#162397369Monday, May 18, 2015 6:32 PM GMT

( try not expanding this too much , i have to go off now ) Economy : Further economic increasments are registered by 6 percent .
#162397386Monday, May 18, 2015 6:33 PM GMT

The Independent State Of The Congo Homefront: Those suspected of aiding the communists are being imprisoned. Government: The Congo Diplomat at the meeting talks about recognizing the sovereignty of African nations and also talks about decolonization, believing that the Africans should no longer be tied down to the "West". Military: With approval from the president, the ISC begin to arrest those suspected of helping communists. Some of the people arrested are completely innocent.
#162397488Monday, May 18, 2015 6:35 PM GMT

( canada , hope you will post about the space programme as I will be off tomorrkw )
#162397821Monday, May 18, 2015 6:43 PM GMT

(aye aye captin) [Canada] ~Military~ -An experimental MA-2 jet is flown. It has a top speed of over 1100km/h however after reaching the 800km/h mark the jet began to break apart. The improved engine used in the experimental aircraft is sent to the NASEP facility in Texas to begin their own tests and experiments. ~There is now 505,000 troops servicing actively in the Canadian Armed Forces. ~Space Exploration~ -NASEP experiments with the new engine and also uses the new fuel given by the Americans. Altogether, the highest point reached by the new test is over 13km, bringing new hope to the scientists working there. -Much larger fuel "rockets" are attached to the ship to provide extra boost and power, especially for takeoff. -The main ship is made larger, and has a much bigger fuel tank. Hopes are, they will be able to send out a ship out of the Earth's atmosphere and into space.
#162398049Monday, May 18, 2015 6:49 PM GMT

-United Kingdom (British Empire)- Diplomacy - At the UN conference, Winston Churchill puts forward the idea of complete decolonisation, stating that "The regions forced into submission by European rulers have long demanded freedom and their own governments.", and with that, the British Empire begins dismantling itself. The result will be the "British Commonwealth". Every former British colony will have full control over its own country and, in return, they must accept the British monarch as their monarch as well and ally with the UK. Rocket Science - The British scientists move to Cape Canaveral along with roughly 500 engineers and 1,000 builders. They will build 2 launch sites for rockets, an R&D facility, astronaut training centres and a launch control building.
#162402927Monday, May 18, 2015 8:10 PM GMT

/[German Empire]\ Diplomacy Bismarck arrives in D.C for the UN meeting Military Athens and all of southern Greece has fallen. Operation Jungle War is being written up Some colonists in German East Afrika join the Congo Fascists Tech Upgraded versions of the Panzershreck and panzerfaust are created Nuclear scientist begin working with Hydrogen Improved versions of the V2 with long range capability is produced The new Landekruzer is recorded as the worlds largest and heavily armored tank. Due to its high cost only three will be made. [Secret] Germany pledges support to the NRE as this would make the world leaders think twice due to mutually assured destruction
#162403613Monday, May 18, 2015 8:20 PM GMT

Homefront: A sense of national pride has erupted across the Congo due to the UN meeting. A major communist leader was publicly executed in Kinshasa. Government: Taxes decrease by 2%. President Arres visits farms in the countryside. Military: Military recruitment has increased by 4%. Congo Fascists: Three major Fascist groups in the Congo end up joining forces and for the Congolese Nationalist Party.
#162403843Monday, May 18, 2015 8:23 PM GMT

(Ok, guys, seriously? Space programs, modern rockets, and the German tank is questionable, maybe only if a few existed.) (Also, I haven't invaded Sudan yet, and the thing about slowly rising Canadian forces...) (Also, how would the UK know about the invasion of Sudan if it was only shared with 4 generals?) -={ N R E }=- ~[Political]~ The NRE thanks Germany for backing them, and assures the UK, Canada, and US that they will not invade Sudan. The NRE is nervous of the growing rise of Germany in Africa, and continues trade with Congo, sending in an old schematic and several tons of metals to make the H1/39 tank. A new model is made from the 39' tank, which is faster, and has more firepower. A variant is made of the H5/49B tank, which has a lot more armor, limited mobility, but still a lot of firepower. Immediately, 500 H5/49A tanks are created, along with 100 H5/49B tanks. The tanks are shipped to Africa, and patrolling the European borders. ~[Military]~ With the invasion of Sudan canceled, the hope of expansion in Africa is somewhat lessened, but generals begin a plan to invade Somalia, for the strategic placement and trade-wise location. Troops have fully conquered Libya, and 65,000 troops, 250 H1/39 tanks, 50 S1/39 tankettes, and a division of 4,000 marines at the north are on the Libya-Egypt border. Military Makeup in Africa: Tunisia Guard: 5,000 Libya Guard: 15,000 Egypt Invasion Force: 69,000 The 7th fleet begins to make patrols through the Suez Canal. ~[Technology]~ A new class of revolutionary machine gun comes out, firing extremely fast, and is sent to Africa. This is known as the M1MG
#162404203Monday, May 18, 2015 8:27 PM GMT

(i thought you were actually invading sudan... derp) (also i haven't launched rockets, unless slightly more aerodynamic, larger tin cans count as rockets. we're in ~1950 and who's to say we wouldn't have tried to create some rockets to keep up with the Germans?)
#162404680Monday, May 18, 2015 8:34 PM GMT

(1949. The first satellite to be launched was in 1957 by the Soviet Union...So it's useless to send up tin cans into space? I'm complaining about people IN space, and the whole modern rockets thing.) [NRE] The NRE generals ask Germany if they can continue with the invasion of Egypt.
#162405184Monday, May 18, 2015 8:41 PM GMT

[Canada] ~Military~ -Heavy recruitment and training as usual -The CAR enters service with the Canadian Armed Forces. The CAR, or Canadian Assault Rifle, is a much better and much more improved version of the AR-1 (and all the other assault rifles out there). It is the current leading rifle in the world, with up to 31 rounds in a magazine with a rate of fire of up to 850 rounds per minute. Each round is 5.6mm in size. -A modified version of the CAR, the CSR, or Canadian Sharpshooter Rifle, also enters service with the Canadian forces. The CSR comes with an 8x scope, a 21-round magazine instead of a 31-round and a much larger 7.7mm bullet. -Another weapon enters service with the Canadian forces, this one being a pistol. The pistol is titled M9 (standing for Military Nine, designed by the same people behind the original MP5). It features a 9mm bullet. Although this bullet seems larger than the round in the CSR, the 9mm is actually much shorter which makes it extremely effective at close rank. Up to 16 9mm bullets in a magazine. ~Diplomacy~ -Canada sends requests to the Soviet Union and the German Empire to contribute to the Worldwide Exploration Association. ~Space Exploration~ -NASEP/WEA begin working on "re-entry pods" which will be what the astronauts will re enter Earth's atmosphere in. -More tests take place on the different types of plane. Currently the best "formation" is having 2 siderockets which burn out first and then get ejected, with a bigger rocket in the second stage (which gets the plane out of the atmosphere) and the final stage, using the plane's own tank to fly wherever.
#162405462Monday, May 18, 2015 8:45 PM GMT

(idk... i mean, so far everyone with a space program in the RP has said that they'll only be putting a man into space in 10-20 years... i'm only doing this to keep up with the other people. heck, amateur rocket groups in germany would have better rockets than my little "operation" has now. i can see why you're complaining about the space program stuff in 1949 though)
#162405615Monday, May 18, 2015 8:48 PM GMT

Independent State Of The Congo Homefront: The H1/39 tanks are being produced, but at a slow rate due to the lack of factories. Government: Noticing the lack of industrialization in the Congo, the President begins pursuing a plan to rapidly industrialized to meet with the standards of the West. Once enacted, (if all goes well) factories and various industrial buildings will be built across the country. The plan is still being worked on. Military: As a result of the brief rise of natonal sentiment, a Congolese Militia is formed by the people, detaining criminals, communists, and various bad types.
#162405829Monday, May 18, 2015 8:51 PM GMT

(its 1951, and anyway its not like we're going to have like gigantic nuclear laser beams in space pointing at you by tomorrow. this is more or less a gimmick as we don't get any military advantage until people get like thermo-nuclear earthquake-causing gun things in space or something (tbh dont know much about space stuff okay)) (short post) (as for the Canadian uprising, yolo (seriously) we gotta make the Canadians angry people not sorry people <3) [Canada] ~Military~ -Training and stuff
#162405904Monday, May 18, 2015 8:52 PM GMT

(I know, but honestly, what do you think this rocket thing will turn out to be? Some scientists will figure it out and have modern ICBMs sooner, I suppose.) -={ N R E }=- The NRE offers assistance to the Congo, and continues to send metals, and even a few completed tanks.
#162413500Monday, May 18, 2015 10:28 PM GMT

Soviet Union Tech: A new model of the Ak is being distributed. The Ak-22. With a 24 round mag, it is more durable then the Ak-1. And has alot less requirements of maintenance. The previous tank. T-29, is being completely remade, and has hopes of becoming a modern masterpiece. Russian scientists have recently made a large suit of armor, with rounded helmet, capable of taking a few small arms fire. Russian scientists are trying to find a way to make the armor less cumbersome Within Austria: The soldiers that were leaving, now return back to their posts, as tanks begin setting up in various positions, along with the Katyusha rockets, and flak Trucks. A commander of the entire force states "If the Fascists wish to harm us because we want to help others. Then may they strike us down right now." He said to a Soviet Reporter in the Moscow times. Within Russia: Russian soldiers are given the new Ak-22's and are continued to be trained heavily. The wall is making progress as civilians continue to make large sections of the wall, while heavily armed guards, flak trucks, and tanks, continue to protect the borders. Diplomacy: Lenin kindly agree's to joining the Meeting with the U.N. And is currently flying to New York right now, with a few armed guards with Ak-22's and the large suits of armor.
#162414156Monday, May 18, 2015 10:37 PM GMT

Independent State Of The Congo Homefront: Nothing new. More H1/39 tanks are being built. Government: The industrialization plan is still being worked out. Military: The ISC military still hunt down communists alike. With a lack of modernized weaponry, the ISC being to use the Congo as their weapon, making new weapons like poison tipped bayonets. Communists: The communists begin escaping the Congo, some ask the Soviet Union for supplies.
#162414484Monday, May 18, 2015 10:41 PM GMT

New Morocco~~~~ A Moroccan general by the name of Abdah Nero prepares troops in Portugal, tightening security in Lisbon, fearing the NRE will advance troops towards Northwest Algeria. Moroccan Citizens prepare for the worst, but the government's fears are at low. They feel that the NRE are satisfied with Northeast Algeria and Tunisia. Some Citizens do not feel safe and buy weapons. Many citizens are jailed for owning guns illegally.
#162414568Monday, May 18, 2015 10:42 PM GMT

-=Austria-Hungary=- [Elections] The elections are over, and the communists won, making Adolf Schärf the new prime minister. The communists had 43.9% of the votes, while Fascists had 38.9% of the votes and the conservatives + liberals had 17.2% together. (wikipedia and calculators ftw x4) [UN] Austria decides, after a few years of stalling, to join the UN and Otto von Hapsburg, the new emperor of Austria-Hungary, will go to the meeting himself.
#162415153Monday, May 18, 2015 10:50 PM GMT

-={ N R E }=- ~[Military]~ The NRE offers the Congo a special unit of men specifically used for finding contacts and hunting things down. The first division, containing 25,000 men, 100 H5/49 tanks, and 35 tankettes advance into Egypt. The first city to be conquered is Siwa, and then 30,000 troops will be sent to Alexandria, while the remaining 39,000 troops travel to Cairo. Then, once Alexandria is conquered, will meet with the next division to attack Cairo. Troops march near Siwa.
#162418538Monday, May 18, 2015 11:35 PM GMT

~~~New Morocco~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As fear rises, controversy occurs. Government censors try to block out any kind of debates over an attack, fearing the public will overrule the government.
#162421965Tuesday, May 19, 2015 12:17 AM GMT

/[German Empire]\ Diplomacy With the new communist country on its border, Germany declares her German brethren in Austria have betrayed their religion and their race. Germany orders the Congo to secede land to the National Socialist Republic of Congo. (Basically what the republic of Congo owns today.) Military German soldiers in Austria secretly encourage loyal fascist citizens to provoke the soviets into attacking my by throwing rocks and debris The entire north west of Greece has fallen to the Werchmat The German East African Govenor has handed the Congo fascists old Panzer III. Tech Still working [Message to the NRE] We must meet to discuss the Austrian fall to Communism
#162424732Tuesday, May 19, 2015 12:50 AM GMT

[NRE] The NRE tries to tell Germany that it could not be good to persuade Congo, because it could become a useful ally. Siwa is captured, rebellion occurs, but not much. One force branches off to Alexandria, and another heading to Cairo. With Arab presence in the state, it will be harder. H1/39 tanks are sent over to Congo, about 10 per month.
#162425230Tuesday, May 19, 2015 12:56 AM GMT

-=Austria-Hungary=- Riots break out in Vienna, and, with the encouragement of the Germans, people start attacking police and armed forces. Within the week 10 people are dead or missing, and all government, police and military buildings are locked down from the public.
#162426694Tuesday, May 19, 2015 1:16 AM GMT

[NRE] Troops approach Alexandria, where an infantry rush will occur to capture the city safely.