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#161883938Sunday, May 10, 2015 8:34 AM GMT

Adjustable gravity settings for ROBLOX studio. I shouldn't have to explain it but wouldn't it be great if it were possible to set gravity for certain bricks? Or even areas of the game? Not just this but also camera settings that would go along with it too rather than just showing an upside-down player. I really don't have to go into detail as I'm sure any of you can imagine how this'd go; it has probably been mentioned before anyway. But just imagine the possibilities of such a small implementation; working spherical planets for instance. Please give any feedback.
#161883986Sunday, May 10, 2015 8:35 AM GMT

i remember seeing a sphere planet was a free model but i can't remember the name but this is scriptable. the second one
#161884139Sunday, May 10, 2015 8:40 AM GMT

support there is an option in Studio to change how sound reverberates through a place. for example you can change it to "Cave" and there will be an echo if you, say, swing a sword or jump or something
#162968570Monday, May 25, 2015 9:28 PM GMT

Explain to me how it being scriptable is a better option over there just being a setting dropdown in studio properties?
#162968815Monday, May 25, 2015 9:30 PM GMT

#162971911Monday, May 25, 2015 9:56 PM GMT

There is a fine line between scriptable and things that shouldn't need to be scripted. Transparency is scriptable, yet we have an easy-to-use option to change that. Blocks actually existing in the world is scriptable, yet we can just insert them in. Just becasue it's scriptable doesn't mean it needs to be scripted. There are plenty of things, such as this, that should be there without needing to script it.
#163708045Thursday, June 04, 2015 6:05 PM GMT

At least someone understands it. If EVERYTHING needed to be scripted over simple to use options; imagine how difficult it would be to make a game... It'd practically be like developing a standalone game.
#163709048Thursday, June 04, 2015 6:21 PM GMT

Scriptable... Roblox can't spoon feed you everything.
#163715439Thursday, June 04, 2015 7:52 PM GMT

Perhaps read the arguments against the 'if it's scriptable you don't need to add an easy option'. I don't mean to be rude but can you at least bother to read the reasons we are against that rather than practically copy and pasting what someone else has already said?

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