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#162008003Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:07 AM GMT

10/10 flawless idea please support
#162008079Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:09 AM GMT

I guess it can be used to have notifications for new messages and friend requests. Somewhat support. I don't think the Apple Watch will be common among ROBLOX users.
#162011223Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:22 AM GMT

Apple watch be too small. Wait till the day the Apple Watch gets a hologram or something. Until then, like the above stated, notifications will be good.
#162011293Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:24 AM GMT

First comes the Apple Watch, the first step in Apple's Apple Stalk program, in which they plan to take over the world and market with their great but deceiving technology. It will be like 1984 or the Pedestrian or something like that.
#162011654Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:35 AM GMT

"First comes the Apple Watch, the first step in Apple's Apple Stalk program, in which they plan to take over the world and market with their great but deceiving technology." -- Or Facebook, or Google.. or any tech giant. Not just Apple.
#162011689Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:36 AM GMT

^ (that's all I wanted to say)
#162011845Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:42 AM GMT

>Or Facebook, or Google.. or any tech giant. Not just Apple. FINALLY SOMEONE WHO GETS IT. Just because it's good in quality doesn't mean it doesn't have a dark side. McDonalds tastes okay, but the ingredients are questionable. Facebook seems like a nice social media website, but they sell your information to people. Apple watches you sleep. Google offers great search engines, but that's hiding the fact that they track every search, everything. With the tech they buy from other companies, they're setting themselves up for world domination. Self-driving cars, mapping the entire planet, google glass as a spy gadget, them buying Bostom Dynamics, etc. They are growing, expanding. They will buy more, to plant their evil into EVERYTHING they can, even if it seems like a great product. NO I AM NOT A TINFOIL HAT CRAZY THIS WILL HAPPEN JUST WAIT AND SEE.
#162011955Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:46 AM GMT

"Apple watches you sleep." -- I'm not saying Apple doesn't sell any of your data or doesn't spy in any way shape or form, but where did you get sleeping specifically? -- "Google offers great search engines, but that's hiding the fact that they track every search, everything." -- It goes far deeper than that. -- "With the tech they buy from other companies, they're setting themselves up for world domination. Self-driving cars, mapping the entire planet, google glass as a spy gadget, them buying Bostom Dynamics, etc. They are growing, expanding. They will buy more, to plant their evil into EVERYTHING they can, even if it seems like a great product." -- I doubt it'll go that far. There are people trying to keep privacy and such a thing.
#162011957Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:46 AM GMT

^ All of that is for "public safety" (note quotation marks) If only we all lived in a perfect utopia :(
#162012062Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:50 AM GMT

Theres a dominus behind you! Go look at the ad itrolled you
#162012096Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:52 AM GMT

>I'm not saying Apple doesn't sell any of your data or doesn't spy in any way shape or form, but where did you get sleeping specifically? - BUDDY THERES A REASON THERE'S SO MANY RECORDING DEVICES BUILT INTO AN IPHONE >I doubt it'll go that far. There are people trying to keep privacy and such a thing. - You can't keep your privacy no matter what. The Government is always there, too. People you know may post a little too much about you. You might get tempted by such fantastic websites. No matter what they get you. They already have you on a file, Number 2,760,575. Even if you barely use these things they'll find a way to get you. With this information they will know everything about you, and how to control you. Just to get more money. Welcome to capitalism. I'm not saying communism is good, either. The only way to win is to not exist.
#162012123Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:52 AM GMT

^ as i said, i wish we lived in a perfect utopia :(
#162012340Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:00 AM GMT

- BUDDY THERES A REASON THERE'S SO MANY RECORDING DEVICES BUILT INTO AN IPHONE Lessee... Accelerometer, check. Gyro, check. Selfie and normal cameras, check. Microphone, check. Noise-canceling microphone, check. Ambient light sensor, check (This one glows red; you can see it at night.) Fingerprint scanner, check. Nothing different from a droid, except for the fingerprint scanner. Does that mean my droid watches me sleep? o_O
#162012375Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:01 AM GMT

...skrew it. ima climb into my personal space-travel thing and go to the nearest utopia...
#162012417Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:03 AM GMT

Derp, nearly forgot the magnetometers!
#162012438Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:03 AM GMT

"BUDDY THERES A REASON THERE'S SO MANY RECORDING DEVICES BUILT INTO AN IPHONE" -- What would Apple gain from recording you sleep? Not a very big industry. -- "You can't keep your privacy no matter what. The Government is always there, too. People you know may post a little too much about you." -- They can't record EVERYTHING. They do have boundaries. And there are ways to keep your privacy. Not easy and not convenient, but possible. -- "You might get tempted by such fantastic websites. No matter what they get you. They already have you on a file, Number 2,760,575. Even if you barely use these things they'll find a way to get you. With this information they will know everything about you, and how to control you. Just to get more money." -- US Gov doesn't really earn money from collecting data.
#162012452Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:04 AM GMT

Aaaaaaand.... I just realized I'm a complete idiot, don't iphones have geiger counters made for 'em? Or scintillometers?
#162012457Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:04 AM GMT

anybody want to come with me to that utopia?
#162012488Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:05 AM GMT

>Accelerometer, check. Gyro, check. Selfie and normal cameras, check. Microphone, check. Noise-canceling microphone, check. Ambient light sensor, check (This one glows red; you can see it at night.) Fingerprint scanner, check. Nothing different from a droid, except for the fingerprint scanner. Does that mean my droid watches me sleep? o_O EVERYTHING WATCHES YOU SLEEP. Accelerometer + gyro tracks locations, eventually your home and job. Selfie cam photographs your face. say cheese. other camera takes a pic once again helps determine location. mic records conversation. fingerprints... thats obvious. THEY TRACKS THIS STUFF 24/7. You may think they dont care, you're just 1 of a billion. Well, once somebody DOES care, they have everything you do on file. After all, this generation is practically GLUED TO THEIR PHONE SCREENS.
#162012581Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:10 AM GMT

>They can't record EVERYTHING. They do have boundaries. And there are ways to keep your privacy. Not easy and not convenient, but possible. SR-71 blackbird. 1970s. A plane that even from the edge of space can photograph LICENSE PLATES PERFECTLY. WHAT ABOUT TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN HUH? WHAT COULD THEY HAVE IN THIS DAY AND AGE? They hide actual modern tech from us. They probably cured cancer but theyre hiding it to make money off of the suffering people. They have the iphone 562 in a room somewhere, they're gonna wait. Theyre gonna make the same phone with slight changes each year just to milk it, to us this technology is new, but really its outdated. YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW ADVANCED WE REALLY ARE AND WE'RE KEEPING IT HIDDEN FROM OURSELVES. >US Gov doesn't really earn money from collecting data. They know you're planning something, they'll have you scheduled to die in an "accident" or something like that This is probably how I.S.I.S. will be stopped.
#162012656Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:13 AM GMT

um...yeah...ill just...u know...be over at that utopia... I really feel like begging to make Earth a utopia
#162012668Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:14 AM GMT

but how did "roblox for apple watch" become a question about public safety and privacy?
#162012702Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:16 AM GMT

>but how did "roblox for apple watch" become a question about public safety and privacy? S&I is becoming OT now that I am here. lol im gonna travel back to 2012 and just go to OT.
#162033988Tuesday, May 12, 2015 8:41 PM GMT

honestly everyone in this thread is stupid except for rbxchris "Wait till the day the Apple Watch gets a hologram or something." apple is far from developing anything new or unique and holograms will be a gimmick anywho do you hear anything new about google glass that isn't year-old news? no, you didn't, and there's no guarantee that microsoft's augmented reality holograms will be any good "FINALLY SOMEONE WHO GETS IT." HEY NEWS FLASH, EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS THIS AND THIS KNOWLEDGE IS NOT UNIQUE TO YOU OR THE PERSON YOU WERE REPLYING TO "Google offers great search engines, but that's hiding the fact that they track every search, everything." everyone already knows how google ads work though??? personalized ads make them more money than random ads, obviously. it's not anything new by any stretch of the imagination, and all you have to do is read their ToS or something. you accept that when you use their products. you're not being forced to use their information. you can go disable your ads settings here and put the most miniscule dent in google's ad profits https://www.google.com/settings/ads "With the tech they buy from other companies, they're setting themselves up for world domination." because google totally doesn't have competitors and totally isn't doing the world a huge favor with self driving cars and google maps both of these move industries foward "NO I AM NOT A TINFOIL HAT CRAZY THIS WILL HAPPEN JUST WAIT AND SEE." you haven't even scratched the surface of tinfoil hats you're about as much as a conspiracy theorist as a government-hating suburban redneck is right now. "They probably cured cancer but theyre hiding it to make money off of the suffering people." oh yes, cures exist. cuba, for example, has been using a lung cancer treatment which made a commotion a few weeks ago, but they has a low chance of curing anything, is very expensive, and have yet to be tested to be safe. it hasn't been hidden, rather it has not been recognized as a potential cure by the US until recently, and what you said is a lie made up by fear-mongering media, mang the two flaws with this argument: you can find a million and one different types of cancer treatments being developed if you do the research the government the government isn't making the cures or anything at all really, private sector is fear-mongering media will never talk about cancer cures other than to scare people like you because that's the only way they can get viewers and ratings. it's not only a lie from media, but also the suburban government-hating redneck who likes spreading lies about the government as if they're some sort of vigilante. "They know you're planning something, they'll have you scheduled to die in an "accident" or something like that" oooh yeah i'd love for you to give me a case in america where this is a possibility "This is probably how I.S.I.S. will be stopped." you're stupid
#162035460Tuesday, May 12, 2015 9:01 PM GMT

GamePlay would DEFINITELY not be supported, as you can hardly load 70% of the games on a normal iPod

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