#162268629Saturday, May 16, 2015 10:34 PM GMT

"Well, we could do something else?," Lara asked carefully. It had appeared she lost her whisper tone in the amidst of trying to figure out a solution to all this. "Like... we do need to do /something/ to test his heal-y powers. See if it just isn't a... um..." She paused, unsure of what the right word for the context was. She merely put out a close guess, "A coincidence? That him being without bruises isn't just the fight looking worse than it actually is..?"
#162268795Saturday, May 16, 2015 10:37 PM GMT

Andy. "Hey, you, fella, come here." I say, pointing at the new kid and motioning him to come forward. "How old are you?" I ask him.
#162268821Saturday, May 16, 2015 10:37 PM GMT

Arthur "While I may have mastery over lightning and fire, I still have our magical projectile and shield," I say, "As does everyone else. I say we test for that."
#162269255Saturday, May 16, 2015 10:44 PM GMT

(Should I change something? Like his age?)
#162269817Saturday, May 16, 2015 10:52 PM GMT

(Was I accepted, I posted my CS on page 9.) I am the almighty Supreme Royal Commander of the crystalline empire
#162270361Saturday, May 16, 2015 11:00 PM GMT

(Kook, I have no issue with his age. Another admin will probably give a more thorough reason as to why I'm on the fence. Not declined, but not accepted yet either, I have to think. Most people are going offline as it is, so there's time.) (Earth, declined.)
#162271020Saturday, May 16, 2015 11:09 PM GMT

Nicolas He stood up and said, "I'm sixteen."
#162272515Saturday, May 16, 2015 11:34 PM GMT

Andy. "Alright, come closer, I won't bite." I say, beckoning him forward. I look around the counter, trying to find something sharp. I succeed, finding a toothpick in the pizza.
#162273333Saturday, May 16, 2015 11:46 PM GMT

Sawyer watched idly, still nibbling on his piece of pizza. He was still unsure of everything that was going on, but since he had spoke his piece, he was quiet. Every once in a while, he checked his watch. Adam was late. Not that it was unusual, for the senior was usually not on time.
#162274076Saturday, May 16, 2015 11:56 PM GMT

(Ehm, a little passy-post, feel free to skip it I suppose.) Aileen- Somewhat deep inside the forest, a tiny, brown spider made its way across a rotting tree trunk, moss almost fully covering the rotting log's cover. Heading back into the web that it made on a medium-sized hole located by the end of the log, it didn't expect to be in any danger; and it wasn't, unless you counted the gigantic magnifying glass inspecting it. Aileen had stumbled upon this particular specimen when bumbling about the woods, looking for something interesting. Arriving a few minutes after school, around 15 minutes had passed. Having been in the woods in most of her free time for the past few years looking at the various creatures, it was rare that she came upon something she never really had seen before. Notebook and pencil out, the spider's general figure and color were noted. Along with this, a guess to the spider's species: A brown recluse spider. Aileen was having second thoughts about it at the moment, as they generally weren't in city areas.. (though it WAS in a park) Backing away slowly to not anger the spider and make it bite her, Aileen strutted away, looking for something else interesting to note.
#162275842Sunday, May 17, 2015 12:17 AM GMT

I like turtles  
#162276715Sunday, May 17, 2015 12:29 AM GMT

Do you like waffles  
#162277178Sunday, May 17, 2015 12:37 AM GMT

sample text  
#162311449Sunday, May 17, 2015 2:00 PM GMT

Arthur "Andy, there's more effective methods of testing his magical ability than potentially injuring him," I say. "There is always the possibility that we're wrong about him, after all."
#162315229Sunday, May 17, 2015 3:06 PM GMT

[ Hello? How should I start to RP. ]
#162319989Sunday, May 17, 2015 4:14 PM GMT

Name: Samson Archon, prefers the name "Sam." Age: 16 Grade: (What grade are you in?) 9th. Average Grade: (i.e. A+) B+. Appearance: Samson has dark green eyes, often described as "swamp green." His hair is a bit spikey and is a brown color. (http://mens.hair.styles.guide.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Short-Spikey-Business-Hairstyles-for-Men-2014.jpg remove the dots in between mens, hair, styles, and guide) His skin is a bit tan, with his expression oftenly saying "I'm not stopping once I've started." Clothing: He is often seen wearing his blue hoodie with black stripes. His jeans are a bit torn, with his Air Jordans being a bright red. Personality: He is mostly a sports star, with a bit of artist here and there. His expression goes well with his personality, as he is determined and will put his foot down when needed. He's tough on the outside, but a bit of a softie on the inside. He is often training for sports. Bio: Samson was a regular kid, except he had magic. His father was like him, a sports star, and his mother was a doctor. He always wanted to be a sports star much like his father, but eventually his determination was paused when his father had died from an infection that set in his leg after he broke it during a game. Soon he continued his sports, and then his mother decided to enroll him in Apple Valley Highschool to take his mind off his father. Starting Spell: Weak Strength Other: N/A *cue flame war*
#162329899Sunday, May 17, 2015 6:20 PM GMT

Name: Macy Locke Age: 16 Grade: 10th. Average Grade: A, B. Appearance: Chocolate, curly hair, pulled back into an average bun. She has bronze, sun-kissed skin. She is rather tall, standing at 5"7', she towers her classmates. She has long limbs, and nimble fingers, she's basically a twig. She has high, rosy cheekbones, which go with her rounded, innocent jawline. She has coffee-hazel eyes, with long, butterfly lashes. Above her eyes, she has high, arched eyebrows, following a small, rounded nose. With a set of aver-age sized, peachy lips. Giving her a rather 'Model' physique. Clothing: She loves Disney, and often wears Disney-inspired T-shirts, and regular, blue jeans. Though, her shoes do vary. From Sperry's, to Converse, to Vans. Personality: Quiet, but when you get to know her, she becomes more friendly, and opened to others. But, she suffers from Social Anxiety, and she can be awkward at rocky times. Bio: Her mother died from cancer, but she never knew her father. She grew up basically in an Orphanage, and finally got adopted. Her Foster Home sucked. Her Adopted-Parents abused, and yelled at her 24/7. They always expected good grades, and she did good in that category. About 2 months later, she got placed into another home. Given love from her new family, she then atteneded Apple Valley in 9th grade, from another school. Starting Spell: Weak Projectile. Other: She as an unique ability with art, and she loves to create masterpieces.
#162332596Sunday, May 17, 2015 6:56 PM GMT

Marked for later
#162335609Sunday, May 17, 2015 7:31 PM GMT

Andy. I roll my eyes at Arthur, one too careful for his own good. I wave the toothpick at him, speaking as I do so. "Yes, but before it was instinctive! Raw human emotion, and, and power! It'll be the same here, maybe less, but still instinctive." I say, bringing the toothpick near the kids finger.
#162336761Sunday, May 17, 2015 7:45 PM GMT

(@little, just type some fluff about getting to school or whatever... I think...)
#162345076Sunday, May 17, 2015 9:26 PM GMT

(uhh kookoo i think i'll accept you?? idk)
#162345524Sunday, May 17, 2015 9:32 PM GMT

#162359149Monday, May 18, 2015 12:28 AM GMT

(am I accepted) *cue flame war*
#162364794Monday, May 18, 2015 1:36 AM GMT

"Maybe not the most effective, but the most quickest," Lara stated, "Let's just this over with, if he could heal that no problem, then good. If he doesn't, then we won't have to do as much 'mind-wiping' or whatever as if we'd try to make him do shields and bullets. He probably doesn't have the control yet, it would have to be... instinctual, like Andy said."
#162366087Monday, May 18, 2015 1:54 AM GMT

(Wait... is that a yes or no???)