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#161380290Saturday, May 02, 2015 7:43 AM GMT

Welcome to .:Cats' of RainClan:., one of many Warrior Cats groups on ROBLOX! While roleplay is done on the group wall, I am introducing this forum thread in order that people can keep track of characters much easier. What is this thread for? This thread is here for you to list all of the characters that you roleplay. In addition, you may post their previous names, their biography, previous clans, friends, when you joined RainClan, etc. Posting all of this here makes it easier for people to look through the list of roleplayers without scrolling back though hundreds of group pages (literally). What can't you post here?: This thread is NOT intended to be an extended roleplay area. The bios must be about your character(s) only. I'll begin this thread with my character's biography so that you all may have an example to follow.
#161380423Saturday, May 02, 2015 7:49 AM GMT

bumpty bump
#161380765Saturday, May 02, 2015 8:03 AM GMT

Character's Name: Coralstar Previous Names: Coralkit, Coralpaw, and Coralfang. Ranking: Founder of RainClan, resides in StarClan. Cause of Death: Lost against a former near by wolf pack. Backstory: Coralstar was born in RiverClan, where he was known and Coralkit/paw/fang. His early life went off on to a good start until he fell inlove as an apprentice with a cinder grey she-cat, Ashenpaw. Once being named a warrior, Ashenpaw, who was now known as Ashenbird met up with her new mate, Coralfang. He didn't know what clan she was in until now, ShadowClan. They spent moons meeting up by the border, when by the sixth moon, she left it right until the end, she was about to his kits. Ashenbird did so, but after all the effort, collapsed in exhaustion, and try all his effort, Coralfang could not save her by a badger. He could not return to RiverClan with three kits, so him and two other cats, Snowsky and Fallenleaves, left. That is when they came to the island, far away from the lake territory. The kits grew up to be, Birdwing, a ginger she like her father, Smokevoice, a grey and white tom, and Ashencoral, a mixture of Coralstar and Ashenbird. You can see Coralstar's spirit occasionally wondering around the camp. Coralstar is a peach tabby with a ripped ear from the wolf pack. He and grass green eyes and a broad body.

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