#16078989Saturday, October 31, 2009 2:05 PM GMT

Fail lock above.
#16080982Saturday, October 31, 2009 2:50 PM GMT do hae a way the CURRENCY EXCHANGE. 2.1/3 is alot be glad you can get somethingif this was WoW you would have to pay to play you get a 10 day trial and thats it they wont cut you any breaks you have any idea how many people could be working for roblox you dont even know about they have to pay them ALL plus their are bills for the roblox building you have to pay to run the website and a whole lot freaking more 4.hey some people have bc and their places rule and even so free players give NOTHING to roblox so yeah its true we payed you didnt said before go cry about it alt account is non bc i use him sometimes its still notthat bad only problem is non bc cant sell hats 7.make a good place get it popular and BAM you pulling in as many robux as normal or even turbo bc 8.admins really wont listen-_- not gonna say that saying that just makes you look dumb all in all non bc could use a few inprovements and telemon is thinking of upgrading the daily login bonus for everyone just wait until then
#16081013Saturday, October 31, 2009 2:51 PM GMT

BC money doesn't go to income just so you know.
#16081457Saturday, October 31, 2009 3:00 PM GMT

note i said "and a whole lot freaking more"
#16085489Saturday, October 31, 2009 4:29 PM GMT

That's it, I'm through arguing with you guys, mario, you just copied NEARLY the exact same list as the other guy did, and I defended against all of them, you're just another lemming who wants to sound smart by getting into a sensible debate thinking hwat you're saying is some "famous line". If you're gonna copy other people's defense in this thread, when you actually have no FREAKING CLUE what you're talking about, then leave the thread and don't come back, I've had enough of your crap.
#16093917Saturday, October 31, 2009 7:22 PM GMT

#16102746Saturday, October 31, 2009 10:23 PM GMT

#16103128Saturday, October 31, 2009 10:32 PM GMT

The tickets are bieng pushed down, like the penny, few people in the world dont end up caring aboyut a "lost Penny" rather than a lost dollar or $20, tickets used to be "The Thing" everyone was in with tickets (Tix) and almost anyone could get the new stuff, we shouldnt be making it so easy for BC members like me to get so many R$ and tix, 1tix is worth a small amount, yet 1R$ is worth 9 tix? and 9tix isnt even one R$, it doens tmake sence to me, it doesnt seem right.
#16103959Saturday, October 31, 2009 10:56 PM GMT

[Content Deleted]
#16104960Saturday, October 31, 2009 11:26 PM GMT

Darkus, don't spam in my thread.
#16105899Saturday, October 31, 2009 11:49 PM GMT

I must say, I've had my BC canceled a few times lately and I have no idea why. I had to wait a week to reactivate it but I COPED WITH THE PROBLEMS. Really, so what, you get worthless virtual money. So what, you can make a group that will have countless people join just to spam you. Besides, this is a KIDS SITE. ROBLOX is going to do anything they can to get kids to ask their parents to buy BC, as they're more likely to do that than a 14-year old teenager that's wiser with his/her money.
#16106736Sunday, November 01, 2009 12:14 AM GMT

You guys are whinny! My friend had his BC canceled and he doesn't cry about not having it! Just make thousands of shirts if you want money!
#16107170Sunday, November 01, 2009 12:26 AM GMT

@ushouldquitnow Where did you hear that Non-BCers could sell stuff?
#16107219Sunday, November 01, 2009 12:28 AM GMT

1.We have absolutely no way to make any R$ Trade currency, pay alot first then balance it with minimum pay every two or three days after your daily t!x. 2.We have absolutely no way to buy 2/3 of anything in the catalog, probably even more than 2/3. Trade currency. 3.The admins need the money: Come on, they have to have SOME other job other than programming a game, and that job is probably good enough to keep them under a roof, so why restrict everything? After all, they DID go to college. You can't say that not everyone wants some extra cash in the big wallet and thats personal. 4.BUT WE PAYD AND U DINT: Please, be ORIGINAL with your DEFENSE! The ones who are non-BC / EX-BC make up at least 3/5 of roblox, maybe more, without us, nobody would be visiting all of your unoriginal copied places for you to earn anything at all. Freedom of speech and rights to think what you want.Notice that you have that as well? 5.You guys still have privelages (did I forget HURRDURR?): Seriously, the privelages we have are unimportant, and they don't make us happy to play this game. The main reason this game is for is to be entertaining and to share your creations with people around the world. 6.You guys still have updates, and I NEVER COMPLAYNED WEN I WUZ NONBC: Well, that's the past, when they actually listened to us and treated us normally, but now we're neglected, please, cancel your (T)BC, then say you won't complain(and make it a dying promise while you're at it...). Nobody in the right mind would actually throw away what they payed for.Either you buy it or you do not, the choice is yours. 7.Use the currency exchange, N00bz: and waste every last ticket we can squeeze out of our daily pay for .98 R$? Please, tickets are SURELY suppossed to be worth more than that. The trade currency exchange is uneven and The admins know that as well and builderman said it himself that it will eventually fix on it's own in a while. The rest of what you said was pointless and had no reasonable explanation. Either you play or not. The choice is yours, now, let the game begin. SIRHENRYREMADE.
#16118833Sunday, November 01, 2009 6:07 AM GMT

i agree 100% you guys are neglected and left out
#16119375Sunday, November 01, 2009 6:25 AM GMT

dude. this site is used for money. its all about the money. WHY should some RANDOM user get all te privilages people PAY for for FREE? WHY should the admins program something and do there hard work for FREE? WHY should YOU be complaiing about a game HEY made for YOU! if your so ongoing pissed about being a FREE member and having the privilage to actaully BE ON THIS SITE THEN THERE IS THE DOOR. LEAVE.
#16119388Sunday, November 01, 2009 6:25 AM GMT

#16122487Sunday, November 01, 2009 9:16 AM GMT

^ AMEN you guys get it now while free memebers could use some more stuff THEY programed it THEY did all the hard work andTHEY can do what they want.
#16124693Sunday, November 01, 2009 11:58 AM GMT

You guys apparently, after multiple posts, don't understand. We know we need limits, and we can accept that, but we don't know what we're in for without a trial. So lets say we get all the features, but they're cut down to non-BCs, so we don't have to pay for MORE privelages, just pay for extensions to current privelages. As in, we have every feature, but a sample, a trial, a fraction of the real thing. So we can sell hats, but only 1 or 2, get R$ but only a small/so-so amount per day, maybe even per week. Actually do that thing called "reading" this time.
#16124914Sunday, November 01, 2009 12:09 PM GMT

1 R$ a day would be sufficient
#16124964Sunday, November 01, 2009 12:11 PM GMT

u said u cant get any robux not ture... trade currency or but it!
#16124982Sunday, November 01, 2009 12:12 PM GMT

soz i said but it i meant buy it
#16125406Sunday, November 01, 2009 12:28 PM GMT

I just love how everyone keeps screaming out "omg u can do tc!!" So, I'm bc and I can barely make anything from the tc. I remember when the t/r rate was like 1 to 2. But now it's horribly 1 to 9. I bet they did it for a reason. How can we make more money? Jack up the tc so users will either buy robux or bc. Bam, easy money. I support that non bc get the fractioned features.
#16126062Sunday, November 01, 2009 12:50 PM GMT

We shouldent have anything to be ashamed of,we paid for it.But you need to be ashamed of the amount of spambumps you have made.
#16279011Wednesday, November 04, 2009 11:35 PM GMT