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#161629274Wednesday, May 06, 2015 1:10 AM GMT

start 2013-2014 school (middle school) starting center back/cdm division champions woohoo we got to play on a pro field and we won it was fun!!!! indoor soccer lol we got to the semi finals first league of outdoor soccer: beach fc u14 golden glove award all star team we had this think called the kickfest its like a tournament and we won that we just took the best players in the league and made a team the other goalie was my best friend from my team in the season so yeah #99chemistry 2014-2015 tamarac advance league golden glove award record setting 27 saves in one game our defense was sht most of the saves was when the ball just came at me, like 10-13 of those but still damn and i got 1 pk save that game (4 pk saves whole season, people dont know how to hit the same side you kick with lmao) and we got into the playoffs cause of goal difference (yours truly doing work) lost first round to the best team on an own goal rip so yeah can i go pro now
#161629852Wednesday, May 06, 2015 1:17 AM GMT

scrub boy
#161630185Wednesday, May 06, 2015 1:22 AM GMT

thats it, cyclops7747 u have been reported prepare 2 be deleted hahahahahaha
#161630971Wednesday, May 06, 2015 1:32 AM GMT

u suk
#161634098Wednesday, May 06, 2015 2:16 AM GMT

i 100% believe this no one can convince me otherwise

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