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#160689048Wednesday, April 22, 2015 8:53 AM GMT

REPOSTED DUE TO SPAMMERS Ireland, 2066. Miners were digging up rocks in the Tara Mines to find if they could find any lead, as they were running short in batteries etc. One miner found a dark magenta type of ore, or so it seemed like, and had dug it up. The Irish miners hadn't found anything like this before. The miners brought the ore up into the hands of the government. The government had handed it over to scientists to study. The ore had been brought into one of the laboratories to be broken down. This would change the world. The whole laboratory had exploded in on itself, and radioactive waves had spread all over the Earth. Humans were gaining powers, never imagined possible before. France, 2071. It didn't take long for the radioactive powers that people had gotten, had a turn for the worse. A group of genetically modified (or GM, as usually spoken) had started massacre on any human they could possibly find. They called themself Le Groupe Terroriste (LGT as slang). The government of England had yet another stupid, stupid idea to try and stop the LGT and prevent more terrorist groups to rise. They had declared war against all and every GM person. Ireland, 2081, current year. All the GM have taken over Ireland. They are trying to prevent all the soldiers to be able to pick them off one by one, so they all grouped up. The main base is located in Sligo, as it is on the other side of Ireland, far away from contact with other countries that have been taken over by the Human Forces (HF, yet more slang). Ireland currently has no leader, but any negative conflict or action is left for the GM citizens of Ireland. Everyone in the world now either would work for HF, or GM. Everyone else would be called the 'Outlaws'. Rules: No godmodding, everyone can die. Don't say things for other people. Let them make their own choices. No meta-gaming (saying things only you would know OOC), example 'Bob walks to a stranger and says 'Hi, Billy!'' Put mutant in other. You may make upto 3 CS's. CS- --- Name: Age: Gender: Power(can be none): Group(GM, Outlaw or HF): Appearance: Other: My CS- --- Name: Anna Martha Age: 21 Gender: Female Power: She can heal illnesses and wounds Group: GM Appearance: Anna is a short girl, with a height of 5'9". She has black hair, curling over her shoulders and a green hoodie. She wears a medical mask to show that she can heal. Anna has red eyes from her mutation. She wears denim jeans and black-blue boots. Other: mutant
#160694341Wednesday, April 22, 2015 12:39 PM GMT

no. nuh-uh. no no no no. no! hell no.
#160720795Wednesday, April 22, 2015 9:49 PM GMT

tl;dr: Ireland found something in a mine and it exploded in a science lab causing the about a quarter of the world to have supernatural powers, all the supernaturals (GM is called) gathered in a town in Ireland and a group called HF kills supernaturals.
#160720864Wednesday, April 22, 2015 9:50 PM GMT

but supernaturals also kill HF
#160724173Wednesday, April 22, 2015 10:33 PM GMT

#160751803Thursday, April 23, 2015 5:42 AM GMT

#160827648Friday, April 24, 2015 3:55 PM GMT

*backflips into said bump* CS- --- Name: Gunther von Gratz Age: 26 Gender: Male Power(can be none): None Group(GM, Outlaw or HF): HF Appearance: Black, spiky, fuzzy hair. No pinky finger on right arm. Black eyes. Wears a black gas mask and some armor padding on the chest and elbows. Uses a specially modified flamethrower that can shoot fire bullets and fire as a normal flamethrower. Other: mutant
#160853257Friday, April 24, 2015 11:19 PM GMT

#160863947Saturday, April 25, 2015 1:36 AM GMT

(When do we start?)
#160864848Saturday, April 25, 2015 1:48 AM GMT

Name: Moosee McMoose Age: 24 Gender: Male Power(can be none): Electricity Group(GM, Outlaw or HF): HF Appearance: Moosee is a very tall man at 7'0". He has brown fur, due to his mutation, he is a half Minotaur, that's where the tallness comes from, he has horns sticking out of his head. He doesn't wear anything but his thick fur. Other: mutant One note, you said in your CS, you're a short girl, 5'9 is not short for a girl, 5'4 is average. M is for moosee, and moosee is for me!
#160864906Saturday, April 25, 2015 1:49 AM GMT

Another note, I meant to be a GM, but i put HF because i wasn't thinking. Yeah. M is for moosee, and moosee is for me!
#160878648Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:27 AM GMT

(Weird name? Accepted GM)
#160880258Saturday, April 25, 2015 7:19 AM GMT

(rover, when do we start RP?)
#160934404Saturday, April 25, 2015 10:26 PM GMT

(I was gonna start the rp right now xD) - Anna - I'm sitting here, healing everyone that got shipped over to England to fight. This is the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli all over again. Except, we want to kill eachother. Some people even had burn marks. And were they hard to heal.
#160949848Sunday, April 26, 2015 1:54 AM GMT

Gunther I lie in wait, in the locker room. The other rookies keep talking about how "weak" the GM were. Guess they were brainwashed by British propaganda. Can't blame 'em, either. Those GM are nasty. I've participated in the LGT war for years in a German Area Control Division, sent to France under an agreement between France and Germany. I've seen my comrades burned alive by their own weapons because a GM kid had the power to ignite the compressed gas in his fuel tank. I'll never forget it. Suddenly, the alarm goes off. Guess they're going to send their troops out to England. Heh. I grab my flamethrower and my gas mask, and rushed out to the barracks. The Corporal delivered a not-so-amazing speech which I didn't remember, but it was something about "staying strong, facing fears" and some other corny mumbo jumbo like that. And then we were sent to our ships. Operation Furious Sun has begun.
#161097925Monday, April 27, 2015 10:02 PM GMT

(Ehh, short girl, I don't know. I'm not American.)
#162248982Saturday, May 16, 2015 5:22 PM GMT

Moosee is scared Follow me on twitter @Mooseemcmoose
#162355970Sunday, May 17, 2015 11:48 PM GMT

#164671424Tuesday, June 16, 2015 5:23 PM GMT

#164671843Tuesday, June 16, 2015 5:28 PM GMT

Joining!! (Can a character be a superhuman, but be an outlaw?)
#168855002Sunday, July 26, 2015 9:34 AM GMT

*le bump of necro properties*
#168856938Sunday, July 26, 2015 10:25 AM GMT

Name: Varch Ver Loth Age: 29 Gender: Male Power(can be none): Can talk and control animals Group(GM, Outlaw or HF): Outlaw Appearance: Wears rags and acts like an animal himself. Wears animal hide and has scruffy green hair. Other: mutant |I'm just the good guy behind the cool guys|
#168856945Sunday, July 26, 2015 10:25 AM GMT

#168870338Sunday, July 26, 2015 3:11 PM GMT

Day 9999999999999999999: No reply from rover yet. I'm running out of supplies, and I don't think this thread is going to make it out alive. I got word from command that more RPers are on the way soon. I hope they're coming for me, but I'm running out of hope.

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