#161798870Saturday, May 09, 2015 4:17 AM GMT

Jordan Korluf (On board the FFV Constable) "All hands, battle stations." I say into the Constables loud speakers, then I flip to the gunners comms. "All guns, focus fire on the Coalition Destroyer." [FFV Constable uses standard attack on the Coalition Destroyer.]
#161804913Saturday, May 09, 2015 7:34 AM GMT

-Donovan Samson(FFV Gemini)- Donovan flies around until he sees Coalition Corvette #2 charging towards a cargo ship. "Alright, I want all hands to battle stations. Get people on the boost generator, main gun batteries and get a small repair party running. We're going for that corvette!" shouts Donovan. His crew rush to their various posts, whilst Donovan charges towards the ship from behind and above. "Hold your fire, we're moving in closer. I want a clean hit and a powerful run," says Donovan. He closes in on the corvette. Surely the corvette will have spotted Donovan's ship by now? "ALL GUNS, FIRE ON THAT CORVETTE!" shouts Donovan. He pauses for a fraction of a second to observe results before turning to get a second attack run... (Standard Attack vs Coalition Corvette #2)
#161827404Saturday, May 09, 2015 4:56 PM GMT

The Coalition forces move in to engage. The two Corvettes speed up, intent on getting as close as possible to the Calamity, firing all the way. The rest of the fleet, the Battleship, Cruiser, and Destroyer, focus all fire on the Constable, intent on battering it down. Omega Fleet engages different targets, and does well. A power surge was sent through the Calamity's weapons, making the shots go faster and with much more power. The RESULTS The Calamity targeted the Battleship, ripping through the armor and hull with one volley. The wreckage is still intact, but just barely, as air and bodies vent out of the holes and all systems on the Battleship fail. 3 shots from the Constable hit and destroy the Coalition Destroyer's shields. Then it takes just 2 to rip through the Destroyer's armor. The rest, 5 shots from the forward-facing guns, rip through the hull and turn the Destroyer into one big ball of flame. The Gemini fires all guns on the second Corvette. Since the opposing Corvette is going so fast, it's tough to hit. Even through a couple of close calls, the Gemini gets everything in. It doesn't quite eliminate the shields of that Corvette, but it definitely gets them down to critical. The Coalition ships, though, are firing back. The Destroyer and Battleship, before they were destroyed, got off a full volley at the Constable, along with the Cruiser. Though the Constable's shields are strong, they can't resist a full volley from all of them. The Destroyer's guns hit first, shearing through the shields and impacting on the armor. The Battleship's main gun then hits, cleaving through the armor but not penetrating. The rest of the battleship volley, however, just manages to penetrate the frontwards armor. Fortunately for the Constable, the Cruiser was not in position to hit the front armor and instead hit the rightward armor. The Corvettes, meanwhile, fired at the Calamity as they flew towards it. One shot missed, but eleven shots hit the fragile Destroyer, one volley bringing the shields to critical, the next shot bringing them down completely, and the other four shots impacted on the frontwards armor, bringing it down as well, weak as Corvette guns were, and dealt minor damage to the hull. FFV Constable: SHIELDS DOWN[0], FRONT ARMOR DOWN[0], RIGHT ARMOR DAMAGED[200], HULL DAMAGED[210]. FFV Calamity: SHIELDS DOWN[0], FRONT ARMOR DOWN[0], HULL DAMAGED[90]. OVERCHARGE IS IN EFFECT, DOUBLE DAMAGE WILL BE DEALT NEXT ROUND. Coalition Battleship: Destroyed. Coalition Destroyer: Destroyed. Coalition Corvette #2: Shields critical[10]. ROUND 2 BEGINS
#161828413Saturday, May 09, 2015 5:12 PM GMT

-Lt. Greene, FFV Calamity- The ship reels from the hit, tossing a few of the bridge crew from their seats. "Gunnery, direct second volley at Corvette #1" "Maintenance bay, Activate Repair Nanobots and set them to the Front Armor." (FFV Calamity uses OVERCHARGE (SECOND VOLLEY) on Corvette #1) (FFV Calamity sets SPECIAL ABILITY: NANOBOTS to ACTIVE state. Shields to half and repairs to front armor.)
#161837072Saturday, May 09, 2015 7:17 PM GMT

(I think I'm going to have to opt out of this RP, as well as opt out of ROBLOX in general. From my iPad the forced ads crash the browser every 12 seconds and just getting to this page was a chore. It's getting worse and worse so essentially I can't keep up with a thread anymore. Sorry)
#161858380Sunday, May 10, 2015 12:36 AM GMT

(Here we goooooooooo... again)
#161871698Sunday, May 10, 2015 3:43 AM GMT

#161877535Sunday, May 10, 2015 5:27 AM GMT

Jordan Korluf (On Board the FFV Constable) "Gunners, full barrage on the Coalition Corvette." [FFV Constable uses standard attack on Coalition Corvette]
#161881445Sunday, May 10, 2015 7:04 AM GMT

-Donovan Samson (FFV Gemini)- Before the Corvette has any idea what happened, Donovan wrenches the pilot stick back towards him to put some distance before looping around and coming at the enemy Corvette from above and in front. "ALL GUNS FIRE ON THAT CORVETTE!" he screams. The shot isn't at a great angle, and the Coalition Corvette is trying to turn into Donovan's corvette... (FFV Gemini uses Standard Attack on Coalition Corvette #2)
#161905959Sunday, May 10, 2015 4:57 PM GMT

The fleets fired on each other, the Coalition forces now greatly reduced in strength with the loss of their two heaviest-hitting ships. The two Corvettes had no chance. RESULTS The Calamity fired a volley, the guns overcharged to maximum possible capacity, shearing through the shields of the first Corvette, through the armor, and into the hull without even stopping. The first corvette blew spectacularly, leaving barely a bit of scrap metal left. The nanobots set to work, recharging the shield up to half strength and repairing the front armor some as well. The Gemini and Constable fired on the second Corvette. The Gemini finished off the shields and hit the armor, then the Constable's guns got in and turned the ship into mere rubble. The Coalition Cruiser hammered at the Constable, but again wasn't quite in a position to do much damage. It hit the rightwards armor again, this time breaking through and hitting the hull with maximum force. The Constable was in no position to take a beating from the front or right side any more, with the hull on fire and barely keeping structural integrity. The two destroyed Corvettes had fired off a volley as well. They had slowed down, providing no chance to miss while on the fly, and hammered into the Calamity again. But with shields back up to half strength and the front armor repaired, it weathered the storm again, though barely. A lieutenant suggests jumping to deep space for repairs, as the Calamity won't be able to survive another assault. FFV Constable: RIGHT ARMOR DOWN[0], HULL CRITICAL[20] FFV Calamity: NANOBOTS ACTIVATED[shields at 125, front armor at 50], SHIELDS DOWN[0], FRONT ARMOR DOWN[0], HULL CRITICAL[10] Coalition Corvette #1: Destroyed. Coalition Corvette #2: Destroyed. (I highly recommend that the Calamity activate jump drive and evacuate and the Constable turn to present left or back armor to the enemy. I'm actually being lenient right now, because I don't want people being destroyed so early.) ROUND 3 BEGINS; COALITION GROUP 3 WILL BE IN FIRING RANGE SOON
#161906598Sunday, May 10, 2015 5:07 PM GMT

-Lt. Greene, FFV Calamity- "Battlegroup 2, this is FFV Calamity. We are retreating to deep space for emergency repairs. We'll return as soon as we can." "All hands, prepare for jump." FFV Calamity retreats.
#161914026Sunday, May 10, 2015 6:51 PM GMT

Ray "Sir, may I take the Calamity's place?" (Ray said it to Butch)
#161945884Monday, May 11, 2015 1:54 AM GMT

(Okay, since this is taking way longer than intended, and I feel like I'm alienating everyone who isn't in the group 2 right now, I'll go start the other battle with group 1. Gear, succesful, coolboys, gavin, Mycousinblade, EarthBound, it's time.) (Also, with ForeverAlonezey completely inactive and Murph dropping out, they have been dropped off the players list.) PRIMARY MISSION: HYPERSPACE FUEL DEPOT - BATTLE Group 1 arrives. However, something seems to be off. An ensign working at their station calls out, "Sir, we appear to be missing our destroyer and the Aura. They've been lost to hyperspace." Murmurs fill the bridge. Otherwise, the fleet is all there. The two dreadnought-sized ships, the Juggernaut and the Armageddon at the front of the formation, giving a protective barrier for the other ships if the Coalition gets the drop on them. Initial scans, fortunately, show no sign of Coalition forces within firing range. But as the sensor sphere expands, it shows what has to be faced to get to the hyperspace fuel depot. It isn't much, but the Coalition has left some guards around the station. Scanners then pick up a transmission. The Coalition forces are calling for help. Nobody knows how long it will be until more forces arrive, but considering how lightly this place is guarded right now, it is unlikely significant numbers will arrive in a short time. OBJECTIVE: DESTROY ALL COALITION SHIPS GUARDING THE FUEL DEPOT. AFTER ENEMY SHIPS ARE DESTROYED, DOCK WITH FUEL DEPOT AND START SIPHONING FUEL. AFTER SEVERAL TURNS, SUFFICIENT FUEL WILL BE SIPHONED AND THE BATTLE MAY BE ENDED WITH ALL PLAYER SHIPS JUMPING OUT. HOSTILES: Coalition Battleship, Coalition Cruiser, Coalition Corvette #1, Coalition Corvette #2. Coalition Battleship: Shields at full[250], armor at full[400], hull at full[200]. All weapons operational[1 primary cannon, 10 guns, damage rating 750 total]. Coalition Cruiser: Shields at full[300], armor at full[450], hull at full[200]. All weapons operational[10 guns, damage rating 500 total]. Coalition Corvette #1: Shields at full[250], armor at full[300], hull at full[150]. All weapons operational[6 guns, damage rating 240 total]. Coalition Corvette #2: Shields at full[250], armor at full[300], hull at full[150]. All weapons operational[6 guns, damage rating 240 total]. WARNING: Additional hostiles will arrive periodically. BATTLE BEGINS
#161946557Monday, May 11, 2015 2:04 AM GMT

James Hammers (FFV Vigilante) "All hands, ready weapons! We got a battle ahead of us, and not a minor one! This is not a drill! Prepare to fire on my mark, aim it at the enemy Battleship!" (STANDARD ATTACK ON COALITION BATTLESHIP)
#161948073Monday, May 11, 2015 2:25 AM GMT

FFV Inquisitive. "Target that Cruiser, and prepare squadrons for assault." I bark the orders at my crew, immediately waiting for the inevitable retaliation. [STANDARD ATTACK on Cruiser.]
#161990387Monday, May 11, 2015 10:42 PM GMT

FFV Constable FFV Constable shifts, presenting its left side armor.
#161994232Monday, May 11, 2015 11:38 PM GMT

Twister fired it's front cannons at the first Corvette.
#161996281Tuesday, May 12, 2015 12:07 AM GMT

Standard attack against Corvette one. I am the almighty Supreme Royal Commander of the crystalline empire
#162056348Wednesday, May 13, 2015 2:11 AM GMT

The Twister decided to stop attacking the first corvette and instead went for the second corvette.
#162059106Wednesday, May 13, 2015 2:54 AM GMT

CARGO FLEET The FFV Calamity shunts the last of its overdrive power to the engines, allowing it to make an emergency jump out of the system. The Constable shifts position, shielding the front and right side armor with the left. RESULTS With no opposing shots coming in from its opponents, the Coalition Cruiser continues hammering the Constable, weakening the left side armor in preparation for the killing blow. FFV Calamity: Escaped to deep space. Experience points from killing Coalition Battleship and Coalition Corvette #1: 80. Experience points to next level: 20. FFV Constable: Left armor damaged[200]. (Better shift around to your back armor, and fire some shots off...) ROUND 4 BEGINS HYPERSPACE FUEL DEPOT Though some of the fleet did not fire immediately, the Vigilante, Inquisitive, Twister, and Armageddon fire their guns. The Coalition ships fired back, their transmission asking for aid still going out. RESULTS The Vigilante fires, its primary cannon burning down the Coalition Battleship's shields, and the guns nearly finishing off the front armor. The Inquisitive fires, launching missiles and shooting its guns, covering for the 3 squadrons launching from its bays. Three missiles impact against the Coalition Cruiser's shields, bringing them down, and the other three missiles along with the guns bring the armor down hard. The Armageddon fires at the first Coalition Corvette, bringing its shields down, burning through the front armor, and destroying it all in one volley. The Twister fires, and is only slightly less effective than the Armageddon. It doesn't manage to destroy the Corvette, but badly damages it, stripping the shields and front armor off and leaving the hull burning and holed. However, not all is well. The Coalition Battleship and Cruiser concentrate their fire on the Armageddon, bringing down its shields with the Battleship's main gun and tearing through the armor nearly unopposed. The Armageddon's hull is critical, with scorch marks and holes running through the entire ship. The two Coalition Corvettes charged at the Inquisitive, determined to stop it from launching fighters. The Armageddon and Twister intervened, but not before the Corvettes got a volley off. They tear through the shields and front armor, but do only minor damage to the hull. COALITION BATTLESHIP: SHIELDS DOWN[0], FRONT ARMOR CRITICAL[40] COALITION CRUISER: SHIELDS DOWN[0], FRONT ARMOR CRITICAL[70] COALITION CORVETTE #1: DESTROYED. COALITION CORVETTE #2: SHIELDS DOWN[0], FRONT ARMOR DOWN[0], HULL BADLY DAMAGED[60] FFV Armageddon: SHIELDS DOWN[0], FRONT ARMOR DOWN[0], HULL CRITICAL[20] FFV Inquisitive: SHIELDS DOWN[0], FRONT ARMOR DOWN[0], MINOR DAMAGE TO HULL[140] ROUND 2 BEGINS
#162062449Wednesday, May 13, 2015 3:58 AM GMT

James Hammers (FFV Vigilante) "Looks like our fleet is getting hit. All hands, power shields! Be ready to merge! Three... two... one... NOW!" (SPECIAL ABILITY: MERGE SHIELDS)
#162062476Wednesday, May 13, 2015 3:59 AM GMT

Twister fired 2 cannons at the 2nd corvette, 5 cannons at the battleship, and 3 cannons at the cruiser.
#162062990Wednesday, May 13, 2015 4:12 AM GMT

Twister, while firing, also went in front of Armageddon to protect it.
#162063086Wednesday, May 13, 2015 4:15 AM GMT

-Lt. Greene, FFV Calamity- "Begin Emergency repairs, critical systems only, we don't have time for cosmetics, mend as much of the armor as possible." I can't say for sure how well the Cargo Battlegroup will do with the Calamiy absent.
#162075322Wednesday, May 13, 2015 3:14 PM GMT

-Donovan Samson (FFV Gemini)- The FFV Gemini turns and stops behind the Constable. Donovan turns around and addresses his crew. "Alright, we're going to support the Constable however we can. There's a strong force ahead of us and we can't take it head on. We're going to shoot and scoot. Meanwhile, the FFV Calamity has had a literal calamity. They've jumped out of the battle and I don't think they're going to return. Any questions?"