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#16168725Monday, November 02, 2009 1:33 AM GMT

Decades, maybe centuries into the future the human race advances in technology h allowed travel and colonization onto the new planets. But it has also revealed much that has been overlooked as "myth" throughout the passing years. There is of course alien life-forms, but there's more. The existence of sub-races (vampires, werewolves, etc.) among humans have been kept so quiet, for so long that when the time came that they were reveled so much controversy sprung up that the race became divided. Prejudice, racism all the negative things displayed by humans grew. The public became divided many had trouble believing in what their next step should be. The question rose: Was it a matter of moral rights, or what's best for the people? ORganizations, guilds ,and many other various groups were created within this time. Years passed the sub-races became quickly accepted into the population, there were those who were still weary, but it was hard to tell. Groups of people referred to as "Vampire hunters" started to become disliked they were starting to be considered the new generation of the KK. K. Many weren't sure if the raise in vampires in the human population contributed to it... Many still don't know... No Ubering No god-modding No noobs No Un-imaginative ppl No people who want to discuss how depressing their life is... Thats for elsewhere. No over the top romnce... You know what I mean... >.> Cursing is accepted IF you can get it past the moddys just don't spend have 95% of your language consist of swe. ars... I mean really? I'll set up rosters to show who's strongest. No killing other players unless they agree with it or I'm doing it... >:D Or I agree with it. Playable Races: Humans-You know exactly who these guys are and if you don't... Well I don't know what to say to you... High Elves- Looks a lot like humans except for the long ears that point upwards. They also tend to be on the tall side taller by a head or two then the average human. High elves tend to focus there advances towards technology. Low Elves(AKA Elves)- Looks like humans except their ears branch out horizontally away from their head. Adult ear lengths tend to be around a foot sometimes more. They pretty much around the same height as humans. Wood Elves- ~Extinct~ Dark Elves- ~Dwindling in numbers~ Look alot like their Low elve counterparts but tend to have a darker more bluish/ purplish skin. With lighter hair. The dark elves usually keep to themselves. But because they're great warriors they end up taking jobs mainly of assasain, mercenary, bountyhunters etc. Much like long ago the dark elves tend to keep to themselves preffering not to make contact with others unless it involves their job, or money. Dwarves- ~Haven't been seen for years possibly extinct~ Multirace- uh yeah, your family tree basically consists of multiple of different races. This really shouldn't be natural. Orcs-~Extinct~ (More to come...{Possibly} I'll accept suggestions from other players) (Char sheet) Name: Race:(Theres more then one) Subrace: (If you're one) Age: Appearance: Personality: Bio:(Optional) Inventory: Job:(Being a hobo counts as a job too) Weapon(s): (Two weapons max no double rocket launcher!!!! or uber weapons I must approve...{I only allow friends more then two weapons, but they must ask me for approval})
#16169310Monday, November 02, 2009 1:41 AM GMT

(My char sheet) Name: James McGraiken Race:Low Elf Subrace: His daddy was a human Age: 28 Appearance: A trenchcoat, a fedora, an eye-patch on his left eye, Black long straight hair, a thick stubble Personality: Pretty nice, and friendly, he tends to drink a lot though, he's also tends to make inappropriate suggestions in different situations Bio:He lived his early adult life as spy for the T'halen forces. After the experiances of the war he left home and eventually found a cheap room in dirty little town in a far-off planet where he's spent the past 2 years drinking. Inventory: He's enough money to support himself for another decade or two. Job: Unemployed Weapon(s): None
#16170197Monday, November 02, 2009 1:54 AM GMT

Name:Spire McGraiken Race:Low Elf Subrace: His daddy was a human Age:26 Appearance:black long messy hair,flame sweatshirt,blue jeans Personality:childish sometimes acts dum Bio:leader of T'Halen forces.Has apartment.James younger bro Inventory:two handguns both have a flame design on them has enogh money to support self Job:fugitive incognito Weapon(s):two modified handguns with a flame design on them
#16170797Monday, November 02, 2009 2:03 AM GMT

(good enough...) James stumbles into the local tavern. He's then greeted by some of the friendlier locals. He walks to the bar and falls into his regular seat. "Regular as usual?" The alien-looking bartender said already filling up a cup for James. "You're starting to know me a little to well Patrick." James said chuckling a little after...
#16171145Monday, November 02, 2009 2:08 AM GMT

*spire walks in the bar and sits down sees james* hey james what up*sees police come in*oh crap*grabs handguns and shoots police then hides behind the counter and grabs a drink and drinks it*
#16171361Monday, November 02, 2009 2:11 AM GMT

Spire missed... Luckily for him... The police walk away. (Did I forget to mention that the town hardly has any police in it) Bartender:*Hands James his drink* James:*Looks down at his drink sullenly*... Bartender:GET Out of here!! *The bartender throws Spire out from behind the bar*
#16171687Monday, November 02, 2009 2:15 AM GMT

*falls down and drinks rest of the drink then gets in seat*hey jameswhat up drinker
#16171866Monday, November 02, 2009 2:18 AM GMT

James:*Sips a litle bit of his drink* *Then slowly turns to face his younger brother* What... Are you doing out? I though you were locked up for mutiny or something... *Drinks some more of his drink*
#16171941Monday, November 02, 2009 2:19 AM GMT

(Ah dahg yo... I forgot James ain't got a trenchcoat nvm, he's just in a t-shirt)
#16171947Monday, November 02, 2009 2:19 AM GMT

mutiny you are mutiny hahahahaha*falls asleep*
#16172225Monday, November 02, 2009 2:23 AM GMT

James:*Looks at his younger brother, and chuckles to himself* *He then continues finishing his drink*
#16172507Monday, November 02, 2009 2:27 AM GMT

James:*Finishes his drink* *And orders another going on a drinking binge for awhile until he falls asleep too*
#16172728Monday, November 02, 2009 2:31 AM GMT

Hours later. It's evening time... Most prefer to not ne out at this time of night for many reasons especially in this part of the city. James:*Wakes up from his nap* Uhh *Shakes head, as he pulls himself up* Spire, Spire... Wake up *James said while slapping spire*
#16173443Monday, November 02, 2009 2:43 AM GMT

huh*grabs james hand*what do you want
#16173531Monday, November 02, 2009 2:44 AM GMT

James:*Pulls away from Spire's grasp* Y-yeah I think it's time we... You go home...
#16173809Monday, November 02, 2009 2:50 AM GMT

whatever *walks onto futuristic bike and drives back home opens door then locks then goes to bed*
#16174044Monday, November 02, 2009 2:55 AM GMT

James:*Stumbles outside the Tavern grabbing hold of whatever was nearby to keep his balance* *Looks around and walks home swerving side to along the sidewalk* A noise is made in the distance as a figure comes out of nowhere from the shadows... ???:*Slams James the Drunk against the wall* I see you haven't lightened on drinking, eh? James:I see you haven't ceased scaring random people off the street Marc...
#16174424Monday, November 02, 2009 3:03 AM GMT

Marc:*Tilts head*... James: Lay off.. *Shoves Marc off* Marc:Look sorry if I came out as a jerk, but you must understand timessss are tough... James:Then don't think of mugging me... You know it's sunday... Marc:Aw, right the easy day and you've spent it drinking... James:It's what I do everyday... So? Marc: You must understand my friend you come out drunk everyday and one day someone is going to find you drunk... And they'll use that to their advantage and, uh mug you... And worst of all you won't even remember it, or who did it.... James: No one bothers with me... *James said stuffing his hands in his pockets. And then walks away* Marc:You better watch it my friend the city won't protect us no more...
#16175105Monday, November 02, 2009 3:18 AM GMT

Name: Brian "Bear" VanHugisvon Race: Human Age: 53 Appearance: A large man with a "rectangular" chin, a beard attached to his mustache and sideburns, commonly found smoking a cigar. Personality: Cruel, mean, sometimes jokes when he's in a good mood. Bio: A russian "vampire hunter" that claims mythical creatures should go back to the fairy tails where they belong, he tries to make the world (or worlds) the way they used to be. He's also not too fond of aliens, but isn't as aggresive as "mythies" as he likes to call them. Inventory: His "boss" buys him something, such as furniture and food, depending on how good a creature he kills. For example he gets something bigger when he kills a high elf rather than low elves. Job: Vampire hunter. Weapon(s):Lots and lots of guns and other goodies in his van that he travels the world to hunt.
Top 50 Poster
#16179198Monday, November 02, 2009 5:56 AM GMT

Char sheet) Name: Clive Race:Dark elf Subrace: (If you're one) Age: 25 Appearance:Cloak(Hood Up),Leather Armor,Light Blue Hair,Combed Back. Personality: Nice Bio:Hes Part Of The Sital,A Group Of Bounty Hunters That Use Their Reward Money to Help The Poor. Inventory: Sack Of gold,Compass,Map Of The Known Region,Pendant,Crow Job:Bounty Hunter Weapon(s): Sword,Pistol Char sheet) Name: Amber Race:Dark Elf Subrace: (If you're one) Age: 17 Appearance:Black Pants,Sleevless Shirt,High Heels Personality: Stuborn Bio:Clives Little Sister. Inventory: A Picture Of The Family. Job:She Just follows Clive... Weapon(s): Dagger Char sheet) Name: Venna Appearance: A Pendant With a Green Crystal In the Middle Personality: Naggy Bio:Clives Pendant,Talks Too Much...Enchanted. Char sheet) Name:Sithis Appearance: Clives Sword Personality:Bloodthirsty Char sheet) Name: Ionn Appearance:A crow Personality:Regular Bio:Clives Magical Animal Partner. (Sorry This Will Take Some Space...Didnt Mean To,But I Had to Add Ionn,Sithis and Venna...)
Top 50 Poster
#16179206Monday, November 02, 2009 5:57 AM GMT

(ambers Hair:Long,Amburn.Sorry,Forgot that Part...)
#16197280Monday, November 02, 2009 10:53 PM GMT

(Iz ok, and all are approved)
#16197397Monday, November 02, 2009 10:55 PM GMT

James knew it was true. He also knew that the way he was drinking should eventually kill him. But that didn't bother him. What bothered him was the fact his brother was now in the city...
#16197717Monday, November 02, 2009 11:00 PM GMT

James walked away back into his beat up apartment... It began to rain... JAmes looked out his window thinking that his own existance wasof know great importance... But his brother shouldn't think the same way... Maybe if he guided Spire along the right path he wouldn't feel too bad if James eventually died... It never was his own death that bothered him. But it was the suffering of others that got to him... ~Next day...~ -Early in the morning-
#16197835Monday, November 02, 2009 11:02 PM GMT

(Oh right I forgot to mention... Bear you can only choose two weapons to start out with. Since this character is... Ex[perianced I'll let you choose two powerful weapons... I just got to approve 'em)

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