#161360758Saturday, May 02, 2015 1:33 AM GMT

( I will not stop accepting character sheets until the end of THIS roleplay. ) [Ryota] ( Smart choice, it was a Goblin camp. ) As you begin to walk down the path once more, you see a small cottage. Upon close inspection, it turns out to be a subsistence farm. You see a man wearing a funnel-shaped straw hat with a laced shirt and hid vest picking through his vegetables with a rake. A woman is using a mop to clean the wooden veranda and a little girl with long flowing black hair runs through the garden with a gecko on her left shoulder. [Alistair] The bartender swings his head as if to say "No." He continues to clean the tabletop with a damp rag. [Alisya] ( I said you made it through with a tight squeeze. ) [Lukas] Retrieving your bolt, you jerk it to flick off the blood. You then put it back in your pouch and stand over the carcass. [Destiny] The man ignores you and you and your captors begin to head towards the Acropolis. [Darias] After Destiny attempts to persuade the old man, he doesn't react and you begin your journey to your eventual trial. Add me on Liveinvader!
#161362059Saturday, May 02, 2015 1:50 AM GMT

Destiny, still bleeding heavily, blacks out once more from blood loss "At least take this poor girl to a doctor! Can't you see she's badly hurt!?" Darias yells, in a surprisingly noble act. At least for him.
#161369831Saturday, May 02, 2015 3:35 AM GMT

Hadrian gets up, and quickly packs the few items she has away before leaving the spot.
#161373133Saturday, May 02, 2015 4:38 AM GMT

[should i join]
#161373182Saturday, May 02, 2015 4:39 AM GMT

( Yes, Laser, you should. ) Add me on Liveinvader!
#161373217Saturday, May 02, 2015 4:40 AM GMT

(too much reading thoughhh)
#161375867Saturday, May 02, 2015 5:35 AM GMT

He looks back to meet the Elves' stares. They may think of him as a madman by now, but he took his chances to settle down for the night. He cautiously heads toward the village subtly to prevent a hostile approach.
#161380956Saturday, May 02, 2015 8:10 AM GMT

I don't know if they are friendly or not, but I guess I should find out, besides they don't seem to be like bandits. So I went to the farm.
#161382723Saturday, May 02, 2015 9:19 AM GMT

#161386556Saturday, May 02, 2015 11:59 AM GMT

[ Ugh! ; - ; ] [ Astarte ] Astarte,being Astarte decided to leave the frog alone and let him catch his food without any disturbance. She turned her attention to her surroundings,trying to see if something else could catch her interest.
#161393804Saturday, May 02, 2015 2:39 PM GMT

[Darias] You're ignored and end up getting hit with the butt of a sword square between your eyes. Falling backwards from the blow, you hit your head and go unconscious. ~ The Acropolis ~ [Darias]² You are awaken by yelling and yet realize your migraine. As you look over, Destiny is thrashing around in two guard's hold while two more start to come for you. What you do notice about Destiny is the newly applied bandages around her waist and the stitches applied to her left breast. ( You can only see the stitches because her top is off. Just for your information. ) [Destiny] Cussing out the men who took of your top and the two that hold you in their grip, you try to bite at their forearms but aren't successful. [Hadrian] As you jump off the hammock, you begin to walk. The burning smell of charcoal continues to infiltrate your nose. [Lukas] ( God, Kipec, hurry up and post! ) You slowly approach the village and two men clad in an intricate red armor, wielding coffin-looking shields adorned with a golden dragon, mouth agape and breathing a blue fire with his wings spread across the width of the shield and a magenta background, and falchions. [Ryota] As you approach the farmers, the woman notices you and screams something in a foreign dialect. The man quickly whips out a sharp steel dagger with a hide grip and a crossguard that curves down with awkward corners going to the bottom of the handle, barely above the pommel. He shouts, "What do you want with us?!". Slowly, the wife descends into the house with the little girl. You later see the little girl poking her head above the sill of a window close to the door, watching the scene unfold before her. [Astarte] As you pan around the canyon, you notice an anteater going through ant piles. And then you see a man. He has short, scruffy black hair with green feline-like eyes and bears a dark tan. He is shouldering a short-sword scabbard with a interesting Gemian design and a Lorica segmenta-esque body armor. He wore only other than his body armor, some boots and armguards.
#161395078Saturday, May 02, 2015 2:59 PM GMT

I try to explain him in a calm matter "Good day good sir, I wish you no harm for I come in peace, so please lay down your weapon and let me explain."
#161400035Saturday, May 02, 2015 4:16 PM GMT

Breathing in the scent of charcoal, it really had struck Hadrian surprised that somebody else had been this close to her when she had fallen asleep. Slightly curious, she moves in the direction of the burning wood.
#161400137Saturday, May 02, 2015 4:18 PM GMT

(Can i clean this ;3 ?)
#161415167Saturday, May 02, 2015 7:57 PM GMT

(What do you mean by "clean"?) Add me on Liveinvader!
#161429556Saturday, May 02, 2015 11:28 PM GMT

[ Astarte ] Astarte's attention had been caught by the man,she decided to approach him cautiously. That man as a murderer for all Astarte knew!
#161430178Saturday, May 02, 2015 11:39 PM GMT

Alysia examines her surroundings, I guess. You really didn't give me much to work with.
#161442591Sunday, May 03, 2015 2:42 AM GMT

"Stupid bastards! Is looking at naked kids the only way you people can get off?" Destiny says in her usual shouting tone "Destiny, calm down." Darias says in a much more grim tone then he usually has "Pissing these fellows off will not help us in proving our innocence." Darias continues in a pitch close to a whisper, but loud enough for both guards to hear. Darias had a plan of some kind in mind, if only one to convince the judges and court they were about to be set before not to execute them. "Alright, fine. Fine you stupid But if we end up dying here, I'm dragging you to the depths of -insert equivalent to hell here because I'm to lazy and tired to check- with me (I feel like prec is just going to kill both my characters) "It sounded like Satan's ass demons were chasing us." ~ WiFiKing42
#161470273Sunday, May 03, 2015 3:05 PM GMT

Alzov shrugs as best he can and lays back and relaxes to float:
#161497283Sunday, May 03, 2015 9:37 PM GMT

#161501010Sunday, May 03, 2015 10:25 PM GMT

Ugh. I have a life. God. I'll post in a little bit.
#161528088Monday, May 04, 2015 5:40 AM GMT

( I ended going on a GTA V adventure with my friend. Also, I have a post-minimum. Meaning I have a criteria for a certain amount of posts before I reply. ) [Ryota] The man, uneasy, and obviously unskillful with arms, he shouts; "Are you a part of the Rebellion?!" You don't know what 'rebellion' he's speaking of, but you do understand that this is a touchy situation. [Hadrian] You slowly approach the smell to find rugged-looking men and women celebrating with wine and... other indulgences. They've created a large bonfire and have thrown dead bodies, wearing Royal armor on top of it. [Astarte] You slowly begin to approach the man. He seems to be staring at a deer across the pond in front of you two. He slowly draws his sword from the scabbard and stalls... he then throws the blade and strikes the deer near the heart, into the lungs. It falls, the sword barely dangling from the flesh as blood gushes from the wound. He begins to wade through the water to recover his sword and dress his game. [Alisya] There's a wooden counter ahead and another door without any grates behind it. A man stands behind the counter counting up coin from a man who is holding a sheet of paper in his hand. The man behind the counter nods, puts his hand behind the pile, and slides it all into a bag. He then proceeds to carry the bag with him and walk through the door behind him. After you hear another door open, you see six naked humans in shackles brought out. Four are male, the other two are females. The man who had the slip of paper smiles, and walks out holding them by the center-point of the human in the front's shackles around his wrists. [Destiny] The guard on your left smacks you, cutting your lip. [Destiny] + [Darias] The guards both take you through the wooden gate and you see two tunnels braced by wood heading down into the depths of the mountain and then a large building going into the mountain in front of you with arches and wooden-scaled models of dragon heads coming from the belly of the top bit. As you walk in, the smell of honeysuckle punches you in the face. Two flower beds lay next to the entrance. You notice honeysuckle, nightshade, and roses. Odd mixture, you note. You're brought before a man sitting at the table with two advisors in togas on either side. The man sitting at the table pauses from writing on a document to looking up at you. Seeing you seized in the hands of guards, he sighs, passes the documents onto the advisor on his right, and folds his arms on the table and looks at you. "What crime have you committed?" he asks as if he's not surprised. [Alzov] You begin to float in the water and fall asleep. Add me on Liveinvader!
#161528161Monday, May 04, 2015 5:42 AM GMT

"I have no idea of this 'rebellion', I'm just a soldier serving for the king."
#161531494Monday, May 04, 2015 8:47 AM GMT

Hey there  
#161531555Monday, May 04, 2015 8:50 AM GMT

dog how are ya