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#160268434Thursday, April 16, 2015 7:15 AM GMT

-HISTORY- Creation The world of Aurora, the great Earth and beyond. The world before Aurora was pure darkness, with the exception of the Palace of Danwell, owned by the god of creation by the same name. He was alone, and he felt that the darkness is his only friend. He denies it, he won't accept it. Danwell hatched an idea of making his own world from his image and that he crafted it out from the soil of his garden, mixing it with the waters of his fountain and falls and molded every creature he imagines, as well as the humanoid races he desire to be praised. All that is left are the season and days. He went back to his garden to find two stones; the "brightest and the biggest" and the "sparkiest and the smallest". He named the biggest brightest stone the Sun and the smallest sparkiest the Moon. After gathering them, he threw them into the darkness and in just a blink of an eye, a spark happened and many glitters are being scattered. He eventually calls those glitters as the stars. Then the god wondered where are his creations, which will lead him to fled off into the void in search for his creation. After a long period of searching, he finally found his creation, revolving around the sun while the moon revolves around the creation. Danwell therefore calls his creation as the World of Aurora. The Power Gems To ensure that his creation won't be under harm's way, Danwell crafted eight gems to provide protection over Aurora. These gems are called the Power Gems, jewels that contains the "Heart, Mind, Soul, Body, Time, Space, World, and Power" over Aurora. These gems are to be given and kept in the right hands, so he met up with the most responsible people he created and tells them that they should find the gems he scattered around Aurora so that they can have the power to rule the land he was born. After giving them such a task, and all of them successfully does that, they are given leadership, which would make up the Eight Kingdoms; Alamarune, Bastia, Cinocela, Dawnberg, Eiko, Flitzeland, Grondon, and Howlit. As the kingdoms expand, more places are being made. The more the places, the more perils will come. Danwell began to fear that if Aurora will advance, all will be shattered by war over the gems. Ronvell's Plan Deep within the void is the Palace of Ronvell, owned by the god of destruction by the same name. He always have plans to destroy Danwell's creation, but he will not destroy Aurora directly. He plans to "have fun with it" first, and that is by the means of making the Eight Kingdoms wage war over all of the gems. Danwell, knowing his fear will become a reality, plans to invade the Palace of Ronvell and challenges him to a duel, but as he got there, it was too late. Ronvell already left for Aurora, where he meets the rulers of the Eight Kingdoms by their dreams. "Greetings fellow ruler, I am here to speak to you the message that Danwell told me to tell it to you. He said to me that if you can gather all of the Power Gems, you can make one wish. But there is a flaw, you need to send one of your bravest warriors on a quest to find all of them. If all of your warriors failed to gather them all, your kingdom is done for." That message has been spread throughout the whole Aurora, which lead to all the leaders to wage war against themselves by sending their bravest warriors to find all of the Power Gems. Knowing that one of the gems is being kept by the eight leaders' hands, Danwell takes all of the gems from them and scatters it all throughout Aurora. "If you wish to wage war, let your warriors wage war against themselves. Consider that you've sent are not one of your men and let them do what they desire. I will make you forget what Ronvell said, and even the people as well, except the warriors you've sent. Consider the Power Gems as a mere tale." With that all said, a bright flash was seen allover Aurora, making everyone forget about the Power Gems, foiling Ronvell's plan. Now all that is left to do is to watch the warriors fought among themselves for the Power Gems to grant what they desire. The Final Battle While Aurora is at peace, the two rival gods make their first and final battle over Aurora. For freedom, for dominance. For peace, for chaos. For love, for hate. The battle was waged in the void and while at it, their magical essence, shards of armor and weapons, and even the blood from their godly bodies, are being scattered and materialized as new proponents for the void; new planets, stars, and galaxies. When Ronvell made Danwell bleed the most, Danwell pulls off one last trick on his sleeve; imprisoning Ronvell inside Aurora, where he will be burn to death. As a result, Danwell cuts Aurora into half and kicks Ronvell in between and immediately crushes him, burning him to death. At last, the battle was over, and Aurora is saved. -STORY- Ten years after the near-war over the Power Gems, Aurora is now a peaceful planet. However, the warriors that are searching for the gems are still at war, although its been many years and the gems are just only a tale. Those who believe in that would go crazy, but the stories about it is just true. You are one of those warriors who wish to seek out in finding the Power Gems. If you collect all of them, can have one wish. -RACES- Called humanoids for Danwell, there are a few races he molded from his image, his wide imagination due to his loneliness. Humans -The first race to walk over Aurora. Just your average people I would say. They don't have any special traits, calling them as 'jack-of-all-trades' race. They are a mortal race, they can die easily if they don't experience being in a battle. They say they are a bad race, minds full of sin, but there are times that they have a good heart as such. Elves -Five years ago, they were hated by the humans due to their appearances. Having fair skin, green or red eyes, blondish or whitish hair, even having pointy ears, they hated them, but not until another five years, they are now a free race. Most of these elves are wizards and scholars with the intelligence surpassing the maximum level (not like Lucy), but most of them are male. They are described as a kind race and masters of magic. Dwarves -A hidden race from the mountains, characterized by their stumpy appearance, berry-shaped noses, long beards for men, and elfish-like ears but dull. They are the strongest race, with hearts and minds full of fighting for pride and glory. They are experts in mining, since most of them are hidden in the mountains. Orcs -Though having menacing appearances, they are also great blacksmiths, having mastery over forging. Their skin varies from their assigned tribes, such as blue, green, and red. They are experts in combat and are very loyal if one can save them. Beastmen -Humans with animal traits such as ears, whiskers, eyes, and tails. Now I know you're wondering "Sage, its better for you to be dead but, why came up to this?" Because I'm dumb...at heart. Most of these Beastmen are based on feral animals, but they can have traits of a fish, reptile, mammal, insect, etc. They are both great for navigators (feral and mammalian Beastmen) and shipwrights (amphibious and reptilian Beastmen). -CLASSES- -Swordsman, masters of the sword, and the most balanced out from the other classes. They are known for their swift movement with the sword, they can also accompany it with a shield. -Archer, masters of the short bow, and also the fastest among the classes. They have the sharp eye of an eagle, shooting their arrows without a breeze. Besides being the experts in the bow and arrow, their not so much great in melee. Their preferred melee weapon is the knives. -Thief, masters of stealth and trickery. They can blend in with the environment and they can kill with no sound, using the mastery of the knife. Like the swordsman, they are also balanced, but in speed only, with less strength than the archer. -Fighter, masters in the way of the fist, the strongest out from the classes. They can lay heavy hard hits with their bare hands. Aside from being the strongest, they have a balance of speed and reflexes. Aside from their fists, they can even use pole-arms like the spear or scythe. -Gunman, masters of the pistols (flintlocks or revolvers only), but not as swift as the archers. This is a debatable class due to their use of firearms, probably because guns aren't meant to be in Aurora, but not until it was made possible thanks to Flitzeland's industry. -Mage, masters of basic magic. There are a variety of mages who practices one element. They are the weakest due to their lack of strength and speed, but they have intelligence, meaning that they are the smartest. Their main use of melee, and control for their magic, can be an orb, a magic book, or a staff. -PERMISSION ONLY CLASSES- These are the classes that you can be by PMing me. -Dual Swordsman, a more faster version of the swordsman, wielding two swords instead of one, but with lack of defense and strength form faster movements like the thief. -Knight, a more stronger version of the swordsman, wielding a two-handed sword which can lay heavy attacks, but with less speed and reflexes. This also have a high level of defense. -Ranger, a more faster version of the archer, wielding a longbow with longer arrows. Being a more faster version, this class can also blend in with the environment like the thief and even has a balance of accuracy. -Sniper, a more stronger version of the archer, wielding a crossbow and can accompany it with a shield. This class has less speed and high strength, as well as a high level of accuracy. -Bandit, a more faster and stealthier version of the thief, wielding a short sword and a knife. They can even wield a short bow, but they have less accuracy. -Assassin, a more stronger version of the thief, wielding a short ax or dual axes. They can also use any throwing weapon or a firearm. -Brawler, a more faster version of the fighter, wielding dual knives or triple knives (the third on the mouth). They can even throw knives if they have such many of them. -Marauder, a more stronger version of the fighter, wielding dual pole-arms, the most complicated class yet as it is very hard to master dual pole-arms. They are the master of thrusting their opponents. -Dual Gunman, a more faster version of the gunman, wielding dual pistols in swift movements. They can even craft flammable bullets for added firepower. -Rifleman, a more stronger version of the gunman, wielding a musket or a blunderbuss. They can even have bayonet attached to their rifles, as well as crafting explosive bullets for explosive power. -Enchanter, the mage that enchants one's weapon to its powerful state. Their only main weapon is the whip. -Summoner, the mage that summons only small monsters to aid them in their battles. To call them is by the use of any musical instrument. -NON-PLAYABLE CLASSES- These are the classes that only I can control, meaning these classes are for the important characters that I will control. -Wizard, the most powerful mage who masters all of the arcane arts. -Weapon Master, the most powerful warrior who masters all the forms of weaponry. -Magic Knight, a combination of wizard and weapon master, this class holds all the classes, having mastered both arcane arts and forms of weaponry. This is the class that my main character is going to be in. -World of Aurora- Aurora is made up of two continents, both sharing the same land; the western Orndocks and the eastern Althie, both of them having four kingdoms each. Kingdoms of Orndocks: Alamarune, home of the most humans, the first kingdom to be built on Aurora. It is filled with many forests and cities. It's capital is Aban, a city known for it's defenses, surrounded by a stone wall. Bastia, the northern land hidden in the mountains, the most coldest city populated by dwarves. It's capital is Broden, located in Mt.Boshar, the highest mountain in all of Aurora where it's castle lies. Cinocela, the kingdom isolated from the main land, an island kingdom surrounded by three island cities connected by bridges. Being surrounded by sea, it is known for it's fishing and trade. The kingdom's cities are: Cinela-The city for the rich where many nobles lived. Cimera-The city for the middle class, and it is known to have one of Aurora's biggest prisons, Ridonel's Den. Ciberia-The poorest city where crime rates are high. The people believe that "only the strongest can live there". Aside from those cities, Cinocela's capital is Chonell, where it's biggest sewage system is located. Dawnberg, on the south of Orndocks lies the richest kingdom of Dawnberg. It is filled with beautiful fields that grow many types of flowers. It's capital is Denenfield, also known as the Couple's Town, where both humans and elves lived in harmony. It is also the home of the very famous Golden Castle. Kingdoms of Althie: Eiko, the only oriental kingdom up on the northeast. It is the home of many farmlands and it is well famous for their liquor. It's capital is Eishibara, known for it's many cherry blossom trees of which leaves fall every February (and yea, this RP is going to be using real-time dates). Flitzeland, far from Eiko is the entertainment kingdom of Flitzeland. Known as the "Iron Kingdom" due to their expert forgers and blacksmiths, as well as their military. It's capital is Florgal, home of the famous Battle Dome, where warriors are pitted themselves in a duel for money. Grondon, also known as the "Armed Kingdom", this is the only kingdom that is walled-off with many cannons. It is the home of the gunmen and the kingdom of which crime rates are as high as ever. It's capital is Gramer, where most of the buildings there are in ruins, so does the whole kingdom. This is the result of lacking protection to it's citizens. Howlit, the kingdom of magic, only populated by the elves. On the south of Althie could be the second richest kingdom due to it's high level of education. It's capital is Hodwyn, home of the famous mage academy Green Tower. Areas Of Aurora: The Scorched Land of Fuma, located on the northwest of Flitzeland lies the home of Mt.Jargos, the largest volcano in all of Aurora. It is also the home of the Meltium, the most hottest crystal that even steel can melt by touching it. With such intense heat, warriors are required to bring a lot of water in their journey. The Forest of the Giants, the borderline between the two continents, known for its larger trees that is hard to cut down. Deep within it is the hidden Tracorma Tribe, home of the blue-skinned orcs. It is also known for the Lake of Healing. Those who drink the water of it will be cured. The Flagoma Jungle, the only gateway to reach the seas of Cinocela. It inhabits many dangerous plants and creatures, as well as the two tribes; the Nomarc Tribe of the green-skin orcs and the Ladine Tribe of the Amazons. The Black Sand Desert, the borderline between Alamarune and Dawnberg, a large desert of black sand and a few oasis ponds. Beneath it is the buried temple of Angus Rah, who was once the ruler of a kingdom until the dwarves attacked it. They were slaves at that time, along with the orcs. The Crack, an abyss up on the north within the Forest of the Giants. It is believed to be Ronvell's peeking hole, although he is already dead. There are chances that the person who jumps in will die or will end up in Hollow Garden, a spiritual realm characterized by only the night sky and a field of white flowers. -IMPORTANT PEOPLE- Alamarune: King Alfred Rune -The ruler of Alamarune and the one who kept the Power Gem of Heart, granting him the kindness that his people deserves. Having a good heart and a peaceful mind, he is what his people deserves, a true leader. After his Power Gem was taken away by Danwell, the effects still resides in him, but still forgets about the Power Gems and remembers it as a tale. Queen Celia Rune -The wife of King Alfred, and like him, she too has a good heart. She loved her husband like she did for her people, which she dearly care most like her family. Originally from Cinocela, but when she married King Alfred, she moved and lived with him in his kingdom. Princess Alicia Rune -The only child of the royal family. She is very childish and playful, often acting curious at times. Bastia: King Boshar Hograth -The ruler of Bastia and the one who kept the Power Gem of Mind, granting him the knowledge that a normal elf can have. He is a tough man with a heart of pride and battle, as well as a heavy drinker. The most strongest among the dwarves. After his Power Gem was taken away by Danwell, the effects still resides in him. He was also the first dwarf to climb the highest mountain and named the mountain after himself. Adviser Jugrith Hunberg -The king's adviser, a more serious man unlike King Boshar. He would often remind him of his schedules as he doesn't care for them. Jugrith would be very be annoyed by King Boshar's pride, but what would he do? He can't just fight the strongest dwarf of all. Cinocela: King Charo Ingles -The ruler of Cinocela and the one who kept the Power Gem of Soul, granting him the ability to see the souls of the dead. He was once a fisherman when one day he encountered a mermaid being kidnapped by pirates (take note that this is just a rumor). One night, he sneaks on the pirate's ship and successfully rescues the mermaid and escapes with her. At that time, he married the mermaid, which she transformed into a human upon her first kiss. King Charo is like King Alfred, but carefree. He loves to hear the ocean sound, as well as eating seafood. After his Power Gem was taken away by Danwell, the effects still resides in him. Queen Magdeline Ingles -The wife of King Charo, who was rumored to be a mermaid, characterized by her blue long hair. She has this ability to communicate with the fishes, as well as a good swimmer. She is a woman of peace, as she never had a fight with someone other than the fishes she sometimes argue. Prince Arthur Ingles -The only child of the royal family who, like his mother, has also the ability to communicate with the fishes. He is a cheerful person, as well as aprotective one. Ridonel Grames -The owner of Ridonel's Den and a close friend of King Charo. He is a friendly towards the people and a menace to his prisoners, somewhat having a dual personality. Dawnberg: Queen Delilah Dawn -The ruler of Dawnberg and the one who kept the Power Gem of Body, giving her immense beauty as the most beautiful woman in all of Aurora. She is very over-dramatic and strict, a perfectionist to be exact. After Power Gem was taken away by Danwell, the effects still resides in her. Adviser Margaret Dawn -The sister of Queen Delilah, as well as her adviser. She is not as over-dramatic nor strict than her elder sister. She is more of a gentle and elegant woman. She sometimes be rebellious towards her due to her strictness. Princess Dorothy Dawn -The daughter of the queen with the same attitude as her. She is a girl who cares for her manners. Everywhere she goes, she will always be accompanied by her maid. Darla Dawn -The younger sister of the princess, as well as he maid. Her attitude is like her aunt, who is the closest to her. She is always been treated badly by her mother and her sister, calling her a low-class like her father, who died due to an illness. Eiko: Emperor Eiji Shihara -The ruler of Eiko and the one who kept the Power Gem of Time, granting him the ability to see the future. He is a gentleman who knows the people he forgives by looking at their eyes. He knows what the person's attitude is, within his eyes is the eyes of a dragon. He once said to himself that he will never marry a woman again, this is because his previous wives died eventually in mysterious ways. After his Power Gem is taken away by Danwell, the effect still resides in him. Prince Shinji Shihara -The son of the emperor, who has the same attitude except a lot more cheerful and carefree. He is also the master in the ways of the sword and dual swords, making him a fighting prince. Princess Shina Shihara -The daughter of the emperor and the younger sister of Prince Shinji. She is like Princess Alicia, except with a very creative mind. She was under tutor by a scholar elf, making her know a little about magic. Flitzeland: King Fargold Green -The ruler of Flitzeland and the one who kept the Power Gem of Space, giving him enhanced hearing which he can hear from a very great distance. He is a charismatic and eccentric ruler, who would always say that he needs to be entertained, which is the main reason why the Battle Dome is made. Those who defy him will be executed, he never likes people who disobeys him. After his Power Gem is taken away by Danwell, the effects still reside in him. Queen Nadine Green -The wife of King Fargold, who too is eccentric and charismatic, she even has this tendency to execute the person who defiles her. She sees her people as useless and she will request her husband to execute them. She hates being bothered while she is busy, if one would disturb her will be executed. Grondon: King Gordon Dread -The ruler of Grondon and the one who kept the Power Gem of World, giving him the strength that is 2x more powerful than a dwarf. He is a man who desires power, a man who is living in a strong kingdom. He implemented that no weak shall enter his kingdom, or else he will be executed. A dark man so grim everyone in his kingdom feared him and they wanted him out. Many have tried to kill him, but ended up dead by his hands. His brutish appearance is what makes most warriors feared him the most. After his Power Gem is taken away by Danwell, the effects still reside in him. General Aron Burner -Deep in the kingdom is a hidden rebel base lead by Aron Burner. He is a serious general who wanted to take down King Gordon to make Grondon a free kingdom. He believed that one day a savior will come to Grondon to dispose the king and take his place as the new king. Howlit: King Howard Light -The ruler of Howlit and the one who kept the Power Gem of Power, giving him the mastery over arcane arts. He is a charming gentleman who would woo the girls without noticing. He had a wife once, but she died due to a disease, leaving him and her child. After his Power Gem is taken away by Danwell, the effects still reside in him. Princess Mint Light -The daughter of the king, a very beautiful princess known by her pink long hair. She is like her father and she loves to sing songs for her kingdom to cheer them up. Her beauty is most likely be targeted by the orcs, as they wanted her as their slave. Master Maharon Vonich -The owner of the Green Tower Academy and the adviser of King Howard. He is a man of intelligence and seriousness, he is also the one who tutored Princess Shina. Other Places: Queen Minerva Ala -The queen of the amazon tribe Ladine. She has a dislike for men as she finds them very naive and stupid. Her beauty would be the perfect bait for a male warrior. If a man is captivated by her beauty, he will be killed by her fellow amazons. King Torganu -The leader of the Tracorma Tribe. A glutton with a strict desire for pride. He is a battle hungry orc who is self-proclaimed the most powerful of all the other orcs. King Vos Cran -The leader of the Nomarc Tribe, and the rival of King Torganu. He, like Torganu, has a strict desire for pride, but not a glutton like him. He has an addiction of pleasure, kidnapping human and elven women for his pleasure. The Lady of the Lake of Healing -A mysterious woman coming from the deep waters of the Lake of Healing. it is said that who even drinks a lot of water from the Lake of Healing will be killed by the Lady. But, if one could swim down the lake will see the woman sleeping. The Hollow Wolf -The guardian of the Hollow Garden, a large white wolf with crystals on it's legs. This creature was created by the tears of Ronvell before he is killed. Dreager -As it's title said, it is a large fire dragon residing inside Mt.Jargos. This creature was created by the blood of Ronvell before he is killed. Angus Rashek -A large, shark-like creature swimming in the Black Sand Desert. It is said to be the reincarnated Angus Ra before he was killed by the dwarves. It is the guardian of the sunken kingdom beneath the desert. -RULES- 1. Don't be OP. 2. No meta-gaming, power-playing, etc. 3. Romance is allowed, but in a limit. 4. I can accept any of your CSes, unless I find anything wrong with it. 5. You can have a lot of characters, just make sure you manage them well. 6. Be a decent role-player, have decent grammar, punctuation, and make sure your posts make sense. 7. I can admin someone depending on your CS. 8. If come this far, put on the Other section 'Aurora'. 9. Avoid trolls at all costs. 10. If you are admin, you can accept/decline CSes, add new rules, create events, and even kick out someone. -CS- Name: Age: Birthplace: Race: Class: Physical Appearance: Clothing: Weapon(s): Inventory: Skills: Magic(if mage): Bio: Other:
#160275454Thursday, April 16, 2015 1:29 PM GMT

#160309890Friday, April 17, 2015 1:18 AM GMT

#160320979Friday, April 17, 2015 4:05 AM GMT

#160329723Friday, April 17, 2015 11:09 AM GMT

#160379762Saturday, April 18, 2015 3:31 AM GMT


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