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#162001512Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:20 AM GMT

First off, the health bar. Why have it in the corner where I can barely notice it changing instead of the classic center? Okay well the leaderboard... Why on EARTH does tab make is disappear instead of expand? This is absolutely HORRIBLE for games with many teams (big DMs or RP games) or just lots of stats/players! Instead I have to scroll down a ton instead of hitting 1 button to see it all. Was this necessary? JUST PUT A SEPERATE BUTTON TO HIDE THE PLAYERLIST INSTEAD OF REPLACING THE EXPAND BUTTON. Someone has to agree with this? Stop changing the HUD! ANYTHING but the HUD. It's perfectly fine.
#162001610Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:21 AM GMT

#162001726Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:23 AM GMT

So? It's still here and that's a problem.
#162003617Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:50 AM GMT

This is old and late. In terms of health bar, a large portion of games where it matters remove it already, and the rest you didn't pay attention to it. As for tab making the leaderboard hide, that's a feature I personally greatly support. I was frustrated to no end when that was removed from the HUD a few visual updates ago. I never use the playerlist myself, so I like being able to hide it. You don't - now you get to adapt the way I did. The HUD was updated to match the new visual style being pushed, by the way. In other words; it was broken and had to be fixed.
#162004184Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:58 AM GMT

>In other words; it was broken and had to be fixed. "broken" better describes the new style they're trying to force. Like I said both of these features are necessary for RP games. Sometimes I dont notice if I'm being shot at because the health bar is so far out. The reason it works in the center is because its the same distance from where youre looking at all times no matter what direction. These updates really ruin classic ROBLOX games that CANT get updated by the creator to 'fix' these updates.
#162004570Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:04 AM GMT

Aaaaaaand we have more knee-jerking. As I said, the health bar being visible at the bottom of your screen was nice, but not a requirement for good play. Hiding the playerlist with tab used to be how it worked, then a few years back that was changed to open the full-size playerlist. You don't know how aggravating that is. Now it's hidden with tab, so all the veterans are inwardly happy about it. Do I like the health bar being moved? No, I don't. Do I like the top bar the way it is? Not from a dev standpoint, that's an extra thing to design around. It does unify the look of many more games, though. Although that begs the question, why are you using the playerlist and health bar in a roleplay? Every roleplay I've ever visited has weapons that don't damage, to prevent random killing. This negates the health bar completely. And for the playerlist? It takes up screen real estate and is better hidden.
#162004940Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:10 AM GMT

support powertool stfu
#162005186Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:14 AM GMT

"The reason it works in the center is because its the same distance from where youre looking at all times no matter what direction." -- I think people will adjust like they do with all updates.
#162005793Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:24 AM GMT

>Although that begs the question, why are you using the playerlist and health bar in a roleplay? Every roleplay I've ever visited has weapons that don't damage, to prevent random killing. Playerlist: view money and teams/players to look for/see who is a what Health: police and criminals use damage and in some games give damage
#162005943Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:27 AM GMT

Oh by the way a worded that horribly lol. Tip: dont eat while typing. What I meant was if its in the center, its much easier to notice since its just there. If you want something important you dont put it off to the side, where you have to frequently glance. It's easy to look at the center because no matter what side of the screen you're looking on (left/right/up/down) its the same distance to the middle. Not always on the right. You know?
#162006419Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:36 AM GMT

Go play BF3, BF4, and BFHL. Notice the hud in the corner. Notice how the health is indicated in that small hud in the corner. Notice that there is no playerlist, and only a rudimentary indication of score. Go play BFBC2 or any CoD. Notice how there is NO health indicator. Notice the old old video of Roblox, how the healthbar was on the right side of the screen and not on the bottom. People used to glance to the right side of the screen to see their healthbar.
#162006602Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:40 AM GMT

"It's easy to look at the center because no matter what side of the screen you're looking on (left/right/up/down) its the same distance to the middle. Not always on the right." -- It honestly won't make a difference after a while. Once people get used to looking at the right, it won't matter that it isn't in the center anymore.
#162006628Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:40 AM GMT

>Go play BF3, BF4, and BFHL. Notice the hud in the corner. Notice how the health is indicated in that small hud in the corner. Notice that there is no playerlist, and only a rudimentary indication of score. Go play BFBC2 or any CoD. Notice how there is NO health indicator. TF2 also does this. You know why? These games are REALISTIC. 18+. The point of having it in the corner in these games is to limit your visibility during battle. To add risk to looking at your health. Well this is ROBLOX a game for 8 year olds there's no need for such a thing. This game should remain simple. For real, they could at least make the health bar THICKER so I can see my own health easier. Like I said I sometimes can't tell if I am dying. That's a problem. If theyre gonna have it up there, they better add one thing many FPS's have: that blood wheel thing that tells you where damage is coming from. This will help indicate you are being hurt and let you know to check your health.
#162006784Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:43 AM GMT

>It honestly won't make a difference after a while. Once people get used to looking at the right, it won't matter that it isn't in the center anymore. ROBLOX should not rely on this formula: CRAP UPDATE - PEOPLE COMPLAIN FOR A MONTH - ROBLOX IGNORES - PEOPLE REALIZE THEY CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT - UPDATE STAYS - NOTHING HAPPENS That's not how games should work. ROBLOX is a site where YOU make the games. That's what the ads say. If we make the game, why don't we have a say in what's a terrible idea? This is not a good way to update your game, just forcing things on poor kids.
#162006972Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:47 AM GMT

It should not be about me having to get used to horrible updates, it should be about giving feedback, getting IMPROVEMENTS to the game. You guys shouldn't make me have to type this all out. You should know this. For the love of Bl0X just admit it guuuuuuuuuys.
#162007057Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:48 AM GMT

"That's not how games should work. ROBLOX is a site where YOU make the games. That's what the ads say. If we make the game, why don't we have a say in what's a terrible idea?" -- People do have a say in what's terrible. -- "This is not a good way to update your game, just forcing things on poor kids." -- You make it sound like they're torturing the "poor kids" by moving a health bar. They make an update, people complain, life moves on...
#162007242Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:52 AM GMT

Guess what, guess what. It was changed, and unless the internal style changes or a MASSIVE backlash happens (think back to the price floor and to outlinegate) it won't be modified. And frankly, such a response isn't coming from the community. There isn't enough rage over the changes to have them changed. That and even then people will rage about the changes to the changes, or about changes being revoked.
#162007244Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:52 AM GMT

>People do have a say in what's terrible. Yes, but nothing happens. Rarely. If it's seriously game BREAKING. This update may not break games, but it's just ugly. >You make it sound like they're torturing the "poor kids" by moving a health bar. They make an update, people complain, life moves on... Like I said, this is not a good formula. Just because you can force it doesn't mean you should.The game is not about having to live with crappy updates, it should be about feedback and improvements. This isn't a test of how many dumb things I can just get over in a month. Why do I have to get over it when they could do something RIGHT?
#162007470Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:56 AM GMT

"Like I said, this is not a good formula. Just because you can force it doesn't mean you should.The game is not about having to live with crappy updates, it should be about feedback and improvements. This isn't a test of how many dumb things I can just get over in a month. Why do I have to get over it when they could do something RIGHT?" -- Like what? What update is there right now that they are forcing upon us like a dictator? People didn't like the way a lot of updates where and eventually just got used to it. I didn't like the page update, and yet now it's just normal and I've gotten used to it.
#162007499Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:56 AM GMT

>Guess what, guess what. It was changed, and unless the internal style changes or a MASSIVE backlash happens (think back to the price floor and to outlinegate) it won't be modified. And frankly, such a response isn't coming from the community. There isn't enough rage over the changes to have them changed. That and even then people will rage about the changes to the changes, or about changes being revoked. I guess you're right, negative nancy. They will do nothing and we'll have to live with this lame stuff. I know people always hate change, but this was absolutely unnecessary, if not a step back from user-friendliness. You guys seem to have the attitude of "DEAL WITH IT" and people like that are the people running this website. I'll still play, but I'll sigh at every dumb thing they do. "What good is a game where they don't listen to feedback and do 100% what they want?" "That's no good" -Sonic The Hedgehog
#162007666Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:59 AM GMT

>Like what? What update is there right now that they are forcing upon us like a dictator? See OP. Also dictator is a word I'd like to use, but I'm afraid I'd get taken away by the secret police. >People didn't like the way a lot of updates where and eventually just got used to it. I didn't like the page update, and yet now it's just normal and I've gotten used to it. Like I keep saying, it shouldn't be about adjusting to uncomfortable updates, it should be about making the updates actually useful, adding to the game, being improvements. I'm gonna keep saying this as long as you keep repeating "deal with it bro."
#162007751Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:01 AM GMT

"Like I keep saying, it shouldn't be about adjusting to uncomfortable updates, it should be about making the updates actually useful, adding to the game, being improvements." -- I can't say there is an update right now that makes me uncomfortable.
#162007907Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:05 AM GMT

>I can't say there is an update right now that makes me uncomfortable. Well say "no support" and move on. You can deal with it fine, but no need to defend so haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.
#162007946Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:06 AM GMT

No support. Not necessary IMO.
#162008208Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:12 AM GMT

It's not that the changes are inherently bad as much as the community here is absolutely hostile to change of ANY kind. The health bar moved, so what? Most people don't use it anyway, and for the ones that do, it's an easy fix. Glance up and right instead of down. It makes no difference at all after a day.

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