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#161396372Saturday, May 02, 2015 3:21 PM GMT

Introduction Control. Control has always been what everyone wants. No matter for race, nation, power, species, all want as much control as they can get in this universe. So when someone else comes and takes control away, what can you do about it? Some say nothing. Some say they would do anything to get control back. And others watch, observe, and investigate. These watchers noticed control being taken away from people. A parasite, one that seems unstoppable once it takes hold, has control over the minds and bodies of some people. For better or worse, they still are in total control. But there is a resistance. Those who realized what is really going on, they developed methods to find those who had control taken away from them. A war has been going on. You probably don't even realize it. They battle each other in homes, in offices, wherever they can away from the public eye. Because both factions know that if they are revealed, there will be panic, which causes other forces to take control of the situation. Both sides are ruthless, never leaving a soul in sight not from their own side alive if they can help it. After many years of warfare, the governments were finally aware as to what was going on. They came in and sent many to prison, executing almost all. They thought the battle was over... for now. A few parasites survived and latched on to important government officials, and secretly ordered their armies rebuilt. Secret academies were set up, for those both willing and unwilling to become inducted into their culture. But that few was enough, soon other schools were popping up, where they trained the fighters of that evil. The war resumed in full, this time out on the streets. Nobody was an innocent, nobody was your friend, nobody was not worth sacrificing to kill one more enemy. Not even your own brother could be trusted. The war drew people from all moralities in. Those who tried to get by without even the most basic survival training would eventually die. Even kids were being trained to fight in this. The cities, a killing ground during these times, would be infested with the parasites that most thought of as the "evil" faction. Rural areas were crawling with government forces, guarding people against both sides should they come. Nobody could avoid it for long, but they still tried. Plot. Its graduation day at the academy. You have your life ahead of you, but its up to you to decide what you will be, Pure or Parasite. You have some amount of influence on how the world ends up, however large or small. Factions Pure: Fighting for what humans belive to be moral, they try to keep the world under control and at peace. Almost fanatical in their hunt, the Pure will find and destroy the Parasites at any cost, even if it means gunning down friends and bystanders to get them. They don't usually go after the government, and only fight them when they are attacked by the government or if they suspect the government is harboring Parasites. Parasites: An unknown, invasive species, the Parasites infect humans, usually undetected, and take control of their nervous systems, effectively controlling their bodies. It is unknown exactly what they want, but everyone knows that their first step is control of planet earth. Often they fight the Pure wherever they can, and will try to gain control of the government whenever possible. Government: The most neutral faction, the Government is trying to end this, they attack random sides at random times in hopes to end the war without the Pure and the Parasites decimating the human race. Rules 1. No godmodding, powerplaying, metagaming, etc. 2. No romance 3. Pay attention to admins 4. "It's not in the rules!" Isnt allowed 5.No "perfect characters" 6. Humans are only allowed if approve by all admins, not just me 7. No posting within a month without a reason will result in the death of your character 8. All roblox's basic rules apply CS Name Age Personality Gender Appearance Faction Flaw[s] Bio Other Admins Sk8erkiller900 LNG257 ArthurMountbatten
#161397325Saturday, May 02, 2015 3:36 PM GMT

Name : Robert Jerih Age : 36 Personality : Robert is a sober man he dont's like new-comers , he has a discreet personality and sometimes keeps secret aside from his team . He doesn't talk much and is used to be a quit man , sometimes pretty anxious and unpatient with others . Gender Male Appearance : Robert wears a dark brown fedora , he has it from his beloved father who died long time ago . The fedora is laced with bright white thin lines around the top of the hat . He wears a black leather tight jacket and a dark blue t-shirt with a red-yellowish skill painted on it . However he sometimes wears his brown cloth pants , most of the time wearing black army pants . Robert has a black pair of running shoes with 2 tiny lines on the sides . Faction : Pure (Humans) Flaw[s] : He is a sober man after his father death which changed his personality radically . Although he's a quit man which is a flaq sometimes he likes to communicate with his teams and partners during mission or in his free time . Bio : Robert had a nice childhood , he used to study politics and social philosophy , he can talk freely with his friends and can get the darkest secret out of them one of his skills . After he hit 18 years a message came : His father died in a rescue operation approved by the government . Since that he became a sober man with dark traits . One day when he was 20 years the war started , he had to get outta of the current state and strive with other remaining humans to survive . He reunited a bunch of skilled and well trained humans to join him and fight against the prasites which became a priority for his team . Since then he fight and defends the humans with the price of is life Other A medium amount of humans is allowed
#161397764Saturday, May 02, 2015 3:42 PM GMT

#161405275Saturday, May 02, 2015 5:33 PM GMT

#161405431Saturday, May 02, 2015 5:36 PM GMT

Bump none coming :(
#161405479Saturday, May 02, 2015 5:36 PM GMT

give it time
#161430375Saturday, May 02, 2015 11:42 PM GMT

#161430607Saturday, May 02, 2015 11:47 PM GMT

I might join. What can parasites do besides control people?
#161430851Saturday, May 02, 2015 11:51 PM GMT

Both the parasites and the pure can go into the mind of any human, and take total control. The could make a person do anything.
#161430902Saturday, May 02, 2015 11:52 PM GMT

That's all?
#161431040Saturday, May 02, 2015 11:55 PM GMT

Well, it's a lot of "chess match warfare". The battles have more to do with wits rather than physical capabilities. Though, physical capabilities does matter when the humans are in the battle.
#161437237Sunday, May 03, 2015 1:29 AM GMT

They can take a human's body into battle though.

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