay away from the action. Or you could fight for these strangers, although you may have remembered them from the night before. If it even was a new day, it's so dark here that it is impossible to tell the time.
#160313155Friday, April 17, 2015 1:58 AM GMT

He was not one of the more stronger people, therefore Bobby decided to slip back into the building. -Lame timeskip?-
#160313412Friday, April 17, 2015 2:01 AM GMT

Nora shook her head, beginning to feel the familiar bubble of a rising anger in the pit of her stomach. It grew and grew until she flipped out her pocket knife. "Not today!" Nora growled, charging the man with her weapon. She was in on of her fits of uncontrollable rage right about now and could not be stopped.
#160329915Friday, April 17, 2015 11:16 AM GMT

ATFS:(The setting is a labyrinth, shall you go into a different room? Roblox: You charge the man, but he easily grabs you and throws you over his back, he is using your rage to his advantage, he turns to the man.
#160354119Friday, April 17, 2015 9:28 PM GMT

Bobby continued through the labrynith, the flashlight running out. He spotted something out of the corner of his eye. "Hello?" He followed the figure.
#160356354Friday, April 17, 2015 10:01 PM GMT

( I choose if you see something..)
#160371813Saturday, April 18, 2015 1:36 AM GMT

Everybody, new rule! 14. All who don't post in 2 days will be knocked out. bad things happen when you wake up! You can alert me if you can't post for up to 1 month, but you have a limited amount of time to spend off (2 months) so use it wisely! Also, goodnight to everybody in the US, if you are in another country, uh. ..good morning!
#160375565Saturday, April 18, 2015 2:29 AM GMT

Knocked out for not posting for 2 days? That's a bit harsh
#160375845Saturday, April 18, 2015 2:34 AM GMT

~~CS SHEET~~ Name: Anne Crawford Age: 29 Height: 5ft 7in Weight: 103lb Appearance (clothing):Long raggedy blue jeans. White sandals with a little bit of daisies painted on it. A pink and white striped shirt. Plain glasses. Appearance (Physical): Long blonde hair put into a pony-tail. Pale skin. Blueish green eyes. Traits (Good): Great at photography Traits (Bad): Clumbsy. Sensitive. Bio: Anne lived a normal life as a young girl but she didn't have much fun in school. She had good grade and all but the kids wouldn't stop calling her nerdy. She was kind of nerdy though actually and her glasses helped 0%. She soon found out that she had a beautiful talent in photography making her job in life be... PHOTOGRAPHY... OBVIOUSLY! One day a newspaper company hired her for an article on the Freddy Fazbear's Fright horror attraction... And then this happened. Items: Camera and batteries. Other: Biscuits