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#161080840Monday, April 27, 2015 5:32 PM GMT

[Story] The year is 2045, and the world is a hell hole. In the war between Russia and NATO in 2020, no one expected what both side would truly bring. Some thought it would be Nuclear, others thought it'd be Chemical. It was worse. Scientist on both sides developed a new agent, it was a perfect mix of compounds and agents that affected the host genetically. Both sides didn't hesitate to fire on each other, and in the process they killed humanity off, like a fly in the summer. Or so they thought. Some survived the cataclysm. The remaining survivors have split into groups, some want to benefit mankind, others want to survive unhinged by human desire, others dream of the old days when empires ruled the world, and yet there are some that feel humanity isn't ready, and simply take whatever wonders they can find amongst the ruins of Earth. They are usually met by mutants that now roam the world, products of the genetic warfare. Some hunt humans directly, others are simply isolationist, but on occasion you'll find something even worse. At night that shadow you see, that snap of branch, that blow of wind it could be nothing, or it could be them. The mutants who have "acquired" a taste for humans, who live for the slaughter. Horrid abominations, who stalk the land. What will you do in this land? Will you be a tribe of nomadic scavengers, searching the remnants of the old world for tools to survive? Will you be conqueror, seeking to restore the land to it's pre-war glory? Or will you be a marauding band of killers, taking what you need from the weak? It's up to you. [Areas] Any Area of the World is fine to start off in. Rules: 1.)Don't 2.)Do not Godmod That means don't use any tech that isn't feasible to be created from now to 2020, unless you RP researching and building off old tech over the course of the RP. 3.) I will make the threads. 4.) Try to be as realistic as possible. In any situation where you must fight the environment(Mutants, Anomalies, etc.), simsf1 or I will control it for the duration of the encounter. -Main Information- Group Name: Population: Group Banner: Goals: -Leader- Name: Age:[No being under 18] Physical Appearance: Clothing: -Government- Government Type: [Dictatorship, Monarchy, Republic Etc.] Government Branches:[Optional] -Military- [Limit of military population at very beginning is 1,000] Branches of Military:[Optional]
#161081114Monday, April 27, 2015 5:40 PM GMT

[On rule one I just put "don't." My bad, I meant no flaming.
#161093589Monday, April 27, 2015 9:10 PM GMT

#161102482Monday, April 27, 2015 10:57 PM GMT

Bump for success.
#161102627Monday, April 27, 2015 10:59 PM GMT

I am interested, hold on, making character and stuff.
#161102733Monday, April 27, 2015 11:00 PM GMT

Wait, do I fill it ALL out?
#161102841Monday, April 27, 2015 11:02 PM GMT

Yes, besides the optional things.
#161103199Monday, April 27, 2015 11:06 PM GMT

Ok, I am on my tablet and I will try to get on Cup so I can type alot. Welp, see ya in a few.
#161103399Monday, April 27, 2015 11:09 PM GMT

K m8
#161105873Monday, April 27, 2015 11:38 PM GMT

-Main Information- Group Name:The Grand State of The Hammer and Sickle Population: 2000 Group Banner: The Hammer and Sickle Crossed on a Pre War Map of West Virginia Goals: Form a large country from West Virginia to Minnesota. And Bring Forth Communism to all non believers. Return to the Believed Motherland of Russia and reform the Soviet Union. -Leader- Name:"The Sickle" Age:Mid 30s Physical Appearance: He is 7'0ft has a mustache and bear is a rugged looking man. He has tattoos across his arms and multiple scars on his face. One of his eyes is missing replaced with a glass eye. He appears to be in his mid 30s though his birth date is unknown. Clothing:Pre War Soviet Generals Outfit. A Cane which is engraved with "The Hammer" and polished black boots.He wears a monocle over his glass eye and if he is not in his Soviet General Outfit he is in full hunting camo. -Government- Government Type:Communist Dictatorship Government Branches:Hammer (Judicial) Sickle (Dictator and Family) -Military-500 Branches of Military:Army,Special Operations Unit, River Patrol, and Sickle Guard.
#161105911Monday, April 27, 2015 11:39 PM GMT

I do like this fallout vibe mostly is why i decided to join.
#161106697Monday, April 27, 2015 11:49 PM GMT

Here it is: -Main Information- Group Name: The Hunters Population: 386 Group Banner: Goals: To gather everything and then shut ourselves out, killing all who come near. -Leader- Name: Johnny Age: 28 Physical Appearance: 5'11 ft, has a medium build, scars are located on his arms and legs, recently grown beard and mustache. Clothing: Rugged blue long-sleeved shirt with jeans with something that looks like blood on the jeans. Red sneakers with white laces. Glasses that make him look like a nerd, even though he is very strong, he is still smart though. (I might have gone a bit out of track.) -Government- Government Type: Monarchy Government Branches:[Optional] -Military- 750 Branches of Military:[Optional]
#161106820Monday, April 27, 2015 11:50 PM GMT

Sorry, forgot the Branches of Military Special Force, Army, and Naval Also located in Texas.
#161108087Tuesday, April 28, 2015 12:04 AM GMT

To note mine is Located n West Virginia specifically the Central Mountains.
#161108911Tuesday, April 28, 2015 12:14 AM GMT

Muhmuh markkkk
#161112728Tuesday, April 28, 2015 12:54 AM GMT

Both are accepted. Now creating both of your threads.
#161114945Tuesday, April 28, 2015 1:18 AM GMT

Nevermind, everything's getting posted here m'kay?
#161118111Tuesday, April 28, 2015 1:53 AM GMT

Kk back on my tablet
#161118549Tuesday, April 28, 2015 1:59 AM GMT

It deleted everything I just wrote because it violated the ROBLOX terms of Agreement. I am going to do it tommorow.
#161119554Tuesday, April 28, 2015 2:11 AM GMT

the sole purpose of war is to conquer not to wipe humanity off the gene pool OP
#161119648Tuesday, April 28, 2015 2:12 AM GMT

Ignore Lagio. He stalks me.
#161124586Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:30 AM GMT

-Main Information- Group Name: Caesar's Legion Population:853 Group Banner: http://prntscr.com/6z0ljz Goals: To control America, and bring a golden age to the Legion. -Leader- Name: Ivan (Caesar) Romanov Age:31 Physical Appearance:7'1 tall, Large build, Black hair, with black bear mustache combo., with grey eyes. Clothing: A red Tunic, with purple sash, and a mutated bears pelt worn like a cape, with Steel toed boots, and spiked gloves, with a mask metal mask with an evil grin on the front of it, with, shades bolted into the eyes of the mask. -Government- Government Type: ultra-reactionary, totalitarian slaver society. Government Branches: Central Legion chamber of slavery, Central Chamber of Legionaries -Military- 591 Able Bodied Legionaries Branches of Military: Praetorian Guard, Legionaries scouts, Central spy network. Legionaries automobile division. (Mostly technical vehicles, and thrown together junkers) Aqua Legionaries (Guys with guns scraped boats) Slavers, Executioner Legionaries (Kind of like commissars in the soviet union, except alot more angry)
#161125626Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:52 AM GMT

Crap, almost forgot. for the starter area, i wanna go for Austin, Texas. USA
#161125753Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:54 AM GMT

Accepted. Writing your intro's tommorow.
#161125775Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:55 AM GMT


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