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#160615523Tuesday, April 21, 2015 3:20 AM GMT

Hey guys! Or girls! I have read so many threads (TLDR) in the suggestions area for a 'BillboardGui Range" property. I support it so much, it would still be nice if you guys do add that property, but people still don't know the solution *Without a SCRIPT*. Yes let me repeat my self, "I ATE THE COOKIE!" Now, after several years of research... or probably 5 minutes... but who cares about my life story research .-. ...After 5 minutes of research, I have found the solution to the BillboardGui Range Label Disappearance! Now this involves advanced Lua 5.1+ Scripting and JavaScript Scripting. Not to mention C++! Jkjk no scripts. Now let me explain this to you, PRECISELY. For all of the lazy readers out there (Like me .-.), there is a TLDR section at the end of this post... Starting steps: 1. Insert a Part 2. Insert a BillboardGui 4. Insert a TextLabel 5. You didn't know I skipped step 3 6. You just checked Now I know those steps are easy for you guys, but I am just pointing out for the people who doesn't know how to build (no offense)... Now the Resizing steps: Okay, let's think of it this way. I'll create a variable, or a short word, for you guys to not be confused. yScale = TextLabel.Size.Y.Scale yOffset = TextLabel.Size.Y.Offset xScale = TextLabel.Size.X.Scale xOffset = TextLabel.Size.X.Offset So when you select the BillboardGui or the TextLabel, it shows the Size property like this: {yScale, yOffset},{xScale, xOffset} or without variables: {TextLabel.Size.Y.Scale, TextLabel.Size.Y.Offset},{TextLabel.Size.X.Scale, TextLabel.Size.X.Offset} Yeah. Pretty LONG huh? Haha lol dirty minds... now to resize, do not, I repeat, DONUT change the yOffset AND the xOffset! Only change the yScale AND the xScale! Blah blah I forgot what to put... Oh yeah... Only change the size of the BillboardGui to what I said earlier. The TextLabel, set the size to: {1, 0},(1, 0) Now the TextLabel, scroll down until you see the properties "TextScaled" and "TextWrapped". If you select TextScaled, it will auto set the TextWrapped to true. If it doesn't, don't be lazy and check it also. Now if you zoom out, it will stay the same ORIGINAL size up close, and it will fade and disappear if you're camera is too far away from it. Now for the TLDR: ^ Read everything above ^ I know, I'm evil >:D And y'all can donate also! *Sad and silent music* For only 50R$ a day, you can help me buy a fadora, I MEAN help me in my future developments... People... *Cries*... people LACK support and cannot continue their games... Like me... I have 100 places that have been abandoned... Stuck at the Development page... Now help us by donating 50R$ a day for a new gamepass, I MEAN give them determination... Thank you... *Any TLDR people, read above this paragraph. I know it says at the end of this post, but that's what you get for not scrolling down and looking where it says TLDR .-.*
#160615622Tuesday, April 21, 2015 3:22 AM GMT

#160615902Tuesday, April 21, 2015 3:26 AM GMT

Lazy .-. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#160671710Wednesday, April 22, 2015 1:35 AM GMT

JUST GOT MY OFFICIAL REVIEWS "Rekt M8" - IGN 2K15 8/8 "DIS DA BOMB" - ISIS 2K10 9/11 "JOIN FaZe" - FaZeBuger 12/10 "Wait brb gtg. homework" - Friend 0/0

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